


NodeId ns=1;i=7007
NodeClass Method
BrowseName 1:GetResultListFiltered
DisplayName GetResultListFiltered
Description This method is used to get a list of results matching certain filter criteria.
Parent 1:ResultManagementType
Name DataType Description
FromTime [in] 0:UtcTime If not null, results from the given FromTime are returned in the ResultList. Any set of results whose StartTime is greater or equal to FromTime will be returned in the ResultList.
ToTime [in] 0:UtcTime If not null, results till the given toTime are returned in the ResultList. Any set of results whose EndTime is less than or equal to ToTime will be returned in the ResultList.
ResultEvaluation [in] 1:ResultEvaluation Input to return results based on OK or NOT_OK count. The results based on the evaluation are returned in the ResultList.
SequenceNumbers [in] 0:Int32[] If not an empty array, the list of sequence numbers requested from the client.
MaxResults [in] 0:UInt32 Maximum number of results to return in one call; by passing 0, the client indicates that it does not put a limit on the number of results.
StartIndex [in] 0:UInt32 Shall be 0 on the first call, multiples of MaxResults on subsequent calls to retrieve portions of the entire list, if necessary.
ReporterAssetId [in] 0:Guid If not null, System wide unique identifier of the asset which reports the results.
GeneratorAssetId [in] 0:Guid If not null, System wide unique identifier of the asset which generates the results.
IncludeStepResults [in] 0:Boolean A Boolean flag to notify the application to include list of step results in the ResultList. By default, it is set to false.
IncludeErrors [in] 0:Boolean A Boolean flag to notify the application to include list of errors in the ResultList. By default, it is set to false.
IncludeTraces [in] 0:Boolean A Boolean flag to notify the application to include list of traces in the ResultList. By default, it is set to false.
ResourceTimeout [in] 0:Int32 With this argument the client can give a hint to the server how long it will need access to the result data. A value > 0 indicates an estimated maximum time for processing the data in milliseconds. A value = 0 indicates that the client will not need anything besides the data returned by the method call. A value < 0 indicates that the client cannot give an estimate. The client cannot rely on the data being available during the indicated time period. The argument is merely a hint allowing the server to optimize its resource management.
IsComplete [out] 0:Boolean Indicates whether there are more results in the entire list than retrieved according to StartIndex and ResultCount.
ResultCount [out] 0:UInt32 Provides the number of results returned in ResultList in the specific method call.
TotalAvailableResults [out] 0:UInt32 This is the total number of results available based on the filtering criteria. This value will be same till the IsComplete is set to true if it is based on filter criteria. If filter criteria is not provided, then it is the total number of results available in the server.
ResultHandle [out] 0:UInt32 The server shall return to each client requesting result data a system-wide unique handle identifying the result set / client combination. This handle should be used by the client to indicate to the server that the result data is no longer needed, allowing the server to optimize its resource handling.
ResultList [out] 1:ResultDataType[] The server shall return to each client requesting result data a system-wide unique handle identifying the result set / client combination. This handle should be used by the client to indicate to the server that the result data is no longer needed, allowing the server to optimize its resource handling.
Error [out] 0:Int32 0 – OK Values > 0 are reserved for errors defined by this and future standards. Values < 0 shall be used for application-specific errors. Note: If the error != 0, the server is allowed to return NULL values for ResultList and 0 for ResultHandle but server might still return some data which is application specific.
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 0:InputArguments 0:PropertyType 0:Argument[12] M
0:HasProperty Variable 0:OutputArguments 0:PropertyType 0:Argument[6] M