



NodeId ns=1;i=9378
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 1:ExecutionCycleEnumeration
DisplayName ExecutionCycleEnumeration
BaseType 0:Enumeration
IsAbstract False
Name Value Description
IDLE 0 Idle, no cleaning or acquisition cycle in progress
DIAGNOSTIC 1 Scquisition cycle collecting data for diagnostic purpose
CLEANING 2 Cleaning cycle
CALIBRATION 4 Calibration acquisition cycle
VALIDATION 8 Validation acquisition cycle
SAMPLING 16 Sample acquisition cycle
DIAGNOSTIC_WITH_GRAB_SAMPLE 32769 Scquisition cycle collecting data for diagnostic purpose and sample is extracted from the process to be sent in control lab
CLEANING_WITH_GRAB_SAMPLE 32770 Cleaning cycle with or without acquisition and sample is extracted from the process to be sent in control lab
CALIBRATION_WITH_GRAB_SAMPLE 32772 Calibration acquisition cycle and sample is extracted from the process to be sent in control lab
VALIDATION_WITH_GRAB_SAMPLE 32776 Validation acquisition cycle and sample is extracted from the process to be sent in control lab
SAMPLING_WITH_GRAB_SAMPLE 32784 Sample acquisition cycle and sample is extracted from the process to be sent in control lab
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 0:EnumValues 0:PropertyType 0:EnumValueType[] M