OPC 10031-4 defines mechanisms to add job order information using the 6:ISA95JobOrderDataType and mechanisms getting the result or current status of the job order using the 6:ISA95JobResponseDataType. Both DataTypes define arrays of properties of a job order: general, personal, equipment, physical assets, and material. The 6:ISA95JobOrderDataType uses the general properties to describe the job order and the other properties to define the requirements, whereas the 6:ISA95JobResponseDataType uses the general properties to describe the output and the other properties to provide the information what has been used.

OPC 40001-3 UA for Machinery Job Management standardizes some of those parameters, which are application-specific from the view of OPC 10031-4.

The guidelines and extensions specified in this section are designed to complement the foundational models, providing a structured framework for implementation. The optional elements (e.g., fields or parameters) of the OPC 10031-4 or OPC 40001-3 may be used as defined.

The WorkMasterID field of the 6:ISA95JobOrderDataType contains the information about the work master (e.g., the cutting tool file). The field ID is an identification of the work master. This should be used to identify a work master across different OPC UA Servers and must be unique in its scope (e.g., company unique).

This specification uses the 0:FileSystem folder to manage (e.g., store/retrieve files) the work master files on the server. To connect the WorkMasterID with the file additional predefined key-value pairs for 6:ISA95WorkMasterDataType.Parameter are defined in Table 20.

Table 20 – Predefined WorkMaster Parameters


DataType of Value






Contains the file path on the OPC UA server. This must be identical with the relative path of the BrowsePath.





Contains the NodeId of the object of the file.





Defines the file format of the work master file. This is used to ensure compatibility between the work master and the machine.



Note: Example of the LocalPath could be “/Directory1/FileA” with the corresponding BrowsePath as (StartingNode “ns=1;s=FileSystem”; RelativePath: “Directory1/FileA”).It is recommended that the local file system also has a directory “../Directory1/FileA”.

Note: A restart may change the NodeId of the file. So it is recommended to check the FileNodeId before using the file in a WorkMaster. If possible, use the LocalPath instead.

Note: The LocalPath must be used in a WorkMaster and the other Parameters are optional.