



NodeId ns=1;i=1006
NodeClass ObjectType
BrowseName 1:DischargeSystemType
DisplayName DischargeSystemType
Description Device used to remove collected filter material from the filter unit. The container can be discharged when a certain filling level is reached.
BaseType 0:BaseObjectType
IsAbstract False
Reference NodeClass BrowseName TypeDefinition DataType Other
0:HasComponent Object 1:AirConsumption 1:ConsumptionType O
0:HasProperty Variable 1:DischargeContainerInstalled 0:PropertyType 0:Boolean O
0:HasProperty Variable 1:DischargeSystemEnabled 0:PropertyType 0:Boolean O
0:HasComponent Object 1:FillingLevel 1:SensorMonitoringType O
0:HasAddIn Object 2:Identification 3:MachineryComponentIdentificationType O
0:HasAddIn Object 3:MachineryItemState 3:MachineryItemState_StateMachineType M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:MaintenanceSwitchOn 0:PropertyType 0:Boolean M
0:HasProperty Variable 1:Malfunction 0:PropertyType 0:Boolean O