ID |
0:String |
Unique identifier for the material sublot in the underlying system. |
0:String |
The unique identifier for the material sublot in higher level systems. |
MaterialLot |
1:MaterialLotType |
The material lot the sublot belongs to. |
MaterialStorageLocationID |
0:String |
Unique identifier for the location where the material is
produced/stored. |
Quantity |
0:Double |
The quantity of the sublot in the base unit of measure defined in the
MaterialDefinition. |
CarrierID |
0:String |
Yes |
The ID of the carrier holding the sublot, for example the bobbin core
fitted with an RFID. If the sublot is not contained in any carrier, then
the CarrierID is NULL. |
RelativePositionID |
0:String |
Yes |
The unique identifier of the relative position of the sublot in the
carrier identified by CarrierID. If CarrierID is NULL, then the string is
empty. |
ParentSublotID |
0:String |
Yes |
The parent sublot ID is the unique identifier of the material sublot
that contains the sublot structure in question. If the sublot is not
contained in any sublot, then the ParentSublotID is NULL. |
Sublots |
1:MaterialSublotType[] |
Yes |
The material sublots contained in the material sublot in question. |