


NodeId ns=1;i=1031
NodeClass ObjectType
BrowseName 1:ProcessItemResetLogType
DisplayName ProcessItemResetLogType
Description The ProcessItemResetLogType event is generated when the aggregates of a process item are reset.
BaseType 1:ProductionContextLogType
IsAbstract False
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 1:AggregationWindow 0:PropertyType 0:UInt32 M
0:HasComponent Variable 1:Avg 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Double M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:LastResetTime 0:PropertyType 0:UtcTime M
0:HasComponent Variable 1:Max 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Double M
0:HasComponent Variable 1:Min 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Double M
0:HasComponent Variable 1:SamplingRate 0:AnalogUnitRangeType 0:Double M
0:HasComponent Variable 1:Std 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Double M
0:HasComponent Variable 1:Total 0:BaseDataVariableType 0:Double M