TemperatureMin provides the supported minimum temperature value of an asset. The unit shall be celsius [°C].
TemperatureMax provides the supported maximum temperature value of an asset. The unit shall be celsius [°C] without derating.
HumidityMin provides supported minimum humidity value of an asset without condensation conforming to IEC 61800-5-1. The unit shall be percent [%].
HumidityMax provides supported maximum humidity value of an asset without condensation conforming to IEC 61800-5-1. The unit shall be percent [%].
PressureMin indicates the minimum pressure value for which the asset is designed. The unit shall be pascal [PA].
PressureMax indicates the maximum pressure value for which the asset is designed. The unit shall be pascal [PA].
AltitudeMax indicates the maximum altitude value above sea level for which the asset is designed. The unit shall be meter [m] without derating.