OPC 10000-3: UA Part 3: Address Space Model
Released 1.05.04
This document is subject to the license terms described here.
The general OPC Foundation specification license agreement also applies and can be found here.
This document is a copy of the original which can be found here.
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, abbreviations and conventions
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.1.1 DataType
3.1.2 DataTypeId
3.1.3 DataVariable
3.1.4 EventType
3.1.5 Hierarchical Reference
3.1.6 InstanceDeclaration
3.1.7 ModellingRule
3.1.8 Property
3.1.9 SourceNode
3.1.10 TargetNode
3.1.11 TypeDefinitionNode
3.1.12 VariableType
3.1.13 AddIn
3.1.14 Interface
3.2 Abbreviated terms
3.3 Conventions
3.3.1 Conventions for AddressSpace figures
3.3.2 Conventions for defining NodeClasses
4 AddressSpace concepts
4.1 Overview
4.2 URIs
4.3 Object Model
4.4 Node Model
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 NodeClasses
4.4.3 Attributes
4.4.4 References
4.5 Variables
4.5.1 General
4.5.2 Properties
4.5.3 DataVariables
4.6 TypeDefinitionNodes
4.6.1 General
4.6.2 Complex TypeDefinitionNodes and their InstanceDeclarations
4.6.3 Subtyping
4.6.4 Instantiation of complex TypeDefinitionNodes
4.7 Event Model
4.7.1 General
4.7.2 EventTypes
4.7.3 Event Categorization
4.8 Methods
4.9 Roles
4.9.1 Overview
4.9.2 Well Known Roles
4.9.3 Evaluating Permissions with Roles
4.10 Interfaces and AddIns for Objects
4.10.1 Overview
4.10.2 Interface Model
4.10.3 AddIn model
5 Standard NodeClasses
5.1 Overview
5.2 Base NodeClass
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 NodeId
5.2.3 NodeClass
5.2.4 BrowseName
5.2.5 DisplayName
5.2.6 Description
5.2.7 WriteMask
5.2.8 UserWriteMask
5.2.9 RolePermissions
5.2.10 UserRolePermissions
5.2.11 AccessRestrictions
5.3 ReferenceType NodeClass
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Attributes
5.3.3 References General HasProperty References HasSubtype References
5.4 View NodeClass
5.5 Objects
5.5.1 Object NodeClass
5.5.2 ObjectType NodeClass
5.5.3 Standard ObjectType FolderType
5.5.4 Client-side creation of Objects of an ObjectType
5.6 Variables
5.6.1 General
5.6.2 Variable NodeClass
5.6.3 Properties
5.6.4 DataVariable
5.6.5 VariableType NodeClass
5.6.6 Client-side creation of Variables of an VariableType
5.7 Methods
5.7.1 Method NodeClass
5.7.2 HasArgumentDescription ReferenceType
5.7.3 HasOptionalInputArgumentDescription ReferenceType
5.8 DataTypes
5.8.1 DataType Model
5.8.2 Encoding Rules for different kinds of DataTypes
5.8.3 DataType NodeClass
5.8.4 DataTypeEncoding and Encoding Information
5.9 Summary of Attributes of the NodeClasses
6 Type Model for ObjectTypes and VariableTypes
6.1 Overview
6.2 Definitions
6.2.1 InstanceDeclaration
6.2.2 Instances without ModellingRules
6.2.3 InstanceDeclarationHierarchy
6.2.4 Similar Node of InstanceDeclaration
6.2.5 BrowsePath
6.2.6 BrowseName within a TypeDefinitionNode
6.2.7 Attribute Handling of InstanceDeclarations
6.2.8 Attribute Handling of Variable and VariableTypes
6.2.9 NodeIds of InstanceDeclarations
6.3 Subtyping of ObjectTypes and VariableTypes
6.3.1 Overview
6.3.2 Attributes
6.3.3 InstanceDeclarations Overview Fully-inherited InstanceDeclarationHierarchy Overriding InstanceDeclarations
6.4 Instances of ObjectTypes and VariableTypes
6.4.1 Overview
6.4.2 Creating an Instance
6.4.3 Constraints on an Instance
6.4.4 ModellingRules General Subtyping Rules for Properties of ModellingRules Instantiation Rules for Properties of ModellingRules Standard ModellingRules Mandatory Optional ExposesItsArray OptionalPlaceholder MandatoryPlaceholder
6.5 Changing Type Definitions that are already used
7 Standard ReferenceTypes
7.1 General
7.2 References ReferenceType
7.3 HierarchicalReferences ReferenceType
7.4 NonHierarchicalReferences ReferenceType
7.5 HasChild ReferenceType
7.6 Aggregates ReferenceType
7.7 HasComponent ReferenceType
7.8 HasProperty ReferenceType
7.9 HasOrderedComponent ReferenceType
7.10 HasSubtype ReferenceType
7.11 Organizes ReferenceType
7.12 HasModellingRule ReferenceType
7.13 HasTypeDefinition ReferenceType
7.14 HasEncoding ReferenceType
7.15 GeneratesEvent
7.16 AlwaysGeneratesEvent
7.17 HasEventSource
7.18 HasNotifier
7.19 HasInterface ReferenceType
7.20 HasAddIn ReferenceType
7.21 IsDeprecated ReferenceType
7.22 HasStructuredComponent ReferenceType
7.22.1 Overview
7.22.2 Differences between HasStructuredComponent and ExposesItsArray
7.23 AssociatedWith ReferenceType
8 Standard DataTypes
8.1 General
8.2 NodeId
8.2.1 General
8.2.2 NamespaceIndex
8.2.3 IdType
8.2.4 Identifier value
8.3 QualifiedName
8.4 LocaleId
8.5 LocalizedText
8.5.1 Type Definition
8.5.2 Special locales Type Defintion Multiple language locale Substitutable text locale
8.6 Argument
8.7 BaseDataType
8.8 Boolean
8.9 Byte
8.10 ByteString
8.11 DateTime
8.12 Double
8.13 Duration
8.14 Enumeration
8.15 Float
8.16 Guid
8.17 Sbyte
8.18 IdType
8.19 Image
8.20 ImageBMP
8.21 ImageGIF
8.22 ImageJPG
8.23 ImagePNG
8.24 Integer
8.25 Int16
8.26 Int32
8.27 Int64
8.28 TimeZoneDataType
8.29 NodeClass
8.30 Number
8.31 String
8.32 Structure
8.33 UInteger
8.34 UInt16
8.35 UIint32
8.36 UIint64
8.37 UtcTime
8.38 XmlElement
8.39 EnumValueType
8.40 OptionSet
8.41 Union
8.42 DateString
8.43 DecimalString
8.44 DurationString
8.45 NormalizedString
8.46 TimeString
8.47 DataTypeDefinition
8.48 StructureDefinition
8.49 StructureType
8.50 EnumDefinition
8.51 StructureField
8.52 EnumField
8.53 AudioDataType
8.54 Decimal
8.55 PermissionType
8.56 AccessRestrictionType
8.57 AccessLevelType
8.58 AccessLevelExType
8.59 EventNotifierType
8.60 AttributeWriteMask
8.61 CurrencyUnitType
9 Standard EventTypes
9.1 General
9.2 BaseEventType
9.3 SystemEventType
9.4 ProgressEventType
9.5 AuditEventType
9.6 AuditSecurityEventType
9.7 AuditChannelEventType
9.8 AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType
9.9 AuditSessionEventType
9.10 AuditCreateSessionEventType
9.11 AuditUrlMismatchEventType
9.12 AuditActivateSessionEventType
9.13 AuditCancelEventType
9.14 AuditCertificateEventType
9.15 AuditCertificateDataMismatchEventType
9.16 AuditCertificateExpiredEventType
9.17 AuditCertificateInvalidEventType
9.18 AuditCertificateUntrustedEventType
9.19 AuditCertificateRevokedEventType
9.20 AuditCertificateMismatchEventType
9.21 AuditNodeManagementEventType
9.22 AuditAddNodesEventType
9.23 AuditDeleteNodesEventType
9.24 AuditAddReferencesEventType
9.25 AuditDeleteReferencesEventType
9.26 AuditUpdateEventType
9.27 AuditWriteUpdateEventType
9.28 AuditHistoryUpdateEventType
9.29 AuditUpdateMethodEventType
9.30 DeviceFailureEventType
9.31 SystemStatusChangeEventType
9.32 ModelChangeEvents
9.32.1 General
9.32.2 NodeVersion Property
9.32.4 Event compression
9.32.5 BaseModelChangeEventType
9.32.6 GeneralModelChangeEventType
9.32.7 Guidelines for ModelChangeEvents
9.33 SemanticChangeEventType
9.33.1 General
9.33.2 ViewVersion and NodeVersion Properties
9.33.4 Event compression
Annex A (informative)How to use the Address Space Model
A.1 Overview
A.2 Type definitions
A.3 ObjectTypes
A.4 VariableTypes
A.4.1 General
A.4.2 Properties or DataVariables
A.4.3 Many Variables and / or Structured DataTypes
A.5 Views
A.6 Methods
A.7 Defining ReferenceTypes
A.8 Defining ModellingRules
Annex B (informative)OPC UA Meta Model in UML
B.1 Background
B.2 Notation
B.3 Meta Model
B.3.1 Base
B.3.2 ReferenceType
B.3.3 Predefined ReferenceTypes
B.3.4 Attributes
B.3.5 Object and ObjectType
B.3.6 EventNotifier
B.3.7 Variable and VariableType
B.3.8 Method
B.3.9 DataType
B.3.10 View
Annex C (normative)Graphical notation
C.1 General
C.2 Notation
C.2.1 Overview
C.2.2 Simple notation
C.2.3 Extended notation