The PtAssetType provides the properties that are required for identifying assets of a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 18.
Table 18 – PtAssetType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the BaseObjectType defined in OPC 10000-5: OPC Unified Architecture |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
0:DefaultInstanceBrowseName |
0:QualifiedName |
0:PropertyType |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
IPtTagNameplateType |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
3:IMachineryItemVendorNameplateType |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
2:IDeviceHealthType |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
2:ISupportInfoType |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
4:IAssetRevisionType |
0:HasAddIn |
Object |
2:Identification |
3:MachineryComponentIdentificationType |
O |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:DeviceClass |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:DeviceManual |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:DeviceRevision |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:HardwareRevision |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:Manufacturer |
0:LocalizedText |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:ManufacturerUri |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:Model |
0:LocalizedText |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:ProductCode |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:ProductInstanceUri |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:RevisionCounter |
0:Int32 |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:SerialNumber |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:SoftwareRevision |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
3:InitialOperationDate |
0:DateTime |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
3:MonthOfConstruction |
0:Byte |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
3:YearOfConstruction |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:SoftwareReleaseDate |
0:DateTime |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:PatchIdentifiers |
0:String[] |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
Applied from IPtTagNameplateType |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:AssetId |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RW |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
2:ComponentName |
0:LocalizedText |
0:PropertyType |
O, RW |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
3:Location |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RW |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
Comment |
0:LocalizedText |
0:PropertyType |
O, RW |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
ContactInformation |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RW |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
Function |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RW |
Applied from IDeviceHealthType defined in OPC 10000-100: Device Integration |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
2:DeviceHealth |
2:DeviceHealthEnumeration |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
2:DeviceHealthAlarms |
0:FolderType |
O |
Applied from 4:IAssetRevisionType defined in OPC 10000-81: Information Model and Connecting Devices |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
4:MajorAssetVersion |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
O |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
4:MinorAssetVersion |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
O |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
4:BuildAssetNumber |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
O |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
4:SubBuildAssetNumber |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Method |
4:VerifyAsset |
Defined in 6.3.3 |
O |
Applied from ISupportInfoType defined in OPC 10000-100: Device Integration |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
2:DeviceTypeImage |
0:FolderType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
2:Documentation |
0:FolderType |
O, RW |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
2:DocumentationFiles |
0:FolderType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
2:ImageSet |
0:FolderType |
O, RW |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
2:ProtocolSupport |
0:FolderType |
O, RO |
Optionally addable CommonAttributesTypes |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
PtAmbientAttributes |
PtAmbientAttributesType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<PtAnalogInputElectricalAttributes> |
OP |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<PtAnalogOutputElectricalAttributes> |
OP |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
PtAuxiliarySupplyAttributes |
PtAuxiliarySupplyAttributesType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
PtCertificateAttributes |
PtCertificateAttributesType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
PtHardwareAttributes |
PtHardwareAttributesType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<PtDigitalInputElectricalAttributes> |
PtDigitalInputElectricalAttributesType |
OP |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<PtDigitalOutputElectricalAttributes> |
PtDigitalOutputElectricalAttributesType |
OP |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
PtMechanicalStrengthAttributes |
PtMechanicalStrengthAttributesType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
PtProtectionClassAttributes |
PtProtectionClassAttributesType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<PtStandardAttributes> |
PtStandardAttributesType |
OP |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
All common asset attributes types are defined and described within chapter 7.11.
Note to the optional property 2:DeviceClass applied from IMachineryItemVendorNameplateType defined in OPC 40001-1: OPC UA for Machinery: All asset types of this specification are defined as “Drive”. If a manufacturer creates its own subtype of PtAssetType to represent a component for which none of the defined subtypes of PtAssetType can be used, the new subtype should also use the DeviceClass “Drive”.
Note to the mandatory properties 2:Manufacturer and 2:SerialNumber: If there are assets where these values cannot be provided the use of a “empty string” is recommended.
The InstanceDeclarations of the subtypes of PtAssetType have a value for the DefaultInstanceBrowseName. The DefaultInstanceBrowseName value defines the recommended BrowseName for instances of the type. Instances use an additional enumeration (BrowseName_01) in the BrowseName. The extension of the BrowseName by XY starts with "01" for the first instance and should be continued accordingly for each further instance ("02", “03"......."10", etc.).
Table 19 – PtAssetType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
0:DefaultInstanceBrowseName |
PtAsset_01 |
PtAssetMotor_01 |
PtAssetMotorRotary_01 |
PtAssetMotorLinear_01 |
PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorRotary_01 |
PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorLinear_01 |
PtAssetGearMotorRotary_01 |
PtAssetGearMotorLinear_01 |
PtAssetDriveIntegratedGearMotorRotary_01 |
PtAssetDriveIntegratedGearMotorLinear_01 |
PtAssetEncoder_01 |
PtAssetEncoderRotary_01 |
PtAssetEncoderLinear_01 |
PtAssetBrake_01 |
PtAssetGear_01 |
PtAssetTemperatureSensor_01 |
PtAssetVibrationSensor_01 |
PtAssetEncoderInterfaceModule_01 |
PtAssetBleed_01 |
PtAssetElectricalBrakingModule_01 |
PtAssetDcBusModule_01 |
PtAssetInputConverter_01 |
PtAssetOutputConverter_01 |
PtAssetInputOutputConverter_01 |
PtAssetInputFilter_01 |
PtAssetInputReactor_01 |
PtAssetOutputFilter_01 |
PtAssetOutputReactor_01 |
PtAssetCommunicationModule_01 |
PtAssetControlModule_01 |
PtAssetIoModule_01 |
PtAssetSafetyModule_01 |
PtAssetCooling_01 |
PtAssetPrecharge_01 |
PtAssetMotorStarter_01 |
PtAssetDrive_01 |
PtAssetFrequencyConverter_01 |
PtAssetVariableSpeedDrive_01 |
PtAssetServoDrive_01 |
PtAssetContactor_01 |
PtAssetElectricOverloadRelay_01 |
PtAssetMotorStarter_01 |
PtAssetSoftStarter_01 |
PtAssetMotorManagementDevice_01 |
The IPtTagNameplateType is a subtype of the 3:IMachineTagNameplateType defined in OPC 40001-1. It adds additional properties. It is formally defined in Table 20.
Table 20 – IPtTagNameplateType InterfaceType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
IPtTagNameplateType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the 3:IMachineTagNameplateType defined in OPC 40001-1, i.e. inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
Comment |
0: LocalizedText |
0:PropertyType |
O, RW |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
ContactInformation |
0: LocalizedText |
0:PropertyType |
O, RW |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
Function |
0: LocalizedText |
0:PropertyType |
O, RW |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
The Comment property allows user to store any individual additional information.
The ContactInformation property allows the description of the contact point (role, name, department) for this managed asset.
The Function property allows for each device or module within a plant a unique label if necessary for the identification of its function or task.
The PtAssetMotorType describes a common base object type for a motor in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 21. The PtAssetMotorType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 21 – PtAssetMotorType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetMotorType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtBrakeAttributes |
PtBrakeAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtTemperatureSensorAttributes |
PtTemperatureSensorAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtVibrationSensorAttributes |
PtVibrationSensorAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtCoolingAttributes |
PtCoolingAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtBrakeAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.14.
PtTemperatureSensorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.15.
PtVibrationSensorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.16.
PtCoolingAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.8.
The PtAssetMotorRotaryType describes a rotary electrical motor in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 22. The PtAssetMotorRotaryType is a subtype of the PtAssetMotorType.
This type definition can be used to model different rotary motor variants. In these variants (e.g., a servomotor), the asset supports further functionalities such as encoder feedback or a brake in addition to the pure motor function.
Table 22 – PtAssetMotorRotaryType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetMotorRotaryType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetMotorType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtMotorRotaryAttributes |
PtMotorRotaryAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtMotorRotaryRatedAttributes> |
PtMotorRotaryRatedAttributesType |
MP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtEncoderRotaryAttributes> |
PtEncoderRotaryAttributesType |
OP |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtMotorRotaryAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.2.
<PtMotorRotaryRatedAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.8.5.
<PtEncoderRotaryAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.8.10.
The PtAssetMotorLinearType describes a linear electrical motor in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 23. The PtAssetMotorLinearType is a subtype of the PtAssetMotorType.
This type definition can be used to model different linear motor variants. In these variants (e.g., a servomotor), the asset supports further functionalities such as encoder feedback or a brake in addition to the pure motor function.
Table 23 – PtAssetMotorLinearType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetMotorLinearType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetMotorType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtMotorLinearAttributes |
PtMotorLinearAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtMotorLinearRatedAttributes> |
PtMotorLinearRatedAttributesType |
MP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtEncoderLinearAttributes> |
PtEncoderLinearAttributesType |
OP |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtMotorLinearAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.2.
<PtMotorLinearRatedAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.8.5.
<PtEncoderLinearAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.8.10.
The PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorRotaryType represents a rotary motor which has an inverter/drive integrated. It is formally defined in Table 24. The PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorRotaryType is a subtype of the PtAssetMotorRotaryType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes.
Table 24 – PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorRotaryType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorRotaryType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetMotorRotaryType defined in chapter 7.3.2 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtOutputConverterAttributes> |
PtOutputConverterAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputFilterAttributes |
PtInputFilterAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtReactorAttributes |
PtReactorAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputConverterAttributes |
PtInputConverterAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
<PtOutputConverterAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.9.6.
PtInputFilterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.7.
PtReactorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.5.
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.17.
PtInputConverterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.4.5.
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.7.
Note: The Input interface of the PtAssetMotorRotaryType is used to describe the connection to mains for the PtAssetIntegratedMotorRotaryType.
The PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorLinearType represents a rotary motor which has an inverter/drive integrated. It is formally defined in Table 25. The PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorLinearType is a subtype of the PtAssetMotorLinearType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes.
Table 25 – PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorLinearType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorLinearType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetMotorLinearType defined in chapter 7.3.2 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtOutputConverterAttributes> |
PtOutputConverterAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputFilterAttributes |
PtInputFilterAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtReactorAttributes |
PtReactorAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputConverterAttributes |
PtInputConverterAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
<PtOutputConverterAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.9.6.
PtInputFilterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.7.
PtReactorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.5.
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.17.
PtInputConverterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.4.5.
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.7.
Note: The Input interface of the PtAssetMotorLinearType is used to describe the connection to mains for the PtAssetIntegratedMotorLinearType.
The PtAssetGearMotorRotaryType describes a rotary gear motor in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 26. A rotary gear motor is a combination of a rotary motor and a gearbox in one asset. It is a subtype of the PtAssetMotorRotaryType with mandatory gear attributes.
Table 26 – PtAssetGearMotorRotaryType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetGearMotorRotaryType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetMotorRotaryType defined in chapter 7.3.2 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtGearAttributes |
PtGearAttributesType |
M |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtGearAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.8.
The PtAssetGearMotorLinearType describes a linear gear motor in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 27. A linear gear motor is a combination of a linear motor and a gearbox in one asset. It is a subtype of the PtAssetMotorLinearType with mandatory gear attributes.
Table 27 – PtAssetGearMotorLinearType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetGearMotorLinearType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetMotorLinearType defined in chapter 7.3.2 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtGearAttributes |
PtGearAttributesType |
M |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtGearAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.8.
The PtAssetDriveIntegratedGearMotorRotaryType represents a rotary gear motor which has an inverter/drive integrated. It is formally defined in Table 28. The PtAssetDriveIntegratedGearMotorRotaryType is a subtype of the PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorRotaryType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes.
Table 28 – PtAssetDriveIntegratedGearMotorRotaryType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetDriveIntegratedGearMotorRotaryType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorRotaryType defined in chapter 7.3.4 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtGearAttributes |
PtGearAttributesType |
M |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtGearAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.8.
Note: The Input interface of the PtAssetMotorRotaryType is used to describe the connection to mains for the PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorRotaryType
The PtAssetDriveIntegratedGearMotorLinearType represents a linear gear motor which has an inverter/drive integrated. It is formally defined in Table 28. The PtAssetDriveIntegratedGearMotorLinearType is a subtype of the PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorLinearType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes.
Table 29 – PtAssetDriveIntegratedGearMotorLinearType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetDriveIntegratedGearMotorLinearType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorLinearType defined in chapter 7.3.5 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtGearAttributes |
PtGearAttributesType |
M |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtGearAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.8.
Note: The Input interface of the PtAssetMotorLinearType is used to describe the connection to mains for the PtAssetDriveIntegratedMotorLinearType
The PtAssetEncoderType describes a base object type for an encoder as an electro-mechanical device that is operated in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 30. The PtAssetEncoderType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 30 – PtAssetEncoderType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetEncoderType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.13
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.17
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.7.
The PtAssetEncoderRotaryType describes a rotary encoder as an electro-mechanical device that is operated in a powertrain which converts the linear or angular position of a motion axis to output signals and is formally defined in Table 31. The PtAssetEncoderRotaryType is a subtype of the PtAssetEncoderType.
Table 31 – PtAssetEncoderRotaryType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetEncoderRotaryType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetEncoderType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtEncoderRotaryAttributes |
PtEncoderRotaryAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtEncoderRotaryAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.10.
The PtAssetEncoderLinearType describes a linear encoder as an electro-mechanical device that is operated in a powertrain which converts the linear or angular position of a motion axis to output signals and is formally defined in Table 32. The PtAssetEncoderLinearType is a subtype of the PtAssetEncoderType.
Table 32 – PtAssetEncoderLinearType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetEncoderLinearType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetEncoderType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtEncoderLinearAttributes |
PtEncoderLinearAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtEncoderLinearAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.11.
The PtAssetBrakeType describes a brake which is operated in a powertrain capable of reducing the rotor speed or stopping rotation of a motor and is formally defined in Table 33. The PtAssetBrakeType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes.
Table 33 – PtAssetBrakeType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetBrakeType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtBrakeAttributes |
PtBrakeAttributesType |
M |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtBrakeAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.14.
The PtAssetGearType describes a gear in a powertrain which transfers and transforms movements, energy and/or forces and is formally defined in Table 34. The PtAssetGearType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 34 – PtAssetGearType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetGearType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtGearAttributes |
PtGearAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtTemperatureSensorAttributes |
PtTemperatureSensorAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtVibrationSensorAttributes |
PtVibrationSensorAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtGearAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.8.
PtTemperatureSensorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.15.
PtVibrationSensorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.16.
The PtAssetTemperatureSensorType describes a device designed to respond to temperature providing an electrical signal or mechanical operation and that is operated in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 35. The PtAssetTemperatureSensorType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes.
Table 35 – PtAssetTemperatureSensorType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetTemperatureSensorType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtTemperatureSensorAttributes |
PtTemperatureSensorAttributesType |
M |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtTemperatureSensorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.15.
The PtAssetVibrationSensorType describes a device designed to detect any kind of vibrations and that is operated in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 36. The PtAssetVibrationSensorType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes.
Table 36 – PtAssetVibrationSensorType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetVibrationSensorType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtVibrationSensorAttributes |
PtVibrationSensorAttributesType |
M |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtVibrationSensorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.16.
The PtAssetEncoderInterfaceModuleType describes an encoder module that can be added to a drive in order to connect additional encoders to the drive and is formally defined in Table 37. The PtAssetEncoderInterfaceModuleType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 37 – PtAssetEncoderInterfaceModuleType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetEncoderInterfaceModuleType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType |
MP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.8.13.
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.17.
The PtAssetBleedType consumes surplus energy and dissipate that consumed energy in the form of heat and is formally defined in Table 38. Thereby the bleed resistor asset mainly consists out of a high power resistor while the control of the energy flow through the bleed resistor is outside the bleed resistor component (asset). The PtAssetBleedType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes.
Table 38 – PtAssetBleedType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetBleedType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtBleedAttributes |
PtBleedAttributesType |
M |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtBleedAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.1.
The PtAssetElectricalBrakingModuleType represents a specific module which is used for braking and is formally defined in Table 39. Thereby the electrical braking module asset typically contains a high-power resistor and additional electronics to control the energy flow through the resistor or for managing of the braking module. The PtAssetElectricalBrakingModuleType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 39 – PtAssetElectricalBrakingModuleType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetElectricalBrakingModuleType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtBleedAttributes |
PtBleedAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtCoolingAttributes |
PtCoolingAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtDcBusAttributes |
PtDcBusAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtBleedAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.1.
PtCoolingAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.8.
PtDcBusAttributes is formally defined in chapter 7.9.2.
The PtAssetDcBusModuleType describes a DC bus module and is formally defined in Table 40. The PtAssetDcBusModuleType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 40 – PtAssetDcBusModuleType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetDcBusModuleType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtDcBusAttributes |
PtDcBusAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtCapacitanceAttributes |
PtCapacitanceAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtDcBusAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.2.
PtCapacitanceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.3.
The PtAssetInputConverterType describes an input converter in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 41. The input converter transforms energy from the mains line into the converter DC bus and vice versa if the input converter supports regenerative power functionality. The PtAssetInputConverterType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 41 – PtAssetInputConverterType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetInputConverterType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputConverterAttributes |
PtInputConverterAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtInputInterfaceAttributes> |
PtInputInterfaceAttributesType |
MP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtFuseAttributes> |
PtFuseAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtCoolingAttributes> |
PtCoolingAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputFilterAttributes |
PtInputFilterAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtReactorAttributes |
PtReactorAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtDcBusAttributes |
PtDcBusAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtCapacitanceAttributes |
PtCapacitanceAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtBleedAttributes |
PtBleedAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtInputConverterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.4.
<PtInputInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.13.
<PtFuseAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.12.
<PtCoolingAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.8.
PtInputFilterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.7.
PtReactorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.5.
PtDcBusAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.2.
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.17.
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.7.
PtCapacitanceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.3.
PtBleedAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.1.
The PtAssetOutputConverterType describes an output converter (also known as inverter/drive) as component in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 42. The output converter transforms energy from the converter DC bus into the motor phase system and vice versa. The PtAssetOutputConverterType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 42 – PtAssetOutputConverterType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetOutputConverterType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtOutputConverterAttributes> |
PtOutputConverterAttributesType |
MP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtOutputInterfaceAttributes |
PtOutputInterfaceAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtDcBusAttributes |
PtDcBusAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtCoolingAttributes> |
PtCoolingAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtOutputFilterAttributes> |
PtOutputFilterAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtReactorAttributes |
PtReactorAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtFuseAttributes> |
PtFuseAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes> |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtCapacitanceAttributes |
PtCapacitanceAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
<PtOutputConverterAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.9.6.
PtOutputInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.14.
PtDcBusAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.2.
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.8.13.
<PtCoolingAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.8.
<PtOutputFilterAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.9.8.
PtReactorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.5.
<PtFuseAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.12.
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.17.
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.7.
PtCapacitanceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.3.
The PtAssetInputOutputConverterType describes an input converter combined with an output converter in one asset. This asset does not execute control functions such as position control, velocity control or torque control. These functions are typically executed by a separate control module. The PtAssetInputOutputConverterType is formally defined in Table 43. The PtAssetInputOutputConverterType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 43 – PtAssetInputOutputConverterType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetInputOutputConverterType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputConverterAttributes |
PtInputConverterAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtOutputConverterAttributes |
PtOutputConverterAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputInterfaceAttributes |
PtInputInterfaceAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtOutputInterfaceAttributes |
PtOutputInterfaceAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtDcBusAttributes |
PtDcBusAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputFilterAttributes |
PtInputFilterAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtOutputFilterAttributes |
PtOutputFilterAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtCoolingAttributes> |
PtCoolingAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtReactorAttributes> |
PtReactorAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtFuseAttributes> |
PtFuseAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes> |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtInputConverterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.4.
PtOutputConverterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.6.
PtInputInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.13.
PtOutputInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.14.
PtDcBusAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.2.
PtInputFilterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.7.
PtOutputFilterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.8.
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.8.12.
<PtCoolingAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.8.
<PtReactorAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.9.5.
<PtFuseAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.12.
<PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.17.
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.7.
The PtAssetInputFilterType describes an input filter in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 44. The input filter is intended to be placed on the mains side of the power drive system (PDS) in front of the converter or input converter. Its purpose is to suppress converter harmonics from entering the mains line. The PtAssetInputFilterType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 44 – PtAssetInputFilterType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetInputFilterType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputFilterAttributes |
PtInputFilterAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtReactorAttributes |
PtReactorAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputInterfaceAttributes |
PtInputInterfaceAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtInputFilterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.7.
PtReactorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.5.
PtInputInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.13.
The PtAssetInputReactorType describes an input filter realized just of a reactor and is formally defined in Table 45. The input reactor is intended to be placed on the mains side of the powertrain in front of the converter or input converter. Its purpose is to suppress converter harmonics from entering the mains line and support of the converter commutation. The PtAssetInputReactorType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 45 – PtAssetInputReactorType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetInputReactorType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtReactorAttributes |
PtReactorAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputInterfaceAttributes |
PtInputInterfaceAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtReactorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.5.
PtInputInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.13.
The PtAssetOutputFilterType describes an output filter in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 46. The output filter is intended to be placed on the motor side of the PTS, after the converter or output converter. Its purpose is to suppress converter harmonics from entering the motor. The PtAssetOutputFilterType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 46 – PtAssetOutputFilterType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetOutputFilterType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtOutputFilterAttributes |
PtOutputFilterAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtReactorAttributes |
PtReactorAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtOutputInterfaceAttributes |
PtOutputInterfaceAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtOutputFilterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.8.
PtReactorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.5.
PtOutputInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.14.
The PtAssetOutputReactorType describes an output reactor in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 47. The output reactor is intended to be placed on the motor side of the powertrain, after the converter or output converter. Its purpose is to suppress converter harmonics from entering the motor and to support the converter commutation. The PtAssetOutputReactorType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 47 – PtAssetOutputReactorType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetOutputReactorType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtReactorAttributes |
PtReactorAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtOutputInterfaceAttributes |
PtOutputInterfaceAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtReactorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.5.
PtOutputInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.14.
The PtAssetCommunicationModuleType describes a device as add-in part of an inverter/drive which holds fieldbus and/or Ethernet network communication functionality. In addition, it may also hold other electrical interfaces and is formally defined in Table 48. The PtAssetCommunicationModuleType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 48 – PtAssetCommunicationModuleType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetCommunicationModuleType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
MP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.7.
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.17.
The PtAssetControlModuleType describes a device as part of an inverter/drive which holds the control functionality and mostly is realized by a microcontroller system and is formally defined in Table 49. In addition, it may also hold some electrical interfaces. The PtAssetControlModuleType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 49 – PtAssetControlModuleType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetControlModuleType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.7.
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.17.
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.8.13.
The PtAssetIoModuleType describes a device as part of an inverter/drive which holds input/output (I/O) functionality and electrical interfaces like digital or analog inputs and is formally defined in Table 50. The PtAssetIoModuleType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 50 – PtAssetIoModuleType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetIoModuleType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.8.13.
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.17.
The PtAssetSafetyModuleType describes a device which holds drive based safety functionality e.g. safe torque off (STO), SS1 (safe stop 1) or SLS (safely limited speed) and is formally defined in Table 51. The module may also hold safety related electrical interfaces (IOs) for controlling and monitoring of the drive-based safety functions. The PtAssetSafetyModuleType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 51 – PtAssetSafetyModuleType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetSafetyModuleType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtFunctionalSafetyAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.17.
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.8.13.
The PtAssetCoolingType describes a device or component which is used as part of the power drive system (PDS) cooling system and is formally defined in Table 52. The PtAssetCoolingType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 52 – PtAssetCoolingType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetCoolingType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtCoolingAttributes> |
PtCoolingAttributesType |
MP |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
<PtCoolingAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.8.
The PtAssetPrechargeType controls initial charging of a DC bus. It may connect to the mains or it may connect to another voltage source used specifically for DC bus charging. The purpose of the pre-charge is to limit initial charging (inrush) currents to levels that all components can withstand. The PtAssetPrechargeType is formally defined in Table 53. The PtAssetPrechargeType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 53 – PtAssetPrechargeType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetPrechargeType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtPrechargeAttributes |
PtPrechargeAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputInterfaceAttributes |
PtInputInterfaceAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtCoolingAttributes |
PtCoolingAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtFuseAttributes> |
PtFuseAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtPrechargeAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.9.
PtInputInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.13.
PtCoolingAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.8.
<PtFuseAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.12.
<PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.7.
The PtAssetDriveType describes a drive in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 54. The PtAssetDriveType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 54 – PtAssetDriveType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetDriveType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.5.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtBleedAttributes |
PtBleedAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputConverterAttributes |
PtInputConverterAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtOutputConverterAttributes> |
PtOutputConverterAttributesType |
MP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputReactorAttributes |
PtReactorAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtOutputReactorAttributes> |
PtReactorAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputFilterAttributes |
PtInputFilterAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtOutputFilterAttributes> |
PtOutputFilterAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtInputInterfaceAttributes |
PtInputInterfaceAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtOutputInterfaceAttributes> |
PtOutputInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtSafetyFunctionsAttributes |
PtSafetyFunctionsAttributesType |
O |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtDcBusAttributes |
PtDcBusAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtBleedAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.1.
PtInputConverterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.4.5.
<PtOutputConverterAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.4.6.
PtInputReactorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.4.9.
<PtOutputReactorAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.4.11.
PtInputFilterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.4.8.
<PtOutputFilterAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.4.10.
PtInputInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.13.
<PtOutputInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.11.14.
PtSafetyFunctionsAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.18.
PtDcBusAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.9.2. Could be used for stand-alone servo drive (PtInputfilterAttributes) or for a distributed DC bus ServoDriveType (PtDcBusAttributes).
The PtAssetFrequencyConverterType describes the most general type of an inverter/drive. Its output might be fixed frequency phase currents or even DC. It is formally defined in Table 55. The PtAssetFrequencyConverterType is a subtype of the PtAssetDriveType and includes all its properties.
Table 55 – PtAssetFrequencyConverterType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetFrequencyConverterType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetDriveType defined in chapter 7.5.1 |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
The PtAssetVariableSpeedDriveType is an inverter/drive which can operate the motor at various speeds. It is formally defined in in Table 56. The PtAssetVariableSpeedDriveType is a subtype of the PtAssetDriveType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes.
Table 56 – PtAssetVariableSpeedDriveType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetVariableSpeedDriveType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetDriveType defined in chapter 7.5.2 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType |
OP |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.8.13.
The PtAssetServoDriveType is an inverter/drive which operates a motor in a closed loop configuration to feature high dynamics and accuracy. It is formally defined in Table 57. The PtAssetServoSpeedDriveType is a subtype of the PtAssetDriveType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes.
Table 57 – PtAssetServoDriveType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetServoDriveType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetDriveType defined in chapter 7.5.2 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType |
MP |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
<PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes> are formally defined in chapter 7.8.13.
The PtAssetContactorType describes a contactor as an electro-mechanical device that is operated in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 58. The PtAssetContactorType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes.
Table 58 – PtAssetContactorType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetContactorType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtContactorAttributes |
PtContactorAttributesType |
M |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtContactorAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.10.1.
The PtAssetElectronicOverloadRelayType describes an overload relay in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 59. The PtAssetElectronicOverloadRelayType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes.
Table 59 – PtAssetElectricOverloadRelayType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetElectricOverloadRelayType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtElectronicOverloadRelayAttributes |
PtElectronicOverloadRelayAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtElectronicOverloadRelayAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.10.2.
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.7.
The PtAssetMotorStarterType describes a motor starter in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 60. The PtAssetMotorStarterType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 60 – PtAssetMotorStarterType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetMotorStarterType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtMotorStarterAttributes |
PtMotorStarterAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtMotorStarterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.10.3.
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.7.
The PtAssetSoftStarterType describes a softstarter in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 61. The PtAssetSoftStarterType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 61 – PtAssetSoftStarterType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetSoftStarterType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtSoftStarterAttributes |
PtSoftStarterAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtSoftStarterAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.10.4.
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.7.
The PtAssetMotorManagementDeviceType describes a motor management device in a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 62. The PtAssetMotorManagementDeviceType is a subtype of the PtAssetType and therefore has mandatory identification attributes and optional asset attributes of PtCommonAssetAttributesType.
Table 62 – PtAssetMotorManagementDeviceType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetMotorManagementDeviceType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetType defined in chapter 7.1 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtMotorManagementDeviceAttributes |
PtMotorManagementDeviceAttributesType |
M |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes |
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributesType |
O |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtMotorManagementDeviceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.10.5.
PtCommunicationInterfaceAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.11.7.
The PtAssetAttributesType provides asset attributes to the respective asset in a modular manner and is formally defined in Table 63.
Table 63 – PtAssetAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtAssetAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
True |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the BaseObjectType defined in in OPC Unified Architecture OPC 10000-5 |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
0:DefaultInstanceBrowseName |
0:QualifiedName |
0:PropertyType |
Motor / Motor Components related asset attributes types are a subtype of PtAssetAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtMotorAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtMotorRatedAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtMotorDutyAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtGearAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtEncoderAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtEncoderInterfaceProtocolAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtBrakeAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtTemperatureSensorAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtVibrationSensorAttributesType |
Drive Components related asset attributes types are a subtype of PtAssetAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtBleedAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtDcBusAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtCapacitanceAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtInputConverterAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtReactorAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtOutputConverterAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtInputFilterAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtOutputFilterAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtPrechargeAttributesType |
Switchgear related asset attributes types are a subtype of PtAssetAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtContactorAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtElectronicOverloadRelayAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtMotorStarterAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtSoftStarterAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtMotorManagementDeviceAttributesType |
Common asset attributes type are a subtype of PtAssetAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtCommonAssetAttributesType |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Base System |
Powertrain Asset Identification |
Powertrain Asset Identification Writable Tag |
Powertrain Asset Attributes Types |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
The InstanceDeclarations of the subtypes of PtAssetAttributesType have a value for the DefaultInstanceBrowseName defined in Table 64. The DefaultInstanceBrowseName value defines the recommended BrowseName for instances of the type. Instances use an additional enumeration (BrowseName_01) in the BrowseName. The extension of the BrowseName by XY starts with "01" for the first instance and should be continued accordingly for each further instance ("02", “03"......."10", etc.). According to OPC 10000-3 – “AddIn model” the property DefaultInstanceBrowseName is only needed on type level.
Table 64 – PtAssetAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
0:DefaultInstanceBrowseName |
PtAssetAttribute_01 |
PtMotorAttributes_01 |
PtMotorRotaryAttributes_01 |
PtMotorLinearAttributes_01 |
PtMotorRatedAttributes_01 |
PtMotorRotaryRatedAttributes_01 |
PtMotorLinearRatedAttributes_01 |
PtMotorDutyAttributes_01 |
PtGearAttributes_01 |
PtEncoderAttributes_01 |
PtEncoderRotaryAttributes_01 |
PtEncoderLinearAttributes_01 |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributes_01 |
PtEncoderInterfaceProtocolAttributes_01 |
PtBrakeAttributes_01 |
PtTemperatureSensorAttributes_01 |
PtVibrationSensorAttributes_01 |
PtBleedAttributes_01 |
PtDcBusAttributes_01 |
PtCapacitanceAttributes_01 |
PtInputConverterAttributes_01 |
PtReactorAttributes_01 |
PtOutputConverterAttributes_01 |
PtInputFilterAttributes_01 |
PtOutputFilterAttributes_01 |
PtPrechargeAttributes_01 |
PtContactorAttributes_01 |
PtElectronicOverloadRelayAttributes_01 |
PtMotorStarterAttributes_01 |
PtSoftStarterAttributes_01 |
PtMotorManagementAttributes_01 |
The PtMotorAttributesType provides common asset attributes of a motor and is formally defined in Table 65.
Table 65 – PtMotorAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtMotorAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtMotorRotaryAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtMotorLinearAttributesType |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
MotorType provides which physical principle is used in the rotor design. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 66 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 66 – PtMotorAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value":0, "DisplayName":"ASYNCHRONOUS", "Description":"Asynchronous motor" }, { "Value":1, "DisplayName":"PM_AC_SYNCHRONOUS", "Description":"Permanent magnet synchronous motor" }, { "Value":2, "DisplayName":"PM_AC_SYNCHRONOUS_IRONLESS", "Description":"Permanent magnet synchronous motor ironless" }, { "Value":3, "DisplayName":"DC_BRUSHLESS", "Description":"Brushless DC motor" }, { "Value":4, "DisplayName":"DC_BRUSHED", "Description":"Brushed DC motor" }, { "Value":5, "DisplayName":"PM_STEPPER", "Description":"Permanent magnet stepper motor" }, { "Value":6, "DisplayName":"HYBRID_STEPPER", "Description":"Hybrid stepper motor" }, { "Value":7, "DisplayName":"SYNC_RELUCTANCE", "Description":"Synchronous reluctance motor" } ] |
The PtMotorRotaryAttributesType provides common asset attributes of a rotary motor and is formally defined in Table 67.
Table 67 – PtMotorRotaryAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtMotorRotaryAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtMotorAttributesType defined in chapter 7.8.1 |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
MotorPolePairs |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorInertia |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorBackEMF |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
MotorPolePairs provides the number of pole pairs of the fundamental magnetic field in the air gap generated by the stator winding. It is usable to calculate the speed over frequency.
MotorInertia provides the rotor moment of inertia of a rotational motor. The unit of this asset attribute shall be kilogram meter squared [kg m²].
MotorBackEMF provides the back electromotive force of a synchronous motor. It is the voltage induced by the air gap field in the stator winding related to the rotational speed. It is measured at the terminals. The unit of this asset attribute shall be volt per revolutions per minute [V/rpm].
The PtMotorLinearAttributesType provides common asset attributes of a linear motor and is formally defined in Table 68.
Table 68 – PtMotorLinearAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtMotorLinearAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtMotorAttributesType defined in chapter 7.8.1 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorPolePairPitch |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ForcerWeight |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorBackEMF |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
MotorPolePairPitch provides the distance between two successive magnetic poles of the linear motor. The unit of this asset attribute shall be millimeter [mm].
ForcerWeight provides the weight of the forcer (coil) of the linear motor. The unit of this asset attribute shall be kilogram [kg].
MotorBackEMF provides the back electromotive force of a synchronous motor. It is the voltage induced by the air gap field in the stator winding related to the rotational speed. It is measured at the terminals. The unit of this asset attribute shall be volt per meter per second [V/(m/s)].
The PtMotorRatedAttributesType provides common operation modes and related asset attributes of a base motor type and is formally defined in Table 69. These rated asset attributes provide a consistent asset attribute set for a specific operation point of a motor.
Table 69 – PtMotorRatedAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtMotorRatedAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtMotorRotaryRatedAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtMotorLinearRatedAttributesType |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
PtInputInterfaceAttributes |
PtInputInterfaceAttributesType |
M |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
PtMotorDutyAttributes |
PtMotorDutyAttributesType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorEfficiencyClass |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorCurrentContinuousStall |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorPowerRated |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorPowerFactor |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorWindingType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
IsCooled |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
O,RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtInputInterfaceAttributes is formally defined in chapter 7.11.13.
PtMotorDutyAttributes is formally defined in chapter 7.8.7.
MotorEfficiencyClass provides the efficiency class specified by the IEC 60034-1, IEC 60034-2 and IEC 61800-9-2. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 70 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
MotorCurrentContinuousStall provides the maximum continuous input current that occurs at stall torque and low speed without causing thermal damage. The unit shall be ampere [A].
MotorPowerRated provides the value of the output power specified by the manufacturer at which the motor can be operated continuously under normal conditions without damage or safety risks, or the power intended for normal operation. The unit shall be watt [W].
MotorPowerFactor provides the phase shift between voltage (RMS) and current (RMS), or the ratio of the amount of active power to the apparent power in the rated torque and speed operation point.
MotorWindingType provides how the three (or more) connections of the winding will be connected to the supporting grid. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 70 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 70 – PtMotorRatedAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value":0, "DisplayName":"IE1", "Description":"Standard Efficiency" }, { "Value":1, "DisplayName":"IE2", "Description":"High Efficiency" }, { "Value":2, "DisplayName":"IE3", "Description":"Premium Efficiency" }, { "Value":3, "DisplayName":"IE4", "Description":"Super Premium Efficiency" }, { "Value":4, "DisplayName":"IE5", "Description":"Ultra Premium Efficiency" }, { "Value":5, "DisplayName":"IES0", "Description":"Relative losses are higher than 20 % of the value defined by the RPDS" }, { "Value":6, "DisplayName":"IES1", "Description":"Relative losses are within ±20 % of the value defined by the RPDS" }, { "Value":7, "DisplayName":"IES2", "Description":"Relative losses are smaller than 20 % of the value defined by the RPDS" } ] |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "IE1", "Description": "Standard Efficiency" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "IE2", "Description": "High Efficiency" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "IE3", "Description": "Premium Efficiency" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "IE4", "Description": "Super Premium Efficiency" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "IE5", "Description": "Ultra Premium Efficiency" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "IES0", "Description": "Relative losses are higher than 20 % of the value defined by the RPDS" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "IES1", "Description": "Relative losses are within ±20 % of the value defined by the RPDS" }, { "Value": 7, "DisplayName": "IES2", "Description": "Relative losses are smaller than 20 % of the value defined by the RPDS" } ] |
IsCooled provides the information if a motor is cooled or not.
The PtMotorRotaryRatedAttributesType provides common operation modes and related asset attributes of a rotary motor and is formally defined in Table 71. These rated asset attributes provide a consistent asset attribute set for a specific operation point of a motor.
Table 71 – PtMotorRotaryRatedAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtMotorRotaryRatedAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtMotorRatedAttributesType defined in chapter 7.8.4 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorSpeedMax |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
M, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorSpeedRated |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorTorqueMax |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
M, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorTorqueRated |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorTorqueContinuousStall |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorTorqueConstant |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
MotorSpeedMax provides the highest supported speed of the motor shaft. A higher speed can damage the motor. The unit shall be revolutions per minute [rpm].
MotorSpeedRated provides the speed that occurs at rated voltage, rated frequency, and rated torque. The unit shall be revolutions per minute [rpm].
MotorTorqueMax provides the maximum supported short-term torque. The unit shall be newton meter [Nm].
MotorTorqueRated provides the torque at rated speed and rated voltage. The unit shall be newton meter [Nm].
MotorTorqueContinuousStall provides the maximum torque a motor can generate continuously at low speed without causing thermal damage. The unit shall be newton meter [Nm].
MotorTorqueConstant provides the ratio of torque to current. It is only usable in the linear range.
The PtMotorLinearRatedAttributesType provides common operation modes and related asset attributes of a linear motor and is formally defined in Table 72. These rated asset attributes provide a consistent asset attribute set for a specific operation point of a motor.
Table 72 – PtMotorLinearRatedAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtMotorLinearRatedAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtMotorRatedAttributesType defined in chapter 7.8.4 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorSpeedMax |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
M, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorSpeedRated |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorForceMax |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorForceRated |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorForceContinuousStall |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorForceConstant |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
MotorSpeedMax provides the highest supported speed of the motor shaft. A higher speed can damage the motor. The unit shall be meter per second [m/s].
MotorSpeedRated provides the speed that occurs at rated voltage, rated frequency, and rated torque. The unit shall be meter per second [m/s].
MotorForceMax provides the maximum supported short-term force. The unit shall be newton [N].
MotorForceRated provides the force at rated speed and rated voltage. The unit shall be newton [N].
MotorForceContinuousStall provides the maximum force a motor can generate continuously at low speed without causing thermal damage. The unit shall be newton [N].
MotorForceConstant provides the ratio of force to current. It is only usable in the linear range.
The PtMotorDutyAttributesType provides the rated operating mode of a motor and is formally defined in Table 73. It is a description of the load(s) to which the motor is subjected. The duty types are defined in the international standard IEC 60034-1.
In addition to the duty type, information such as the switching cycles per hour and the duty cycle is required to assess the suitability of a machine for an application.
Various PtMotorRatedAttributes variables, like MotorPowerRated, depend on the PtMotorDutyAttributes.
Table 73 – PtMotorDutyAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtMotorDutyAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
DutyType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
LoadProfile |
0:String[] |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
DutyType provides a rated operating mode of a motor. The duty types are defined in the international standard IEC 60034-1. Some of these duty types can specify the load profile in more detail by means of limit value specifications. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 74 and shall be used. Additional values will be added in the specification. Manufacturer-specific extensions are not foreseen.
Table 74 – PtMotorDutyAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "S1", "Description": "Continuous duty" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "S2", "Description": "Short-time duty" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "S3", "Description": "Intermittent periodic duty" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "S4", "Description": "Intermittent periodic duty with starting" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "S5", "Description": "Intermittent periodic duty with electric braking" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "S6", "Description": "Continuous operation with intermittent load" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "S7", "Description": "Continuous operation periodic duty with electric braking" }, { "Value": 7, "DisplayName": "S8", "Description": "Continuous operation with periodic changes in load and speed" }, { "Value": 8, "DisplayName": "S9", "Description": "Duty with non-periodic load and speed variations" }, { "Value": 9, "DisplayName": "S10", "Description": "Duty with discrete constant loads and speeds" } ] |
LoadProfile provides a description for a duty type specific load profile according to IEC 60034-1. The load profiles may be described in a string array e.g. for the duty type S8. Clients should be aware of this. Examples are mentioned in Table 75.
Table 75 – Examples of Duty Type Load Profiles
DutyType |
LoadProfile-Example |
LoadProfile -Description |
S1 |
Continuous duty |
S2 |
60 min |
Short-time duty |
S3 |
25 % |
Intermittent periodic duty |
S4 |
25 % Jm = 0,15 kg x m² Jext = 0,7 kg x m² |
Intermittent periodic duty with starting |
S5 |
25 % Jm = 0,15 kg x m² Jext = 0,7 kg x m² |
Intermittent periodic duty with electric braking |
S6 |
40 % |
Continuous operation with intermittent load |
S7 |
Jm = 0,15 kg x m² Jext = 0,7 kg x m² |
Continuous operation periodic duty with electric braking |
S8 |
Jm = 0,15 kg x m² Jext = 0,7 kg x m² 16 kW 740 min-1 30 % 40 kW 1460min-1 30 % 25 kW 980 min-1 40 % |
Continuous operation with periodic changes in load and speed |
S9 |
Duty with non-periodic load and speed variations |
S10 |
p/dt= 1,1/0,4; 1/0,3; 0,9/0,2; r/0,1 TL = 0,6 |
Duty with discrete constant loads and speeds |
The PtGearAttributesType provides information about the gear component of a powertrain and is formally defined in Table 76.
Table 76 – PtGearAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtGearAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
<GearRatio> |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
OP, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Backlash |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
TorsionalRigidity |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
GearInertia |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
TorqueRated |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
SpeedRated |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
AxialForceMax |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
<Efficiency> |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
OP, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
GearType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
LubricantType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
LubricantInterval |
0:Float |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
GearRatio is the ratio of the speed of rotation of the powered gear of a gear train to that of the final or driven gear. In most gear types the gear ratio is a constant value. However, gears exist where the ratio can be changed manually or automatically. To address all types of gears the variable GearRatio is defined as optional placeholder.
Backlash is the play between gear input and output shaft. The unit shall be arcminute [arcmin].
TorsionalRigidity is the torsional stiffness of the input shaft if the output shaft is fixed. The unit shall be newton meter/arcminute [Nm/arcmin].
GearInertia is the total inertia of the gearbox seen by the input shaft. The unit shall be kilogram/square centimeter [kg cm²].
TorqueRated is the output torque that the gearbox can deliver continuously. The unit shall be newton meter [Nm].
SpeedRated is the output speed that the gearbox can deliver continuously. The unit shall be revolutions per minute [rpm].
AxialForceMax is the maximum allowable axial force applied to the output shaft of the gearbox. The unit shall be newton [N].
<Efficiency> is the ratio of output to input power of the gear. The unit shall be percent [%].
GearType provides the type of gear. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 77 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 77 – PtGearAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "PLANETARY_GEAR", "Description": "Gearbox with planetary gears" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "WORM_GEAR", "Description": "Gearbox with worm gear" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "SPUR_GEAR", "Description": "Gearbox with spur gears" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "HARMONIC_DRIVE_GEAR", "Description": "Gearbox with harmonic drive gears" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "SYNCHRONOUS_BELT", "Description": "Gearbox with synchronous belt" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "V_BELT", "Description": "Gearbox with V-belt" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "RACK_AND_PINION", "Description": "Gearbox with rack and pinion" }, { "Value": 7, "DisplayName": "SPINDLE_BALLSCREW", "Description": "Gearbox with spindle and ball screw" }, { "Value": 8, "DisplayName": "SPINDLE_THREAD", "Description": "Gearbox with spindle and thread" } ] |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "OTHER", "Description": "Other viscosity grade" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_2", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 2" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_3", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 3" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_5", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 5" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_7", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 7" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_10", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 10" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_15", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 15" }, { "Value": 7, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_22", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 22" }, { "Value": 8, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_32", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 32" }, { "Value": 9, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_46", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 46" }, { "Value": 10, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_68", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 68" }, { "Value": 11, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_100", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 100" }, { "Value": 12, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_150", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 150" }, { "Value": 13, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_220", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 220" }, { "Value": 14, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_320", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 320" }, { "Value": 15, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_460", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 460" }, { "Value": 16, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_680", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 680" }, { "Value": 17, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_1000", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 1000" }, { "Value": 18, "DisplayName": "ISO_VG_1500", "Description": "International Organization for Standardization Viscosity Grade 1500" }, { "Value": 19, "DisplayName": "NLGI_000", "Description": "National Lubricating Grease Institute_Class 000" }, { "Value": 20, "DisplayName": "NLGI_00", "Description": "National Lubricating Grease Institute_Class 00" }, { "Value": 21, "DisplayName": "NLGI_0", "Description": "National Lubricating Grease Institute_Class 0" }, { "Value": 22, "DisplayName": "NLGI_1", "Description": "National Lubricating Grease Institute_Class 1" }, { "Value": 23, "DisplayName": "NLGI_2", "Description": "National Lubricating Grease Institute_Class 2" }, { "Value": 24, "DisplayName": "NLGI_3", "Description": "National Lubricating Grease Institute_Class 3" }, { "Value": 25, "DisplayName": "NLGI_4", "Description": "National Lubricating Grease Institute_Class 4" }, { "Value": 26, "DisplayName": "NLGI_5", "Description": "National Lubricating Grease Institute_Class 5" }, { "Value": 27, "DisplayName": "NLGI_6", "Description": "National Lubricating Grease Institute_Class 6" } ] |
LubricantType provides the type of gear lubricant. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 77 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
LubricantInterval is the nominal time interval between gear lubrication. The unit shall be days [days].
The PtEncoderAttributesType provides the common asset attributes of an encoder and is formally defined in Table 81.
Table 78 – PtEncoderAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtEncoderAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtEncoderRotaryAttributesType |
0:HasSubtype |
ObjectType |
PtEncoderLinearAttributesType |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
EncoderType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
EncoderTechnology |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
EncoderType provides the type of encoder. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 79 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 79 – PtEncoderAttributesType Attribute values for child
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "ROT_SINGLE_TURN", "Description": "Rotary absolute single-turn" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "ROT_MULTI_TURN", "Description": "Rotary absolute multi-turn" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "ROT_INCREMENTAL", "Description": "Rotary incremental" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "LINEAR_INCREMENTAL", "Description": "Linear incremental" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "LINEAR_ABSOLUTE", "Description": "Linear absolute" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "LINEAR_DIST_CODE", "Description": "Linear absolute distance coded" } ] |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "OPTICAL", "Description": "Optical encoder" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "MAGNETIC", "Description": "Magnetic encoder" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "INDUCTIVE", "Description": "Inductive encoder" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "CAPACITIVE", "Description": "Capacitive encoder" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "DRAW_WIRE", "Description": "Encoder with draw wire mechanics" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "MEASURING_WHEEL", "Description": "Encoder with measuring wheel mechanics" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "RESOLVER", "Description": "Resolver" } ] |
The value of the EncoderType have additional CDD entries which are defined in Table 80.
Table 80 – EncoderType CDD Entries
0:EnumValues |
Value ID CDD Entry |
EncoderTechnology provides types of encoder technology. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 79and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
The PtEncoderRotaryAttributesType provides the common asset attributes of an encoder and is formally defined in Table 81.
Table 81 – PtEncoderRotaryAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtEncoderRotaryAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtEncoderAttributesType defined in chapter 7.8.9 |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
FeedbackResolverPolePairNumber |
0:UInt32 |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
FeedbackResolverExcitationVoltage |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
FeedbackResolverExcitationFrequency |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
FeedbackResolverRatio |
0:Float |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
EncoderRotarySpeedMax |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ResolutionRotaryIncremental |
0:UInt32 |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ResolutionSingleturnAbsolute |
0:UInt32 |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ResolutionMultiturnAbsolute |
0:UInt32 |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
EncoderFlangeSize |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
EncoderFlangeType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
EncoderShaftType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
EncoderShaftSize |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
FeedbackResolverPolePairNumber provides the number of pole pairs of the resolver.
FeedbackResolverExcitationVoltage provides the information of the excitation voltage as magnitude of the conversion from polar to rectangular coordinates. The unit shall be volt [V].
FeedbackResolverExcitationFrequency provides the excitation frequency of the system. The unit shall be hertz [Hz].
FeedbackResolverRatio provides the transformation ratio of the resolver. It is the ratio of the output voltage to the input voltage when the output voltage is at maximum magnetic coupling. It is a numerical value.
EncoderRotarySpeedMax provides the maximum value for rotational speed. Unit shall be revolution per minute [1/min].
ResolutionRotaryIncremental provides the number of pulses generated per revolution. The unit shall be pulses per revolution [ppr].
ResolutionSingleturnAbsolute provides the number of discrete positions generated by the encoder as unique angular positions of the shaft within one revolution. For example, 12 bits resolution provide 4096 unique angular position values per revolution. It is a numerical integer value.
ResolutionMultiturnAbsolute provides the total number of revolutions defining the total absolute range of the encoder. For example, 12 bit counts up to 4096 revolutions. It is a numerical integer value.
EncoderFlangeSize indicates on a shaft encoder the mounting diameter of the encoder flange, on a hollow shaft encoder the dimension of the pitch circle / the distance from the fixing point to the shaft center.
EncoderFlangeType defines the mechanical design of the flange relevant for the fixing of the encoder in order to avoid that the encoder rotates with the application shaft. For encoder which do not need a mechanical fixing to the application shaft choose “contactless encoder”, this is commonly the case for kit-encoders or linear encoders. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 82 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 82 – PtEncoderRotaryAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "CONTACTLESS", "Description": "Contactless encoder" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "SYNCHRO", "Description": "Synchro flange" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "CLAMPING", "Description": "Clamping flange" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "HOLLOW_SHAFT", "Description": "Hollow shaft flange" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "BLIND_HOLLOW", "Description": "Blind hollow shaft flange" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "SERVO_FLANGE", "Description": "Centered flange mount" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "FACE_MOUNT", "Description": "Face mount with torque compensator" } ] |
Contactless encoder |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "THROUGH-HOLLOW", "Description": "Through hollow shaft type" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "BLIND-HOLLOW", "Description": "Blind hollow shaft type" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "TAPERED", "Description": "Tapered shaft type" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "STRAIGHT", "Description": "Straight shaft type" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "SOLID", "Description": "Solid shaft type" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "CONE", "Description": "Cone shaft type" } ] |
EncoderShaftType mechanical design to connect rotary encoder to a powertrain shaft. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 82shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
The 0:EnumValues for the EncoderShaftType have additional CDD entries references which are defined in Table 83.
Table 83 – EncoderShaftType CDD Entries
SourceBrowsePath |
TargetBrowsePath |
EncoderShaftSize provides the diameter value of the mounting shaft. The unit shall be millimeter [mm].
The PtEncoderLinearAttributesType provides the common asset attributes of an encoder and is formally defined in Table 84.
Table 84 – PtEncoderLinearAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtEncoderLinearAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtEncoderAttributesType defined in chapter 7.8.9 |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
ResolutionLinearIncremental |
0:UInt32 |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ResolutionLinearAbsolute |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
RangeLinear |
0:UInt32 |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
EncoderMounting |
0:Float |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
EncoderReadingDistance |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
EncoderSpeedLinearMax |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
ResolutionLinearIncremental provides the number of pulses generated per linear scale. The unit shall be [1/mm] (pulses per mm).
ResolutionLinearAbsolute provides the number of increments generated per absolute linear scale. Unit shall be [1/mm].
RangeLinear provides the total range of the usable linear scale. The unit shall be [mm].
EncoderMounting provides the distance between two fixing points for the reading head in [mm].
EncoderReadingDistance provides the distance between measure and the reading head in [mm].
EncoderSpeedLinearMax provides the information of the maximum linear encoder speed in [m/s].
The PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType provides the common asset attributes of the encoder interface. Those asset attributes describe the protocols and signals that the encoder interface supports. It is formally defined in Table 85.
Table 85 – PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
HasPtAttributes |
Object |
<PtEncoderInterfaceProtocolAttributes> |
PtEncoderInterfaceProtocolAttributesType |
OP, RO |
HasComponent |
Variable |
EncoderSignal |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtEncoderInterfaceProtocolAttributes are formally defined in chapter 7.8.13.
EncoderSignal provides encoder signal types for incremental information. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 86 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 86 – PtEncoderInterfaceAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "RS-422_5V_TTL", "Description": "RS-422 (TTL - transistor transistor logic), 5 V signal level" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "RS-422_5-30V", "Description": "RS-422 signal level depend from entry level 5 V to 30 V" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "SINCOS_1VPP", "Description": "SinCos, 1 Vss output level" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "RESOLVER", "Description": "Resolver signal" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "HTL_PUSH-PULL", "Description": "High threshold logic (HTL), typically voltage ranges from 5 to 30 VDC" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "RS-485", "Description": "RS-485, signal is transmitted over a Sig+ line and a Sig- line" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "RS-485_SINCOS", "Description": "RS-485, sin-/cos-signal" }, { "Value": 7, "DisplayName": "RS-485_HTL", "Description": "RS-485, high threshold logic (HTL) signal" }, { "Value": 8, "DisplayName": "RS-485_TTL", "Description": "RS-485, transistor transistor logic (TTL) signal" } ] |
The PtEncoderInterfaceProtocolAttributesType provides the common asset attributes of the encoder interface protocol and is formally defined in Table 87.
Table 87 – PtEncoderInterfaceProtocolAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtEncoderInterfaceProtocolAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
EncoderProtocol |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
EncoderProtocol provides the types of encoder protocols for absolute information and other digital data. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 88 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 88 – PtEncoderInterfaceProtocolAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ {"Value": 0, "DisplayName": "BISS_C", "Description": "BiSS interface continuous mode"}, {"Value": 1, "DisplayName": "ENDAT_2.1", "Description": "EnDat (encoder data), operating mode 2.1"}, {"Value": 2, "DisplayName": "ENDAT_2.2", "Description": "EnDat (encoder data), operating mode 2.2"}, {"Value": 3, "DisplayName": "ENDAT_3", "Description": "EnDat (encoder data), operating mode 3"}, {"Value": 4, "DisplayName": "HIPERFACE", "Description": "Hiperface"}, {"Value": 5, "DisplayName": "HIPERFACE_DSL", "Description": "Hiperface DSL (digital servo link)"}, {"Value": 6, "DisplayName": "SSI_BINARY", "Description": "Binary synchronous serial output (SSI)"}, {"Value": 7, "DisplayName": "SSI_GRAY_CODE", "Description": "Gray code synchronous serial output (SSI)"}, {"Value": 8, "DisplayName": "SCS_OPEN_LINK", "Description": "Single cable solution (open link)"}, {"Value": 9, "DisplayName": "DRIVE-CLIQ", "Description": "DRIVE-CLiQ"}, {"Value": 10, "DisplayName": "BISS_LINE", "Description": "BiSS Line"}, {"Value": 11, "DisplayName": "FANUC_37BIT_SERIAL_COMM", "Description": "Fanuc 37 bit serial interface"}, {"Value": 12, "DisplayName": "MITSUBISHI_40BIT_SERIAL_COMM", "Description": "Mitsubishi 40 bit serial interface"}, {"Value": 13, "DisplayName": "OMRON/PANASONIC_48BIT_SERIAL_COMM", "Description": "OMRON/Panasonic 48 bit serial interface"}, {"Value": 14, "DisplayName": "YASKAWA_36BIT_SERIAL_COMM", "Description": "Yaskawa 36 bit serial interface"} ] |
The PtBrakeAttributesType provides the common asset attributes of a brake and is formally defined in Table 89.
Table 89 – PtBrakeAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtBrakeAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
M, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeDesignType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
SafetyPropertySupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
B10dValue |
0:UInt32 |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakingEnergySingleEngagementMax |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeVoltageRated |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeAccelerationVoltage |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeHoldingVoltage |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeCurrentRated |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakePowerRated |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeTurnOnDelay |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeTurnOffDelayAC |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeTurnOffDelayDC |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
BrakeVoltageType |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeTurnOffType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
BrakingFrequencyOperation |
0:Int32 |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
BrakeRectifierType |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
BrakeInsulationClass |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeSurroundingAirTemperature |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
BrakeWireTerminalCount |
0:Int16 |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeTorqueRated |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeTorqueHolding |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeInertia |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
BrakeWearMaximum |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
BrakeEmergencySwitchOffCount |
0:Int16 |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
BrakeVibrationClass |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
BrakeProtectionMechanicalImpact |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
BrakeDutyType |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
BrakeCoolingMethod |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
BrakeType provides the design types of brake in a powertrain device. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 90 and shall be used. Additional values will be added in the specification. Manufacturer-specific extensions are not foreseen.
Table 90 – PtBrakeAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "STOPPING", "Description": "Stopping brake type" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "HOLDING", "Description": "Holding brake type" } ] |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "MAGNETIC", "Description": "Slow, prevent or stop the motion using electromagnetic force to apply friction" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "SPRING", "Description": "A spring continuously presses the friction brake against an armature and decreases, prevent or stop the motion" } ] |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "AC", "Description": "AC-operated brake" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "DC", "Description": "DC-operated brake" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "AC_DC", "Description": "AC- and DC-operated brake" } ] |
BrakeDesignType provides the design types of brake in a powertrain device. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 90and shall be used. Additional values will be added in the specification. Manufacturer-specific extensions are not foreseen.
SafetyPropertySupported provides the information if the brake is defined and used for functional safety applications.
B10dValue represents a similar quantity. According to ISO 13849-1, it indicates the number of switching cycles after which dangerous failures occur in 10 % of the units considered.
BrakingEnergySingleEngagementMax provides the maximum friction energy for a single brake cycle. The unit shall be joule [J].
BrakeVoltageRated provides the rated voltage of the brake. The unit shall be volt [V].
BrakeAccelerationVoltage provides the acceleration voltage of the brake in DC or AC. The unit shall be volt [V].
BrakeHoldingVoltage provides the holding voltage of the brake. The unit shall be volt [V].
BrakeCurrentRated provides the rated current of the brake. The unit shall be ampere [A].
BrakePowerRated provides the rated power of the brake. The unit shall be watt [W].
BrakeTurnOnDelay provides the time delay information until the brake turns on according to t2-time VDE 0580. The unit shall be second [s].
BrakeTurnOffDelayAC provides the time delay information until the brake turns off, according to t1 time VDE 0580, in case of slow/AC-side/free wheel diode switching off. The unit shall be second [s].
BrakeTurnOffDelayDC provides the time delay information until the brake turns off, according to t1 time VDE0580, in case of fast/DC side switching off. The unit shall be second [s].
BrakeVoltageType provides the information with which type of voltage the brake shall be operated.
BrakeTurnOffType provides types of operated brakes. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 90 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
BrakingFrequencyOperation provides the maximum cycles per hour with respect to heating caused by electrical power and friction power and energy. The unit shall be hertz [Hz].
BrakeRectifierType provides the information which rectifier type is used to convert an AC power supply to DC power.
BrakeInsulationClass provides the information to the isolation class of the brake.
BrakeSurroundingAirTemperature provides the information about the maximum surrounding air at the location of the brake. The unit shall be celsius [°C]
BrakeWireTerminalCount provides the number of wire terminals of the brake.
BrakeTorqueRated provides the rated torque of the brake. The unit shall be newton meter [Nm].
BrakeTorqueHolding provides the holding torque of the brake. The unit shall be newton meter [Nm].
BrakeInertia provides the mass moment of inertia of the brake. The unit shall be kilogram meter squared [kg m²].
BrakeWearMaximum provides information on the maximum wear. The unit shall be millimeter [mm].
BrakeEmergencySwitchOffCount provides information about the numbers of emergency stops with friction load.
BrakeVibrationClass provides the vibration class of the brake.
BrakeProtectionMechanicalImpact provides the IK code for Impact protection in accordance with the IEC 62262 standard.
BrakeDutyType provides the type of duty cycle of the brake, e.g. continuous (S1), short-time (S2) or intermittent (S3) operation.
BrakeCoolingMethod provides the information which cooling method is used to cool the brake.
The PtTemperatureSensorAttributesType provides the common asset attributes of a temperature sensor and is formally defined in Table 91.
Table 91 – PtTemperatureSensorAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtTemperatureSensorAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
TemperatureSensorTechnology |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
TemperatureSensorType |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O,RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Accuracy |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
TemperatureMin |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
M, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
TemperatureMax |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
M, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
TemperatureSensorTechnology provides the type of the temperature sensor. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 92 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 92 – PtTemperatureSensorAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "THERMOCOUPLE", "Description": "Thermocouple" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "TEMPERATURE_DEPENDENT_RESITANCE", "Description": "Temperature dependent resistance" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "KTY", "Description": "Semiconductor temperature tensor" } ] |
TemperatureSensorType provides the information of the used type of temperature sensor.
Accuracy at ambient temperature. The unit shall be celcius [°C].
TemperatureMin provides the minimum operating temperature of the sensor. The unit shall be celcius [°C].
TemperatureMax provides the maximum operating temperature of the sensor. The unit shall be celcius [°C].
The PtVibrationSensorAttributesType provides the common asset attributes of a vibration sensor and is formally defined in Table 93.
Table 93 – PtVibrationSensorAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtVibrationSensorAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MeasuringRange |
0:Range |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
M, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
FrequencyRange |
0:Range |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
M, RO |
HasComponent |
Variable |
DigitalInputElectricalType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
DigitalOutputElectricalType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
AnalogInputElectricalType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
AnalogOutputElectricalType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
OutputFunction |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Accuracy |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Linearity |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
OperatingVoltage |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Resolution |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
MeasuringRange provides the measurement range between the minimum and maximum value. The unit shall be millimeters per square second [mm/s2].
FrequencyRange provides the frequency range between the minimum and maximum value. The unit shall be hertz [Hz].
DigitalInputElectricalType describes the supported digital electrical type of the sensor input. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 94 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 94 – PtVibrationSensorAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "TTL", "Description": "Transistor-transistor logic (0..5 V)" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "HTL", "Description": "High threshold logic (0..24 V)" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "PNP", "Description": "PNP transistor type" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "NPN", "Description": "NPN transistor type" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "CONFIGURABLE", "Description": "Configurable" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "PULSE_TRAIN", "Description": "Pulse train" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "RELAY", "Description": "Electromechanical relay" } ] |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "TTL", "Description": "Transistor-transistor logic (0..5 V)" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "HTL", "Description": "High threshold logic (0..24 V)" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "PNP", "Description": "PNP transistor type" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "NPN", "Description": "NPN transistor type" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "CONFIGURABLE", "Description": "Configurable" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "PULSE_TRAIN", "Description": "Pulse train" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "RELAY", "Description": "Electromechanical relay" } ] |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "VOLTAGE_0-10V", "Description": "Voltage range 0-10 volt" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "VOLTAGE_-10-10V", "Description": "Voltage range -10-10 volt" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "CURRENT_0-20MA", "Description": "Current range 0-20 milliampere" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "CURRENT_4-20MA", "Description": "Current range 4-20 milliampere" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "TEMPERATURE_PT1000", "Description": "PT1000 temperature sensor" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "TEMPERATURE_PT100", "Description": "PT100 temperature sensor" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "TEMPERATURE_KTY", "Description": "KTY temperature sensor" }, { "Value": 7, "DisplayName": "TEMPERATURE_KTY84", "Description": "KTY84 temperature sensor" }, { "Value": 8, "DisplayName": "TEMPERATURE_PTC", "Description": "PTC temperature sensor" }, { "Value": 9, "DisplayName": "VOLTAGE", "Description": "Other voltage interface" }, { "Value": 10, "DisplayName": "CURRENT", "Description": "Other current interface" }, { "Value": 11, "DisplayName": "TEMPERATURE", "Description": "Other temperature interface" }, { "Value": 12, "DisplayName": "CONFIGURABLE", "Description": "Configurable" } ] |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "VOLTAGE_0-10V", "Description": "Voltage range 0-10 volt" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "VOLTAGE_-10-10V", "Description": "Voltage range -10-10 volt" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "CURRENT_0-20MA", "Description": "Current range 0-20 milliampere" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "CURRENT_4-20MA", "Description": "Current range 4-20 milliampere" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "TEMPERATURE_PT1000", "Description": "PT1000 temperature sensor" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "TEMPERATURE_PT100", "Description": "PT100 temperature sensor" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "TEMPERATURE_KTY", "Description": "KTY temperature sensor" }, { "Value": 7, "DisplayName": "TEMPERATURE_KTY84", "Description": "KTY84 temperature sensor" }, { "Value": 8, "DisplayName": "TEMPERATURE_PTC", "Description": "PTC temperature sensor" }, { "Value": 9, "DisplayName": "VOLTAGE", "Description": "Other voltage interface" }, { "Value": 10, "DisplayName": "CURRENT", "Description": "Other current interface" }, { "Value": 11, "DisplayName": "TEMPERATURE", "Description": "Other temperature interface" }, { "Value": 12, "DisplayName": "CONFIGURABLE", "Description": "Configurable" } ] |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "ACTIVE_OPEN", "Description": "Active function signal by open output" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "ACTIVE_CLOSED", "Description": "Active function signal by closed output" } ] |
DigitalOutputElectricalType describes the supported digital electrical type of the sensor output. he values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 94and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
AnalogInputElectricalType describes the supported analog electrical type of the sensor input. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 94and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
AnalogOutputElectricalType describes the supported analog electrical type of the sensor output. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 94 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
OutputFunction provides if the output is normally open or normally closed. he values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 94and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Accuracy provides the accuracy of the measured acceleration value. The unit shall be millimeters per square second [mm/s2].
Linearity provides an expression of the extent to which the actual measured curve of the vibration sensor departs from the ideal curve. The unit shall be percent [%].
OperatingVoltage specifies the operating voltage range of the vibration sensor. The unit shall be volt [V].
Resolution of the sensor with regards to voltage output in relationship to acceleration input. The unit shall be millivolts per meters per square second [mV/mm/s2].
The attributes of the PtVibrationSensorAttributesType have additional sub-attributes which are defined in Table 95.
Table 95 – PtVibrationSensorAttributesType additional subattributes
BrowsePath |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
MeasuringRange |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
0:EngineeringUnits |
EUInformation |
0:PropertyType |
M |
FrequencyRange |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
0:EngineeringUnits |
EUInformation |
0:PropertyType |
M |
The PtBleedAttributesType provides rating information about the bleeder resistor and is formally defined in Table 96.
Table 96 – PtBleedAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtBleedAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
<ResistanceValue> |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
OP, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
PowerRated |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
M, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
<ResistanceValue> represents the rated value of the resistance of the resistor device. The unit shall be ohm [Ω].
PowerRated represents the rated power for the braking resistor. The unit shall be kilowatts [kW].
The PtDcBusAttributesType provides basic information about the DC bus and is formally defined in Table 97.
Table 97 – PtDcBusAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtDcBusAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
<DcBusVoltageRated> |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
OP, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
DcBusVoltageRange |
0:Range |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
M, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
<DcBusVoltageRated> is the rated voltage value of the DC bus. The unit shall be volt [V].
DcBusVoltageRange is a range value which describes the voltage range supported by the DC bus. Supported means the range in which the asset can operate/is designed for. Min/Max voltage that electrical components can handle. The unit shall be volt [V].
The attributes of the PtDcBusAttributesType have additional sub-attributes which are defined in Table 98.
Table 98 – PtDcBusAttributesType additional sub-attributes
BrowsePath |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
DcBusVoltageRange |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
0:EngineeringUnits |
EUInformation |
0: PropertyType |
M |
The PtCapacitanceAttributesType provides basic information about the capacitance and is formally defined in Table 99.
Table 99 – PtCapacitanceAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtCapacitanceAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Capacitance |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
M, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
Capacitance is the ability of a component or circuit to collect and store energy in the form of an electrical charge. The unit shall be farads [F].
The PtInputConverterAttributesType describes basic information for the input converter of a drive. This converts three-phase AC current or direct current to direct current for the intermediate DC link of the drive and is formally defined in Table 100.
Table 100 – PtInputConverterAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtInputConverterAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
PowerFactorCorrection |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
<PwmSwitchingFrequency> |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
OP, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
EfficiencyClass |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
InputConverterType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
M, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
RegenerativePowerRated |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
RegenerativeFeedbackSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PowerFactorCorrection for the input converter is an information about the capability of the input converter of having a power factor correction.
<PwmSwitchingFrequency> is the switching frequency of the active input converter. The unit shall be hertz [Hz].
EfficiencyClass contains a description of the input converter efficiency after elimination of the losses. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 101 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 101 – PtInputConverterAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "IE1", "Description": "Standard Efficiency" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "IE2", "Description": "High Efficiency" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "IE3", "Description": "Premium Efficiency" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "IE4", "Description": "Super Premium Efficiency" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "IE5", "Description": "Ultra Premium Efficiency" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "IES0", "Description": "Relative losses are higher than 20 % of the value defined by the RPDS" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "IES1", "Description": "Relative losses are within ±20 % of the value defined by the RPDS" }, { "Value": 7, "DisplayName": "IES2", "Description": "Relative losses are smaller than 20 % of the value defined by the RPDS" } ] |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "AC/DC_PASSIVE", "Description": "Passive AC/DC converter" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "AC/DC_ACTIVE", "Description": "Active AC/DC converter" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "DC/DC", "Description": "DC/DC converter" } ] |
InputConverterType provides the inputs converter type. he values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 94 and shall be used. Additional values will be added in the specification. Manufacturer-specific extensions are not foreseen.
RegenerativePowerRated contains the value of the nominal regenerative power in kVA units.
RegenerativeFeedbackSupported contains the expression of the fact that the input converter is regenerative or not.
The PtReactorAttributesType describes the asset attributes of a reactor which is typically used in powertrains for the suppression of harmonics and support of commutation and is formally defined in Table 102.
Table 102 – PtReactorAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtReactorAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Inductance |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
M, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
Inductance is a parameter of the inductor. The unit shall be henry [H].
The PtOutputConverterAttributesType describes an information model for the output converter of a drive. This element changes direct electric current to single-phase or polyphase alternating current for controlling a motor or for another frequency converting reason (e.g. for usage in another power supply) and is formally defined in Table 103.
Table 103 – PtOutputConverterAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtOutputConverterAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
<PwmSwitchingFrequency> |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
MP, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
EfficiencyClass |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
<PwmSwitchingFrequency> is the switching (between on and off) frequency of the load (power, current, voltage) sent to the motor, by using a Power Width Modulation mechanism. The unit shall be hertz [Hz].
EfficiencyClass contains a description of the input converter efficiency after elimination of the losses. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 104 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 104 – PtOutputConverterAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "IE1", "Description": "Standard Efficiency" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "IE2", "Description": "High Efficiency" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "IE3", "Description": "Premium Efficiency" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "IE4", "Description": "Super Premium Efficiency" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "IE5", "Description": "Ultra Premium Efficiency" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "IES0", "Description": "Relative losses are higher than 20 % of the value defined by the RPDS" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "IES1", "Description": "Relative losses are within ±20 % of the value defined by the RPDS" }, { "Value": 7, "DisplayName": "IES2", "Description": "Relative losses are smaller than 20 % of the value defined by the RPDS" } ] |
The PtInputFilterAttributesType provides typical asset attributes for line filter functionality and is formally defined in Table 105.
Table 105 – PtInputFilterAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtInputFilterAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
LineFilterPowerLoss |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
LineFilterEmcCategory |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
LineFilterEmcClass |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
LineFilterEmcGroup |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
LineFilterPowerLoss contains the power loss for a 50 Hz line operated with rated current/power. The unit shall be watt [W].
LineFilterEmcCategory refers to the installation of the filter in one of the equipment categories specified by the IEC/EN 61800-3. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 106 and shall be used. Additional values will be added in the specification. Manufacturer-specific extensions are not foreseen.
Table 106 – PtInputFilterAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "OTHER", "Description": "Other" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "CATEGORY_C1", "Description": "Installed in an equipment of rated voltage less than 1000 V, intended for use in residential premises and establishments directly connected without intermediate transformers to a low-voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for residential purposes" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "CATEGORY_C2", "Description": "Installed in an equipment of rated voltage less than 1000 V, which is neither a plug-in device nor a movable device and, when used as described for Category C1, is intended to be installed and commissioned only by a professional" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "CATEGORY_C3", "Description": "Installed in an equipment of rated voltage less than 1000 V, intended for use in establishments other than those directly connected to a low voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for residential purposes" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "CATEGORY_C4", "Description": "Installed in an equipment of rated voltage equal to or above 1000 V, or rated current equal to or above 400 A, or intended for use in complex systems (in Industrial areas or technical areas of any building)" } ] |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "CLASS_A", "Description": "Installed in an equipment suitable for use in all locations other than those allocated in residential environments and those directly connected to a low voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "CLASS_B", "Description": "Installed in an equipment suitable for use in locations in residential environments and in establishments directly connected to a low voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes" } ] |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "OTHER", "Description": "Other group" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "GROUP_1", "Description": "Installed in an equipment which is not covered by the one referred to in group 2" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "GROUP_2", "Description": "Installed in an equipment in which radio-frequency energy in the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz is intentionally generated and used or only used locally, in the form of electromagnetic radiation, inductive and/or capacitive coupling, for the treatment of material, for inspection/analysis purposes, or for transfer of electromagnetic energy" } ] |
LineFilterEmcClass refers to the installation of the filter in one of the equipment classes specified by the EN 55011. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 106 and shall be used. Additional values will be added in the specification. Manufacturer-specific extensions are not foreseen.
LineFilterEmcGroup refers to the installation of the filter in one of the equipment groups specified by the EN 55011. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 106 and shall be used. Additional values will be added in the specification. Manufacturer-specific extensions are not foreseen.
The PtOutputFilterAttributesType provides typical asset attributes for load-side filter functionality and is formally defined in Table 107.
Table 107 – PtOutputFilterAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtOutputFilterAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
OutputFilterType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
M, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
OutputFilterPowerLoss |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
OutputFilterType provides the type of output filter in a powertrain. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 108 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 108 – PtOutputFilterAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "SINE_WAVE_FILTER", "Description": "Component is a sine-wave filter" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "DV_DT_FILTER", "Description": "Component is a dv/dt filter" } ] |
OutputFilterPowerLoss contains the power loss for the filter operated with rated current/power. The unit shall be watt [W].
The PtPrechargeAttributesType provides the attributes describing a pre-charge asset and is formally defined in Table 109.
Table 109 – PtPrechargeAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtPrechargeAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
PreChargeType |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
M, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
PreChargeTime |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O,RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
PreChargeTimeout |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O,RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
PrechargeThreshold |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O,RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
PreChargeMaximumCapacitance |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O,RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
PreChargeCycleTimeLimit |
0:Float |
0:AnalogUnitType |
O,RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PreChargeType defines if the pre-charge applies to AC or DC voltages. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 110 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 110 – PtPrechargeAttributesType Attribute values for child Nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "AC/DC", "Description": "AC input, DC output" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "DC/DC", "Description": "DC input, DC output" } ] |
PreChargeTime is the time required to increase pre-charge output voltage from zero to the PreChargeThreshold with a load of PreChargeMaximumCapacitance. The unit shall be seconds [s].
PreChargeThreshold is the pre-charge output voltage where the pre-charge function stops. The unit shall be volts [V].
PreChargeTimeout is the time limit of the pre-charge operation. The pre-charge starts operating when it detects an applied voltage and stops operating after this time regardless of the DC bus voltage. The unit shall be seconds [s].
PreChargeMaximumCapacitance is the maximum DC bus capacitance that can safely be charged and discharged over the PreChargeCycleTimeLimit time. The unit shall be farads [F].
PreChargeCycleTimeLimit is the minimum time period between making connections to the charging source. This time limit may be an average over some longer time period. The unit shall be seconds [s].
Note: The object definitions for PtCapacitanceAttributes differ from the capacitance defined here.
The PtContactorAttributesType provides the common asset attributes of a contactor and is formally defined in Table 111. Additional attributes can be found in IEC CDD 62683DB.
Table 111 – PtContactorAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtContactorAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
OperationalCurrentAC3At400VRated |
0:Float |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
NumberofMainContactsNO |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
ControlVoltageAC50HzRangeRated |
0:Range |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
NumberofAuxiliaryContactsNO |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
NumberofAuxiliaryContactsNC |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
All PtContactorAttributesType properties are described in IEC CDD.
The properties of the PtContactorAttributesType have additional references which are defined in Table 112.
Table 112 – PtContactorAttributesType Additional References
SourceBrowsePath |
Reference Type |
Is Forward |
TargetBrowsePath |
OperationalCurrentAC3At400VRated |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
NumberofMainContactsNO |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
ControlVoltageAC50HzRangeRated |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
NumberofAuxiliaryContactsNO |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
NumberofAuxiliaryContactsNC |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
The PtElectronicOverloadRelayAttributesType provides the common asset attributes of a contactor and is formally defined in Table 113. Additional attributes can be found in IEC Common Data Dictionary (CDD) 62683DB.
Table 113 – PtElectronicOverloadRelayAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtElectronicOverloadRelayAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
OverloadCurrentSettingRange |
0:Range |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
TripClass |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
VoltageRated |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
NumberofAuxiliaryContactsNC |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
PhaseLossSensitiveSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
JamDetectionSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
StallDetectionSuported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
GroundEarthFaultDetectionSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
TripClass provides the classification for thermal protective devices regarding the value of the maximum tripping time in seconds. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 114 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 114 – PtElectronicOverloadRelayAttributesType values for child nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "CLASS_2E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 2E" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "CLASS_3E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 3E" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "CLASS_5", "Description": "Thermal protection class 5" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "CLASS_5E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 5E" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "CLASS_10", "Description": "Thermal protection class 10" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "CLASS_10A", "Description": "Thermal protection class 10A" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "CLASS_10E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 10E" }, { "Value": 7, "DisplayName": "CLASS_20", "Description": "Thermal protection class 20" }, { "Value": 8, "DisplayName": "CLASS_20E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 20E" }, { "Value": 9, "DisplayName": "CLASS_30", "Description": "Thermal protection class 30" }, { "Value": 10, "DisplayName": "CLASS_30E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 30E" }, { "Value": 11, "DisplayName": "CLASS_40E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 40E" } ] |
The 0:EnumValues of the TripClass have additional CDD entries which are defined in Table 125.
Table 115 – TripClass CDD entries
0:EnumValues |
CDD entries |
CLASS_10 |
CLASS_20 |
CLASS_30 |
All other PtElectronicOverloadRelayAttributesType properties are described in IEC Common Data Dictionary (CDD).
The properties of the PtElectronicOverloadRelayAttributesType have additional references which are defined in Table 116.
Table 116 – PtElectronicOverloadRelayAttributesType Additional References
SourceBrowsePath |
Reference Type |
Is Forward |
TargetBrowsePath |
OverloadCurrentSettingRange |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
TripClass |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
VoltageRated |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
NumberofAuxiliaryContactsNC |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
PhaseLossSensitiveSupported |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
JamDetectionSupported |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
StallDetectionSuported |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
GroundEarthFaultDetectionSupported |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
The PtMotorStarterAttributesType provides the common asset attributes of a motor starter and is formally defined in Table 117. Additional attributes can be found in IEC CDD 62683DB.
Table 117 – PtMotorStarterAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtMotorStarterAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
OverloadCurrentSettingRange |
0:Range |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
TripClass |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
OperationalCurrentAC3At400VRated |
0:Float |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
NumberofMainContactsNO |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
ControlVoltageAC50HzRangeRated |
0:Range |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
NumberofAuxiliaryContactsNO |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
NumberofAuxiliaryContactsNC |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
TripClass provides the classification for thermal protective devices regarding the value of the maximum tripping time in seconds. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 118 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 118 – PtMotorStarterAttributesType Values for child nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "CLASS_2E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 2E" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "CLASS_3E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 3E" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "CLASS_5", "Description": "Thermal protection class 5" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "CLASS_5E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 5E" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "CLASS_10", "Description": "Thermal protection class 10" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "CLASS_10A", "Description": "Thermal protection class 10A" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "CLASS_10E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 10E" }, { "Value": 7, "DisplayName": "CLASS_20", "Description": "Thermal protection class 20" }, { "Value": 8, "DisplayName": "CLASS_20E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 20E" }, { "Value": 9, "DisplayName": "CLASS_30", "Description": "Thermal protection class 30" }, { "Value": 10, "DisplayName": "CLASS_30E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 30E" }, { "Value": 11, "DisplayName": "CLASS_40E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 40E" } ] |
The 0:EnumValues of the TripClass have additional references to the CDD which are defined in Table 119.
Table 119 – TripClass CDD entries
EnumValue |
CDD Entry |
CLASS_10 |
CLASS_20 |
CLASS_30 |
All other PtMotorStarterAttributesType properties are descripted in IEC Common Data Dictionary (CDD).
The properties of the PtMotorStarterAttributesType have additional references which are defined in Table 120.
Table 120 – PtMotorStarterAttributesType Additional References
SourceBrowsePath |
Reference Type |
Is Forward |
TargetBrowsePath |
OverloadCurrentSettingRange |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
TripClass |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
OperationalCurrentAC3At400VRated |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
NumberofMainContactsNO |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
ControlVoltageAC50HzRangeRated |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
NumberofAuxiliaryContactsNO |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
NumberofAuxiliaryContactsNC |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
The PtSoftStarterAttributesType provides the common asset attributes of a soft-starter and is formally defined in Table 121. Additional attributes can be found in IEC CDD 62683DB.
Table 121 – PtSoftStarterAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtSoftStarterAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
IntegratedByPassSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
OperationalCurrent40CRated |
0:Float |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
OperationalVoltageRangeRated |
0:Range |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
MotorOverloadProtectionIntegrated |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
PtSoftStarterAttributesType properties are descripted in IEC Common Data Dictionary (CDD).
The properties of the PtMotorStarterAttributesType have additional references which are defined in Table 122.
Table 122 – PtSoftStarterAttributesType Additional References
SourceBrowsePath |
Reference Type |
Is Forward |
TargetBrowsePath |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
The PtMotorManagementDeviceAttributesType provides the common asset attributes of a motor management device and is formally defined in Table 123. Additional attributes can be found in IEC CDD 62683DB.
Table 123 – PtMotorManagmentDeviceAttributesType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
PtMotorManagementDeviceAttributesType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the PtAssetAttributesType defined in chapter 7.7 |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
OverloadCurrentSettingRange |
0:Range |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
TripClass |
0:UInt16 |
0:MultiStateValueDiscreteType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
PhaseLossSensitiveSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
JamDetectionSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
StallDetectionSuported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
GroundEarthFaultDetectionSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
LoadSheddingSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
OverUnderCurrentDetectionSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
OverUnderVoltageDetectionSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
CurrentImbalanceDetectionSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
PhaseReversalDetectionSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
CosPhiVariationDetectionSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
VoltageMonitoringSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
UnderPowerDetectionSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
NumberOfPtcThermistorInputs |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
NumberOfAnalogInputs |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
NumberOfDigitalOutputs |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
NumberOfDigitalInputs |
0:UInt16 |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
ControlVoltageAC50HzRangeRated |
0:Range |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
HMIPortSupported |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
Conformance Units |
Powertrain Attributes Information |
TripClass provides the classification for thermal protective devices regarding the value of the maximum tripping time in seconds. The values of the MultiStateValueDiscreteType variable are defined in Table 124 and shall be used. The values 0-199 are reserved for future extensions of this specification. The values 200-299 shall be used for vendor-specific extensions of this variable.
Table 124 – PtMotorManagementDeviceAttributesType values for child nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Description Attribute |
[ { "Value": 0, "DisplayName": "CLASS_2E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 2E" }, { "Value": 1, "DisplayName": "CLASS_3E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 3E" }, { "Value": 2, "DisplayName": "CLASS_5", "Description": "Thermal protection class 5" }, { "Value": 3, "DisplayName": "CLASS_5E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 5E" }, { "Value": 4, "DisplayName": "CLASS_10", "Description": "Thermal protection class 10" }, { "Value": 5, "DisplayName": "CLASS_10A", "Description": "Thermal protection class 10A" }, { "Value": 6, "DisplayName": "CLASS_10E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 10E" }, { "Value": 7, "DisplayName": "CLASS_20", "Description": "Thermal protection class 20" }, { "Value": 8, "DisplayName": "CLASS_20E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 20E" }, { "Value": 9, "DisplayName": "CLASS_30", "Description": "Thermal protection class 30" }, { "Value": 10, "DisplayName": "CLASS_30E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 30E" }, { "Value": 11, "DisplayName": "CLASS_40E", "Description": "Thermal protection class 40E" } ] |
The 0:EnumValues of the TripClass have additional CDD entries which are defined in Table 125.
Table 125 – TripClass CDD entries
0:EnumValues |
CDD entries |
CLASS_10 |
CLASS_20 |
CLASS_30 |
All other PtMotorManagementDeviceAttributesType properties are descripted in IEC Common Data Dictionary (CDD). The properties of the PtMotorManagementDeviceType have additional references which are defined in Table 126.
Table 126 – PtMotorManagementDeviceAttributesType Additional References
SourceBrowsePath |
Reference Type |
Is Forward |
TargetBrowsePath |
OverloadCurrentSettingRange |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
TripClass |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
PhaseLossSensitiveSupported |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
JamDetectionSupported |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
StallDetectionSuported |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
GroundEarthFaultDetectionSupported |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |
LoadSheddingSupported |
0:HasDictionaryEntry |
0:True |