The HasStructuredComponent ReferenceType is a concrete ReferenceType and can be used directly. It is a subtype of the HasComponent ReferenceType.

The semantic of this ReferenceType is to indicate that a VariableType or Variable also exposes its Structure fields or Array elements as Variables in the information model.

The SourceNode of this ReferenceType shall be a VariableType or a Variable having a Structure DataType.

When the Value of the SourceNode is a scalar then the TargetNode shall be a Variable which represents a field of the Structure DataType. The BrowseName of a DataVariable which is exposed shall be the same as the field name of the Structure DataType. The NamespaceIndex of the BrowseName shall be the same as the NamespaceIndex of the Structure DataType which first defines the field. The exposed fields shall be the same DataType and ValueRank as the field in the Structure. The Value is expected to represent the value of the Structure’s field.

When the Value of the SourceNode is an array then the BrowseName of the TargetNode shall be <V[N]> where ‘V’ is the BrowseName of the Parent Node and ‘N’ shall be the array index number. The NamespaceIndex of the BrowseName shall be the same as the NamespaceIndex of the DataType which first defines the field. For multidimensional arrays the BrowseName shall be <V[M][N][…]>. The Value is expected to represent the value of the array index which the BrowseName describes. An example of this is shown in Figure 36. In this example ‘MyStructuredVariable’ has a Structure DataType with 2 fields, ‘FieldX’ and ‘FieldY’ and an array size of 2.


Figure 36 – Example of using HasStructuredComponent ReferencyType