



NodeId i=24218
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 0:TsnFailureCode
DisplayName TsnFailureCode
BaseType 0:Enumeration
IsAbstract False
Name Value Description
NoFailure 0 No failure
InsufficientBandwidth 1 Insufficient bandwidth
InsufficientResources 2 Insufficient bridge resources
InsufficientTrafficClassBandwidth 3 Insufficient bandwidth for Traffic Class
StreamIdInUse 4 StreamID in use by another Talker
StreamDestinationAddressInUse 5 Stream destination address already in use
StreamPreemptedByHigherRank 6 Stream pre-empted by higher rank
LatencyHasChanged 7 Reported latency has changed
EgressPortNotAvbCapable 8 Egress port is not AVBCapable
UseDifferentDestinationAddress 9 Use a different destination address
OutOfMsrpResources 10 Out of MSRP resources
OutOfMmrpResources 11 Out of MMRP resources
CannotStoreDestinationAddress 12 Cannot store destination address
PriorityIsNotAnSrcClass 13 Requested priority is not an SR Class priority
MaxFrameSizeTooLarge 14 MaxFrameSize is too large for media
MaxFanInPortsLimitReached 15 MaxFanInPorts limit has been reached
FirstValueChangedForStreamId 16 Changes in FirstValue for a registered StreamID
VlanBlockedOnEgress 17 VLAN is blocked on this egress port (Registration Forbidden)
VlanTaggingDisabledOnEgress 18 VLAN tagging is disabled on this egress port (untagged set)
SrClassPriorityMismatch 19 SR class priority mismatch
FeatureNotPropagated 20 Enhanced feature cannot be propagated to original Port
MaxLatencyExceeded 21 MaxLatency exceeded
BridgeDoesNotProvideNetworkId 22 Nearest Bridge cannot provide network identification for stream transformation
StreamTransformNotSupported 23 Stream transformation not supported
StreamIdTypeNotSupported 24 Stream identification type not supported for stream transformation
FeatureNotSupported 25 Enhanced feature cannot be supported without a CNC
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 0:EnumValues 0:PropertyType 0:EnumValueType[26]