


NodeId ns=1;i=3004
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:ResultDataType
DisplayName ResultDataType
Description This structure contains the aggregated information of the Result data represented by ResultType variable.
BaseType 0:Structure
IsAbstract False
Field Name Data Type Is Optional Description
ResultId 0:Guid The mandatory ResultId is the system-wide unique identifier of the result.
ProcessingTimes 1:ProcessingTimesDataType Yes The optional ProcessingTimes is the collection of different processing times that were needed to create the result.
CreationTime 0:UtcTime Yes The optional CreationTime indicates the time when the result was created.
ResultEvaluation 1:ResultEvaluation Yes The optional ResultEvaluation indicates whether the joining operation was successful or not.
ResultEvaluationCode 0:Int32 Yes The optional ResultEvaluationCode is a vendor/application specific code. It can be up to the system to define few numbers to describe Nine-field code, or derivative of the nine-field matrix, etc. 0 – OK, successful operation.
ResultEvaluationDetails 0:LocalizedText Yes The optional ResultEvaluationDetails provides high level status information in a user-friendly text. This can be left empty for successful operations.
SequenceNumber 0:Int32 Yes The optional SequenceNumber is the cyclic counter which is incremented for each result generated.
Tags 1:TagDataType[] Yes The optional Tags is a list of identifiers associated to the given result. Examples: {VIN, XYZ1234}, {PardId, E54YJH}, {SocketNumber, 5}, etc.
Classification 0:Byte Yes The optional Classification provides information on the classification of the result in the joining system.
OperationMode 0:Byte Yes The optional OperationMode provides information on how the joining process was selected.
IsSimulated 0:Boolean Yes The optional IsSimulated indicates whether the system was in simulation mode when the joining process created this result.
IsPartial 0:Boolean Yes The optional IsPartial indicates whether the result is the partial result of a total result. If this is true, then it indicates that result data is not complete. If the result is sent in multiple calls, then ResultId must be same for linking the complete result data.
ReporterAssetId 0:Guid Yes The optional ReporterAssetId is the identifier of the asset which has reported the result.
GeneratorAssetId 0:Guid Yes The optional GeneratorAssetId is the identifier of the asset which has generated the result.
ResultContent 0:BaseDataType Yes The optional ResultContent is an abstract data type to hold result data created by the selected program.