


NodeId ns=1;i=1004
NodeClass ObjectType
BrowseName 1:MotionDeviceType
DisplayName MotionDeviceType
Description Represents a specific motion device in the motion device system like a robot, a linear unit or a positioner. A MotionDevice should have at least one axis.
BaseType 2:ComponentType
IsAbstract False
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasComponent Object 2:ParameterSet 0:BaseObjectType M
0:HasProperty Variable 2:Manufacturer 0:PropertyType 0:LocalizedText M
0:HasProperty Variable 2:Model 0:PropertyType 0:LocalizedText M
0:HasProperty Variable 2:ProductCode 0:PropertyType 0:String M
0:HasProperty Variable 2:SerialNumber 0:PropertyType 0:String M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:MotionDeviceCategory 0:PropertyType 1:MotionDeviceCategoryEnumeration M
0:HasComponent Object 1:Axes 0:FolderType M
0:HasComponent Object 1:PowerTrains 0:FolderType M
0:HasComponent Object 1:FlangeLoad 1:LoadType O
0:HasComponent Object 1:AdditionalComponents 0:FolderType O