


NodeId ns=1;i=3014
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:MaterialStorageBufferDataType
DisplayName MaterialStorageBufferDataType
Description The MaterialStorageBufferDataType structure provides the description of the capability of a material storage buffer.
BaseType 0:Structure
IsAbstract False
Field Name Data Type Description
ID 0:String Unique identifier for the material storage buffer.
StoredMaterial 1:MaterialDefinitionType The material definition for material that can be stored in the material storage buffer.
EngineeringUnits 0:EUInformation The unit of measure for the material stored in the buffer.
TotalStorageCapacity 0:Double The total capacity of the material storage buffer.
StorageLogic 1:StorageLogicEnumeration The logic by which product is loaded and unloaded from the material storage buffer.
MixingLogic 1:StorageMixingLogicEnumeration How different material loaded into the material storage buffer mix.