


NodeId ns=1;i=1074
NodeClass ObjectType
BrowseName 1:CarrierType
DisplayName CarrierType
Description The CarrierType ObjectType provides a description for a uniquely identified reusable carrier. Examples of CarrierType implementations are AGVs, trays with RFIDs, IBCs with RFIDs, bins with permanent bar codes.
BaseType 0:BaseObjectType
IsAbstract False
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasComponent Object 1:Data 0:FolderType O
0:HasComponent Method 1:EndSubCarrierLoading M
0:HasComponent Method 1:EndSubCarrierUnloading M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:FormFactor 0:PropertyType 0:String M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:ID 0:PropertyType 0:String M
0:HasComponent Method 1:LoadSubCarrier M
0:HasComponent Method 1:LoadSublots M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:MES_ID 0:PropertyType 0:String M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:ParentCarrierID 0:PropertyType 0:String M
0:HasComponent Method 1:StartSubCarrierLoading M
0:HasComponent Method 1:StartSubCarrierUnloading M
0:HasComponent Object 1:SubCarriers 0:FolderType O
0:HasComponent Variable 1:Sublots 0:BaseDataVariableType 1:MaterialSublotType[] O
0:HasComponent Method 1:UnloadSubCarrier M
0:HasComponent Method 1:UnloadSublots M