


NodeId i=23564
NodeClass DataType
BrowseName 0:TrustListValidationOptions
DisplayName TrustListValidationOptions
BaseType 0:UInt32
IsAbstract False
Name Bit No Description
SuppressCertificateExpired 0 Ignore errors related to the validity time of the Certificate.
SuppressHostNameInvalid 1 Ignore mismatches between the host name or ApplicationUri.
SuppressRevocationStatusUnknown 2 Ignore errors if the revocation list cannot be found for the issuer of the Certificate.
SuppressIssuerCertificateExpired 3 Ignore errors if an issuer has an expired Certificate.
SuppressIssuerRevocationStatusUnknown 4 Ignore errors if the revocation list cannot be found for any issuer of issuer Certificates.
CheckRevocationStatusOnline 5 Check the revocation status online.
CheckRevocationStatusOffline 6 Check the revocation status offline.
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasProperty Variable 0:OptionSetValues 0:PropertyType 0:LocalizedText[7]