


NodeId i=24216
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 0:NegotiationStatus
DisplayName NegotiationStatus
BaseType 0:Enumeration
IsAbstract False
Name Value Description
InProgress 0 The auto-negotiation protocol is running and negotiation is currently in-progress.
Complete 1 The auto-negotiation protocol has completed successfully.
Failed 2 The auto-negotiation protocol has failed.
Unknown 3 The auto-negotiation status is not currently known, this could be because it is still negotiating or the protocol cannot run (e.g., if no medium is present).
NoNegotiation 4 No auto-negotiation is executed. The auto-negotiation function is either not supported on this interface or has not been enabled.
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 0:EnumValues 0:PropertyType 0:EnumValueType[5]