The structure of the Profiles and Conformance Units is based on the Profiles of the machine tools and is shown in Figure 25. All servers need to implement the basic profile which can be extended with additional facets.
Figure 25 – Overview of the Profiles and Conformance Unit
Table 56 defines the corresponding ConformanceUnits for the OPC UA Information for GMS.
Table 56 – Conformance Units for Geometric Measurement Systems
Category |
Title |
Description |
Server |
GMS QualifiedToolLife |
Within ToolLife of every instance of a SensorType, at least one ToolLifeEntry has to be provided. The value has the BrowseName "Qualified" and indicates the remaining time (Indication=Time) the tool is qualified. The value of the Property IsCountingUp is "False". |
Server |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) GMSType. The GMSType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) GMSType has to include all mandatory components of the GMSType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS MultiSensorType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) MultiSensorType. The MultiSensorType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) MultiSensorType has to include all mandatory components of the MultiSensorType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS SensorType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) SensorType. The SensorType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) SensorType has to include all mandatory components of the SensorType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS LoadingMonitoringType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) LoadingMonitoringType. The LoadingMonitoringType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) LoadingMonitoringType has to include all mandatory components of the LoadingMonitoringType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS ToolMonitoringType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) ToolMonitoringType. The ToolMonitoringType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) ToolMonitoringType has to include all mandatory components of the ToolMonitoringType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS GMSEquipmentType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) GMSEquipmentType. The GMSEquipmentType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) GMSEquipmentType has to include all mandatory components of the GMSEquipmentType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS GMSIdentificationType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) GMSIdentificationType. The GMSIdentificationType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) GMSIdentificationType has to include all mandatory components of the GMSIdentificationType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS GMSMonitoringType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) GMSMonitoringType. The GMSMonitoringType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) GMSMonitoringType has to include all mandatory components of the GMSMonitoringType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS GMSJobType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) GMSJobType. The GMSJobType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) GMSJobType has to include all mandatory components of the GMSJobType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS GMSPartType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) GMSPartType. The GMSPartType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) GMSPartType has to include all mandatory components of the GMSPartType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS CalibrationPrognosisType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) CalibrationPrognosisType. The CalibrationPrognosisType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) CalibrationPrognosisType has to include all mandatory components of the CalibrationPrognosisType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS ResultManagementType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) ResultManagementType. The ResultManagementType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) ResultManagementType has to include all mandatory components of the ResultManagementType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS CorrectionType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) CorrectionType. The CorrectionType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) CorrectionType has to include all mandatory components of the CorrectionType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS ResultType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) ResultType. The ResultType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) ResultType has to include all mandatory components of the ResultType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS RotaryTableType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) RotaryTableType. The RotaryTableType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) RotaryTableType has to include all mandatory components of the RotaryTableType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS SensorExchangeRackType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) SensorExchangeRackType. The SensorExchangeRackType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) SensorExchangeRackType has to include all mandatory components of the SensorExchangeRackType may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS TipExchangeRackType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) TipExchangeRackType. The TipExchangeRackType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) TipExchangeRackType has to include all mandatory components of the TipExchangeRackType and may include the optional components. |
Server |
GMS CharacteristicType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) CharacteristicType. The CharacteristicType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) CharacteristicType has to include all mandatory components of the CharacteristicType and may include the optional components.
Server |
GMS SensorWarningEventType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) SensorWarningEventType. The SensorWarningEventType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) SensorWarningEventType has to include all mandatory components of the SensorWarningEventType and may include the optional components. Events of the (subtypesof) SensorWarningEventType are generated by the server. |
Server |
GMS IntermediateResultEventType |
The Server supports nodes that conform to the (subtypes of) IntermediateResultEventType. The IntermediateResultEventType node itself is available in the AddressSpace. Every instance of the (subtypes of) IntermediateResultEventType has to include all mandatory components of the IntermediateResultEventType and may include the optional components. Events of the (subtypesof) IntermediateResultEventType are generated by the server. |
Table 57 lists all Profiles defined in this document and defines their URIs.
Table 57 – Profile URIs for GMS
Profile |
GMS Basic Server Profile | |
GMS Basic Secure Server Profile | |
GMS Monitoring Server Facet | |
GMS Tools Server Facet | |
GMS Tool Life Server Facet | |
GMS Production Server Facet | |
GMS Errors and Alerts Server Facet | |
GMS Prognoses Server Facet |
GMS Result Server Facet |
The following sections specify the Facets available for Servers that implement the OPC UA for Geometric Measurement Systems. Each section defines and describes a Facet or Profile.
Table 58 defines a Profile that describes the minimum required content and address space functionality any GMS server shall at least provide.
Table 58 – GMS Basic Server Profile
Group |
Conformance Unit / Profile Title |
(M)andatory / (O)ptional |
Profile |
0:Micro Embedded Device 2017 Server Profile |
M |
Base Information |
0:Base Info Custom Type System |
M |
Base Information |
0:Base Info Engineering Units |
M |
Base Information |
0:Base Info Placeholder Modelling Rules |
M |
Profile |
0:SecurityPolicy [B] – Basic256Sha256 |
M |
MachineTool |
5:MachineTool Monitor Items Min |
M |
MachineTool |
5:MachineTool Monitor Items |
O |
Profile |
3:Machinery Machine Identification Server Facet |
M |
MachineTool |
5:MachineTool MachineToolType Mandatory Nodes |
M |
Profile |
4:IA Stacklight Server Profile |
O |
MachineTool |
5:MachineTool Monitoring Basic - Stacklight |
O |
MachineTool |
5:MachineTool Monitoring Basic - PowerOnDuration |
O |
MachineTool |
5:MachineTool Production Basic |
M |
M |
Machinery_Result |
6:Simple Result Transfer |
M |
Machinery_Result |
6:Result Transfer |
O |
Machinery_Result |
6:Result Transfer Variables |
M |
Table 58 defines a Profile that adds security features for client authentication to the GMS Basic Server Profile.
Table 59 – GMS Basic Secure Server Profile
Group |
Conformance Unit / Profile Title |
(M)andatory / (O)ptional |
Profile |
GMS Basic Server Profile |
M |
Profile |
0:SecurityPolicy [A] - Aes128-Sha256-RsaOaep |
M |
Profile |
0:User Token – X509 Certificate Server Facet |
M |
Table 60 defines a Facet that describes the additional monitoring information.
Table 60 – GMS Monitoring Server Profile
Group |
Conformance Unit / Profile Title |
(M)andatory / (O)ptional |
Profile |
5:MachineTool Monitoring Server Facet |
M |
GMS ToolMonitoringType |
O |
GMS LoadingMonitoringType |
O |
Table 61 defines a Facet, that contains the information about tools (sensors) in the GMS. If the list of tools is used dynamically, the ConformanceUnits MachineTool Event Propagation and MachineTool Event Tools shall be provided.
Table 61 – GMS Tools Server Facet
Group |
Conformance Unit / Profile Title |
(M)andatory / (O)ptional |
Profile |
5:MachineTool Tools Server Facet |
M |
GMS MultiSensorType |
M |
GMS SensorType |
M |
MachineTool |
MachineTool Event Tools |
O |
MachineTool |
MachineTool Event Propagation |
O |
Table 62 defines a Facet, that provides the tool life data for tools in the GMS.
Table 62 – GMS Tool Life Server Facet
Group |
Conformance Unit / Profile Title |
(M)andatory / (O)ptional |
Profile |
5:MachineTool Tool Life Server Facet |
M |
GMS QualifiedToolLife |
M |
Table 63 defines a Facet, that contains enhanced information about the process on the GMS compared to the MachineTool Basic Server Profile.
Table 63 – GMS Production Server Facet
Group |
Conformance Unit / Profile Title |
(M)andatory / (O)ptional |
Profile |
5:MachineTool Production Server Facet |
M |
GMS GMSPartType |
M |
GMS GMSJobType |
M |
GMS GMS_ProductionStatisticsType |
M |
Table 64 defines a Facet, that contains the ConformanceUnits concerning errors and alerts sent by the GMS.
Table 64 – GMS Errors and Alerts Server Facet
Group |
Conformance Unit / Profile Title |
(M)andatory / (O)ptional |
Profile |
5:MachineTool Errors and Alerts Server Facet |
M |
GMS SensorWariningEventType |
M |
Table 65 defines a Facet, that contains the ConformanceUnits related to the Prognoses Server sent by the GMS
Table 65 – GMS Prognoses Server Facet
Group |
Conformance Unit / Profile Title |
(M)andatory / (O)ptional |
Profile |
5:MachineTool Prognoses Server Facet |
M |
GMS CalibrationPrognosisType |
M |
Table 66 defines a Facet, that contains enhanced information about the result and result management on the GMS.
Table 66 – GMS Result Server Facet
Group |
Conformance Unit / Profile Title |
(M)andatory / (O)ptional |
GMS ResultManagementType |
M |
GMS ResultType |
M |
GMS CharacteristicType |
O |
GMS IntermediateResultEventType |
O |