For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in OPC 10000-1, OPC 10000-3, and OPC 10000-4, as well as the following apply.
template declaring the content of a DataSet
Note 1 to entry:A DataSetClass is used to type DataSets for use in several Publishers and for filtering in Subscribers.
data describing the content and semantic of a DataSet
entity receiving DataSetMessages from a Message Oriented Middleware
Note 1 to entry:A DataSetReader is the component that extracts a DataSetMessage from a NetworkMessage received from the Message Oriented Middleware and decodes the DataSetMessage to a DataSet for further processing in the Subscriber.
entity creating DataSetMessages from DataSets and publishing them through a Message Oriented Middleware
Note 1 to entry:A DataSetWriter encodes a DataSet to a DataSetMessage and includes the DataSetMessage into a NetworkMessage for publishing through a Message Oriented Middleware.
configuration of application-data to be published as DataSet
Note 1 to entry: A PublishedDataSet can be a list of monitored Variables or an Event selection.
grouping of security settings and security keys used to access messages from a Publisher
Note 1 to entry:A SecurityGroup is an abstraction that represents the security settings and security keys that can be used to access messages from a Publisher. A SecurityGroup is identified with a unique identifier called the SecurityGroupId. The SecurityGroupId is unique within the Security Key Service.
configuration for dispatching of received DataSets
Note 1 to entry: A SubscribedDataSet can be a mapping of DataSet fields to Variables in the Subscriber AddressSpace.