


NodeId ns=1;i=3012
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:MaterialLotType
DisplayName MaterialLotType
Description The MaterialLotType structure contains the material lot information. It is harmonised with ISA 95 Material Lot.
BaseType 0:Structure
IsAbstract False
Field Name Data Type Is Optional Description
ID 0:String Unique identifier for the material lot in the underlying system.
MES_ID 0:String The unique identifier for the material lot in higher level systems. In some production contexts the material lot is called a batch.
Description 0:LocalizedText Description of the material lot.
MaterialDefinition 1:MaterialDefinitionType The material definition of the material lot.
Status 1:MaterialStockStatusEnumeration The stock status of the material lot.
ProductionDate 0:UtcTime The date and time when the material lot was produced.
BestUsedBeforeDate 0:UtcTime Yes The last date the material lot can be used. It is computed adding the material definition shelf life to the production date.
Properties 1:DataValueType[] Yes An array containing additional properties that can be additionally required for the material lot.