For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in OPC 10000-1, OPC 10000-3, and OPC 10000-4, as well as the following apply.
template declaring the content of a DataSet
Note 1 to entry:A DataSetClass is used to type DataSets for use in several Publishers and for filtering in Subscribers.
data describing the content and semantic of a DataSet
entity receiving DataSetMessages from a Message Oriented Middleware
Note 1 to entry:A DataSetReader is the component that extracts a DataSetMessage from a NetworkMessage received from the Message Oriented Middleware and decodes the DataSetMessage to a DataSet for further processing in the Subscriber.
entity creating DataSetMessages from DataSets and publishing them through a Message Oriented Middleware
Note 1 to entry:A DataSetWriter encodes a DataSet to a DataSetMessage and includes the DataSetMessage into a NetworkMessage for publishing through a Message Oriented Middleware.
configuration of application-data to be published as DataSet
Note 1 to entry: A PublishedDataSet can be a list of monitored Variables or an Event selection.
grouping of security settings and security keys used to access messages from a Publisher
Note 1 to entry:A SecurityGroup is an abstraction that represents the security settings and security keys that can be used to access messages from a Publisher. A SecurityGroup is identified with a unique identifier called the SecurityGroupId. The SecurityGroupId is unique within the Security Key Service.
configuration for dispatching of received DataSets
Note 1 to entry: A SubscribedDataSet can be a mapping of DataSet fields to Variables in the Subscriber AddressSpace.
AMQPAdvanced Message Queuing Protocol
ASAuthorization Service
CTLCertificate Trust List
HMIHuman Machine Interface
IGMPInternet Group Management Protocol
MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MLDMulticast Listener Discovery
MQTTMQ Telemetry Transport
MTUMaximum Transmission Unit
PCPPriority Code Point
QoSQuality of Service
SKSSecurity Key Service
TSNTime Sensitive Networking
UAUnified Architecture
UADPUA Datagram Protocol
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
URIUniform Resource Identifier
URLUniform Resource Locator
VIDVLAN Identifier