


NodeId ns=1;i=1077
NodeClass ObjectType
BrowseName 1:MaterialLocationType
DisplayName MaterialLocationType
Description The MaterialLocationType ObjectType describes locations where material is stored around a machine module. Examples of such locations are the designated areas on the floor where materials are delivered for consumption or where material produced by the machine is waiting to be collected. When the location where the material is stored is integral part of the mechanics or control of the machine, the location shall be modelled as a MaterialStorageBuffer.
BaseType 0:BaseObjectType
IsAbstract False
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 1:CanReceive 0:PropertyType 0:Boolean M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:CanSend 0:PropertyType 0:Boolean M
0:HasComponent Object 1:Carriers 0:FolderType M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:ID 0:PropertyType 0:String M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:MES_ID 0:PropertyType 0:String M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:State 0:PropertyType 1:StateEnumeration O
0:HasComponent Object 1:StateMachine 1:TMCStateMachineType O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:Sublots 0:BaseDataVariableType 1:MaterialSublotType[] M
0:HasComponent Object 1:UIInfo 1:UIInformationType O