OPC 10000-5: UA Part 5: Information Model

Released 1.04 (Replaced by 1.05.04)


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This document is a copy of the original which can be found here.

1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms, definitions and conventions 3.1 Terms and definitions 3.1.1 ClientUserId 3.2 Abbreviations and symbols 3.3 Conventions for Node descriptions 4 NodeIds and BrowseNames 4.1 NodeIds 4.2 BrowseNames 5 Common Attributes 5.1 General 5.2 Objects 5.3 Variables 5.4 VariableTypes 5.5 Methods 6 Standard ObjectTypes 6.1 General 6.2 BaseObjectType 6.3 ObjectTypes for the Server Object 6.3.1 ServerType 6.3.2 ServerCapabilitiesType 6.3.3 ServerDiagnosticsType 6.3.4 SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType 6.3.5 SessionDiagnosticsObjectType 6.3.6 VendorServerInfoType 6.3.7 ServerRedundancyType 6.3.8 TransparentRedundancyType 6.3.9 NonTransparentRedundancyType 6.3.10 NonTransparentNetworkRedundancyType 6.3.11 OperationLimitsType 6.3.12 AddressSpaceFileType 6.3.13 NamespaceMetadataType 6.3.14 NamespacesType 6.4 ObjectTypes used as EventTypes 6.4.1 General 6.4.2 BaseEventType 6.4.3 AuditEventType 6.4.4 AuditSecurityEventType 6.4.5 AuditChannelEventType 6.4.6 AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType 6.4.7 AuditSessionEventType 6.4.8 AuditCreateSessionEventType 6.4.9 AuditUrlMismatchEventType 6.4.10 AuditActivateSessionEventType 6.4.11 AuditCancelEventType 6.4.12 AuditCertificateEventType 6.4.13 AuditCertificateDataMismatchEventType 6.4.14 AuditCertificateExpiredEventType 6.4.15 AuditCertificateInvalidEventType 6.4.16 AuditCertificateUntrustedEventType 6.4.17 AuditCertificateRevokedEventType 6.4.18 AuditCertificateMismatchEventType 6.4.19 AuditNodeManagementEventType 6.4.20 AuditAddNodesEventType 6.4.21 AuditDeleteNodesEventType 6.4.22 AuditAddReferencesEventType 6.4.23 AuditDeleteReferencesEventType 6.4.24 AuditUpdateEventType 6.4.25 AuditWriteUpdateEventType 6.4.26 AuditHistoryUpdateEventType 6.4.27 AuditUpdateMethodEventType 6.4.28 SystemEventType 6.4.29 DeviceFailureEventType 6.4.30 SystemStatusChangeEventType 6.4.31 BaseModelChangeEventType 6.4.32 GeneralModelChangeEventType 6.4.33 SemanticChangeEventType 6.4.34 EventQueueOverflowEventType 6.4.35 ProgressEventType 6.5 ModellingRuleType 6.6 FolderType 6.7 DataTypeEncodingType 6.8 AggregateFunctionType 7 Standard VariableTypes 7.1 General 7.2 BaseVariableType 7.3 PropertyType 7.4 BaseDataVariableType 7.5 ServerVendorCapabilityType 7.6 ServerStatusType 7.7 BuildInfoType 7.8 ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType 7.9 SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType 7.10 SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType 7.11 SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType 7.12 SubscriptionDiagnosticsType 7.13 SessionDiagnosticsArrayType 7.14 SessionDiagnosticsVariableType 7.15 SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType 7.16 SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType 7.17 OptionSetType 7.18 SelectionListType 7.19 AudioVariableType 8 Standard Objects and their Variables 8.1 General 8.2 Objects used to organise the AddressSpace structure 8.2.1 Overview 8.2.2 Root 8.2.3 Views 8.2.4 Objects 8.2.5 Types 8.2.6 ObjectTypes 8.2.7 VariableTypes 8.2.8 ReferenceTypes 8.2.9 DataTypes 8.2.10 EventTypes 8.3 Server Object and its containing Objects 8.3.1 General 8.3.2 Server Object 8.4 ModellingRule Objects 8.4.1 ExposesItsArray 8.4.2 Mandatory 8.4.3 Optional 8.4.4 OptionalPlaceholder 8.4.5 MandatoryPlaceholder 9 Standard Methods 9.1 GetMonitoredItems 9.2 ResendData 9.3 SetSubscriptionDurable 9.4 RequestServerStateChange 10 Standard Views 11 Standard ReferenceTypes 11.1 References 11.2 HierarchicalReferences 11.3 NonHierarchicalReferences 11.4 HasChild 11.5 Aggregates 11.6 Organizes 11.7 HasComponent 11.8 HasOrderedComponent 11.9 HasProperty 11.10 HasSubtype 11.11 HasModellingRule 11.12 HasTypeDefinition 11.13 HasEncoding 11.14 HasEventSource 11.15 HasNotifier 11.16 GeneratesEvent 11.17 AlwaysGeneratesEvent 12 Standard DataTypes 12.1 Overview 12.2 DataTypes defined in OPC 10000-3 12.3 DataTypes defined in OPC 10000-4 12.4 BuildInfo 12.5 RedundancySupport 12.6 ServerState 12.7 RedundantServerDataType 12.8 SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType 12.9 ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType 12.10 ServerStatusDataType 12.11 SessionDiagnosticsDataType 12.12 SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType 12.13 ServiceCounterDataType 12.14 StatusResult 12.15 SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType 12.16 ModelChangeStructureDataType 12.17 SemanticChangeStructureDataType 12.18 BitFieldMaskDataType 12.19 NetworkGroupDataType 12.20 EndpointUrlListDataType 12.21 KeyValuePair 12.22 EndpointType Annex A (informative)Design decisions when modelling the server information A.1 Overview A.2 ServerType and Server Object A.3 Typed complex Objects beneath the Server Object A.4 Properties versus DataVariables A.5 Complex Variables using complex DataTypes A.6 Complex Variables having an array A.7 Redundant information A.8 Usage of the BaseDataVariableType A.9 Subtyping A.10 Extensibility mechanism Annex B (normative)StateMachines B.1 General B.2 Examples of finite state machines B.2.1 Simple state machine B.2.2 State machine containing substates B.3 Definition of state machine B.4 Representation of state machines in the AddressSpace B.4.1 Overview B.4.2 StateMachineType B.4.3 StateVariableType B.4.4 TransitionVariableType B.4.5 FiniteStateMachineType B.4.6 FiniteStateVariableType B.4.7 FiniteTransitionVariableType B.4.8 StateType B.4.9 InitialStateType B.4.10 TransitionType B.4.11 FromState B.4.12 ToState B.4.13 HasCause B.4.14 HasEffect B.4.15 HasSubStateMachine B.4.16 TransitionEventType B.4.17 AuditUpdateStateEventType B.4.18 Special Restrictions on subtyping StateMachines B.4.19 Specific StatusCodes for StateMachines B.5 Examples of StateMachines in the AddressSpace B.5.1 StateMachineType using inheritance B.5.2 StateMachineType with a sub-machine using inheritance B.5.3 StateMachineType using containment B.5.4 Example of a StateMachine having Transition to SubStateMachine Annex C (normative)File Transfer C.1 Overview C.2 FileType C.2.1 Open C.2.2 Close C.2.3 Read C.2.4 Write C.2.5 GetPosition C.2.6 SetPosition C.3 File System C.3.1 FileDirectoryType C.3.2 FileSystem Object C.3.3 CreateDirectory C.3.4 CreateFile C.3.5 Delete C.3.6 MoveOrCopy C.4 Temporary File Transfer C.4.1 TemporaryFileTransferType C.4.2 File Transfer Sequences C.4.3 GenerateFileForRead C.4.4 GenerateFileForWrite C.4.5 CloseAndCommit C.4.6 FileTransferStateMachineType C.4.7 Reset Annex D (normative)DataTypeDictionary D.1 Overview D.2 Data Type Model D.3 DataTypeDictionary, DataTypeDescription, DataTypeEncoding and DataTypeSystem D.4 AddressSpace Organization D.5 Node Definitions D.5.1 HasDescription D.5.2 DataTypeDictionaryType D.5.3 DataTypeDescriptionType D.5.4 DataTypeSystemType D.5.5 OPC Binary D.5.6 XML Schema Annex E (normative)OPC Binary Type Description System E.1 Concepts E.2 Schema Description E.2.1 TypeDictionary E.2.2 TypeDescription E.2.3 OpaqueType E.2.4 EnumeratedType E.2.5 StructuredType E.2.6 FieldType E.2.7 EnumeratedValue E.2.8 ByteOrder E.2.9 ImportDirective E.3 Standard Type Descriptions E.4 Type Description Examples E.5 OPC Binary XML Schema E.6 OPC Binary Standard TypeDictionary Annex F (normative)User Authorization F.1 Overview F.2 RoleSetType F.2.1 RoleSetType Definition F.2.2 AddRole Method F.2.3 RemoveRole Method F.3 RoleType F.3.1 RoleType Definition F.3.2 IdentityMappingRuleType F.3.3 AddIdentity Method F.3.4 RemoveIdentity Method F.3.5 AddApplication Method F.3.6 RemoveApplication Method F.3.7 AddEndpoint Method F.3.8 RemoveEndpoint Method F.4 RoleMappingRuleChangedAuditEventType