


NodeId i=24277
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 0:PasswordOptionsMask
DisplayName PasswordOptionsMask
BaseType 0:UInt32
IsAbstract False
Name Bit No Description
SupportInitialPasswordChange 0 Indicates if the server supports the feature to require a password change after the creation of the user.
SupportDisableUser 1 Indicates if the server supports to disable a user.
SupportDisableDeleteForUser 2 Indicates if the server supports the configuration NoDelete for a user.
SupportNoChangeForUser 3 Indicates if the server supports the configuration NoChangeByUser for a user.
SupportDescriptionForUser 4 Indicates if the server supports to management of a description for the user.
RequiresUpperCaseCharacters 5 Indicates if a upper case ASCII character is required in a password.
RequiresLowerCaseCharacters 6 Indicates if a lower case ASCII character is required in a password.
RequiresDigitCharacters 7 Indicates if a digit ASCII character is required in a password.
RequiresSpecialCharacters 8 Indicates if a special character is required in a password.
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 0:OptionSetValues 0:PropertyType 0:LocalizedText[9]