A ConformanceUnit, defined in OPC 100007, represents an individually testable entity. For improved clarity, the list of ConformanceUnits is arranged into named ConformanceGroups. Table 2 lists the ConformanceGroups that reflect the UAFX Information Models and features. These ConformanceGroups and the ConformanceUnits are detailed in the following subclauses.

Table 2 – ConformanceGroups




Defines ConformanceUnits for all UAFX Controllers and devices.

UAFX AutomationComponent

Defines ConformanceUnits for various features of AutomationComponents.

UAFX FxAsset

Defines ConformanceUnits for various features of FxAssets.

UAFX FunctionalEntity

Defines ConformanceUnits for various features of FunctionalEntities.

UAFX ConnectionManager

Defines ConformanceUnits for various features of ConnectionManagers.

UAFX Ethernet Networking Features

Defines ConformanceUnits for various features of End Station Components, Bridge Components, IA-stations, and UAFX Stations.

UAFX Ethernet Networking Quantities

Define concrete values or value ranges related to UAFX Ethernet networking features ConformanceUnits.


Defines ConformanceUnits for UAFX SKS implementations.

This subclause describes UAFX Information Model ConformanceUnits. The ConformanceGroups included are UAFX Base, UAFX AutomationComponent, UAFX FxAsset, UAFX FunctionalEntity and UAFX ConnectionManager.

Table 3 describes Base UAFX Information Model ConformanceUnits. For additional information about these items, please refer to OPC 1000081.

Table 3 – UAFX Base







Supports the well-known instance FxRoot


UAFX Input Datatype Support

Is capable of supporting Boolean, SByte, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Float datatypes for input data.


UAFX Preconfigured PublishedDataSet

If preconfigured PublishedDataSets exist, the Server exposes the PublishSubscribe Object and all preconfigured PublishedDataSets.


UAFX Preconfigured SubscribedDataSet

If preconfigured SubscribedDataSets exist, the Server exposes the PublishSubscribe Object and the SubscribedDataSets Folder, any sub-folders of it, and all preconfigured SubscribedDataSets.

Table 4 describes AutomationComponent related UAFX Information Model ConformanceUnits. For additional information about these items, please refer to OPC 1000081.

Table 4 – UAFX AutomationComponent






UAFX AutomationComponent Base

Supports the AutomationComponentType and its related types. It also includes at least one instance of the AutomationComponentType.


UAFX AutomationComponent SupportsPersistence

Includes the SupportsPersistence Variable in the ComponentCapabilities Folder, and that the value of SupportsPersistence is set to TRUE.


UAFX AutomationComponent MaxConnections

Includes the MaxConnections Variable in the ComponentCapabilities Folder a nd supports the claimed number of Connections.


UAFX AutomationComponent MaxFunctionalEntities

Includes the MaxFunctionalEntities Variable in the ComponentCapabilities Folder and supports the claimed number of FunctionalEntities.


UAFX AutomationComponent MaxConnectionsPerCall

Includes the MaxConnectionsPerCall Variable in the ComponentCapabilities Folder and supports the claimed number of Connections per call.


UAFX AutomationComponent ConnectionEstablishment Bundled

This AutomationComponent requires that the EstablishConnections Method restricts the commands defined in the set of bundled commands to only be issued as part of a bundle. This also requires the inclusion of the CommandBundleRequired Variable in the ComponentCapabilities Folder and that the value of CommandBundleRequired is set to TRUE.


UAFX AutomationComponent ConformanceName

All instances of the AutomationComponentType include the ConformanceName Variable.


UAFX AutomationComponent ConnectionEstablishment VerifyAsset

Supports the EstablishConnections Method VerifyAssetCmd command.


UAFX AutomationComponent ConnectionEstablishment VerifyFunctionalEntity

Supports the EstablishConnections Method VerifyFunctionalEntityCmd command.


UAFX AutomationComponent ConnectionEstablishment CreateConnectionEndPoint

Supports the EstablishConnections Method CreateConnectionEndpointCmd command.


UAFX AutomationComponent ConnectionEstablishment EstablishControl

Supports the EstablishConnections Method EstablishControlCmd command.


UAFX AutomationComponent ConnectionEstablishment SetConfigurationData

Supports the EstablishConnections Method SetConfigurationDataCmd command.


UAFX AutomationComponent ConnectionEstablishment ReassignControl

Supports the EstablishConnections Method ReassignControlCmd command.


UAFX AutomationComponent ConnectionEstablishment ReserveCommunicationIds

Supports the EstablishConnections Method ReserveCommunicationIdsCmd command.


UAFX AutomationComponent ConnectionEstablishment SetCommunicationConfiguration

Supports the EstablishConnections Method SetCommunicationConfigurationCmd command.


UAFX AutomationComponent ConnectionEstablishment EnableCommunication

Supports the EstablishConnections Method EnableCommunicationCmd command.


UAFX AutomationComponent PubSub Connections

Supports the establishment of Connections using the PubSub communication model.


UAFX AutomationComponent Descriptor

Supports the AcDescriptorType and its related types. It also includes at least one instance of AcDescriptorType in the Descriptors Folder, where the AcDescriptor supports at least one of the UAFX AcDescriptor DescriptorFile or UAFX AcDescriptor DescriptorIdentifier ConformanceUnit, where at least one Descriptor complies with the UAFX Offline Descriptor Profile.


UAFX AcDescriptor DescriptorFile

Supports the DescriptorFile of the AcDescriptorType.


UAFX AcDescriptor DescriptorIdentifier

Supports the DescriptorIdentifier and DescriptorVersion of the AcDescriptorType.


UAFX Auditing Connection Management

Supports AuditEvents for establishing, closing, and configuring UAFX Connections. Includes exposing the AuditUpdateMethodResultEventType, and all its supertypes in the AddressSpace.


UAFX Auditing Connection Cleanup

Supports AuditEvents for cleanup of UAFX Connections. Includes exposing the AuditConnectionCleanupEventType and all its supertypes in the AddressSpace.


UAFX PublisherCapabilities

Supports at least one instance of PublisherCapabilitiesType and the implementation of the capabilities stated in the instance. [Note that other instances may further restrict capabilities]


UAFX PublisherCapabilities Preconfigured Datasets

Requires the usage of only pre-configured PublishedDataSets as indicated by PreconfiguredDataSetOnly = TRUE.


UAFX SubscriberCapabilities

Supports at least one instance of SubscriberCapabilitiesType and the implementation of the capabilities stated in the instance. [Note that other instances may further restrict capabilities]


UAFX SubscriberCapabilities Preconfigured Datasets

Requires the usage of only pre-configured SubscribedDataSets as indicated by PreconfiguredDataSetOnly = TRUE.

Table 5 describes Asset-related UAFX Information Model ConformanceUnits. For additional information about these items, please refer to OPC 1000081.

Table 5 – UAFX FxAsset






UAFX IAssetRevision Version

Supports Properties MajorAssetVersion and MinorAssetVersion of the IAssetRevisionType Interface.


UAFX IAssetRevision Build

Supports Property BuildAssetNumber of the IAssetRevisionType Interface.


UAFX IAssetRevision SubBuild

Supports Property SubBuildAssetNumber of the IAssetRevisionType Interface.


UAFX IAssetRevision VerifyAsset Base

Supports the VerifyAsset Method of the IAssetRevisionType Interface including the VerificationMode of AssetCompatibility.


UAFX IAssetRevision VerifyAsset AssetIdentity

Supports the VerifyAsset Method of the IAssetRevisionType Interface including the VerificationMode of AssetIdentity.


UAFX IAssetRevision VerifyAsset AssetIdentityAndCompatibility

Supports the VerifyAsset Method of the IAssetRevisionType Interface including the VerificationMode of AssetIdentityAndCompatibility.


UAFX IVendorNameplate SerialNumberOrProductInstanceUri

Supports either the SerialNumber or ProductInstanceUri Property of the IVendorNameplate Interface.



UAFX IAssetExtensions Connectors

Supports the Connectors Folder of the IAssetExtensions Interface with at least one instance of AssetConnectorType or subtype of it in the Folder.



UAFX IDeviceHealth DeviceHealthDiagnosticsAlarm

Supports at least one DeviceHealthDiagnosticAlarmType subtype defined in OPC 10000100. This includes support of the DI HealthDiagnosticsAlarm ConformanceUnit.



UAFX FxAsset Type

Exposes the FxAssetType.


UAFX Asset Base

Supports at least one instance of the FxAssetType, or a subtype of it, or an Object that implements the following interfaces: IVendorNameplateType, ITagNameplateType, IDeviceHealthType and IAssetRevisionType. This includes supporting all required types.


UAFX SoftwareUpdate

Supports the SoftwareUpdate AddIn.



UAFX AssetConnector Id

Supports the Id Property of the AssetConnectorType.


UAFX AssetConnector Name

Supports the Name Property the of AssetConnectorType.


UAFX AssetConnector Kind

Supports the Kind Property of the SocketType, ClampType, or ClampBlockType.


UAFX AssetConnector Slot Base

Supports at least one instance of SlotType.


UAFX AssetConnector Slot LogicalId

Supports the LogicalId Property of the SlotType.


UAFX AssetConnector Socket Base

Supports at least one instance of SocketType.


UAFX AssetConnector Clamp Base

Supports at least one instance of ClampType.


UAFX AssetConnector ClampBlock Base

Supports at least one instance of ClampBlockType.


UAFX AssetConnector ClampBlock BlockSize

Supports the BlockSize Property of ClampBlockType.


UAFX AssetConnector ClampBlock Nested

Supports nested ClampType(s).

Table 6 describes FunctionalEntity related UAFX Information Model ConformanceUnits. For additional information about these items, please refer to OPC 1000081.

Table 6 – UAFX FunctionalEntity






UAFX IFunctionalEntity AuthorUri

Supports the AuthorUri Property of the IFunctionalEntity Interface.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity AuthorAssignedIdentifier

Supports the AuthorAssignedIdentifier Property of the IFunctionalEntity Interface.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity AuthorAssignedVersion

Supports the AuthorAssignedVersion Property of the IFunctionalEntity Interface. This also requires the UAFX FunctionalEntity AuthorAssignedIdentifier ConformanceUnit.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity ApplicationIdentifier

Supports the ApplicationIdentifier Property of the IFunctionalEntity Interface.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity OperationalHealth

Supports the OperationalHealth Variable of the IFunctionalEntity Interface.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity OperationalHealthAlarms

Supports the OperationalHealthAlarms Folder of the IFunctionalEntity Interface.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity Verify

Supports the Verify Method of the IFunctionalEntity Interface.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity ProcessData

This FunctionalEntity, or sub-FunctionalEntity (i.e., one that is referenced from this FunctionalEntity), supports at least one of the UAFX IFunctionalEntity InputData or UAFX IFunctionalEntity OutputData ConformanceUnits.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity InputData

Supports InputData of the IFunctionalEntity Interface. This includes a Reference to at least one Variable.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity OutputData

Supports OutputData of the IFunctionalEntity Interface. This includes a Reference to at least one Variable.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity ConfigurationData

Supports ConfigurationData of the IFunctionalEntity Interface. This includes a Reference to at least one Variable.


UAFX ConfigurationDataFolder VariableStorage

Supports the SetStoredVariables, ClearStoredVariables, and ListStoredVariables Methods of ConfigurationDataFolderType.


UAFX ConfigurationDataFolder Hierarchy

Supports a hierarchy of ConfigurationDataFolders.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity ConnectionEndpoints

Supports ConnectionEndpoints of the IFunctionalEntity Interface.


UAFX ConnectionEndpointsFolder CommHealth

Supports CommHealth of the ConnectionEndpointsFolder.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity Capabilities

Supports Capabilities of the IFunctionalEntity Interface.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity Capabilities FeedbackSignalRequired

Supports the FeedbackSignalRequired capability of the FunctionalEntityCapabilitiesType.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity PublisherCapabilities

Supports PublisherCapabilities of the IFunctionalEntity Interface.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity SubscriberCapabilities

Supports SubscriberCapabilities of the IFunctionalEntity Interface.


UAFX IFunctionalEntity ControlGroups

Supports ControlGroups of the IFunctionalEntity Interface.



UAFX FunctionalEntity Type

Exposes the FunctionalEntityType.


UAFX FunctionalEntity Base

Supports at least one instance of the FunctionalEntityType, a subtype of it, or an Object that implements the IFunctionalEntity Interface. This includes supporting all required types


UAFX FunctionalEntity SubFunctionalEntity

Supports the HasSubFunctionalEntity Reference.



UAFX InputsFolder SubscriberCapabilities

Supports SubscriberCapabilities of the InputsFolderType.


UAFX InputsFolder Hierarchy

Supports a hierarchy of InputsFolders.



UAFX OutputsFolder PublisherCapabilities

Supports PublisherCapabilities of the OutputsFolderType.


UAFX OutputsFolder Hierarchy

Supports a hierarchy of OutputsFolders.



UAFX ConnectionEndpoint Base

Supports at least one instance of a subtype of ConnectionEndpointType.


UAFX ConnectionEndpoint InputVariables

Supports at least one element in a ConnectionEndpoint’s InputVariables array.


UAFX ConnectionEndpoint OutputVariables

Supports at least one element in a ConnectionEndpoint’s OutputVariables array.



UAFX ControlGroup Base

Supports at least one instance of the ControlGroupType.


UAFX ControlGroup Nested

Supports nested ControlGroup(s)


UAFX ControlGroup Methods

Supports the EstablishControl, ReleaseControl, and ReassignControl Methods of ControlGroups.



UAFX ConnectionEndpoint PubSub

Supports an instance of the PubSubConnectionEndpointType.

Table 7 describes ConnectionManager-related UAFX Information Model ConformanceUnits. For additional information about these items, please refer to OPC 1000081.

Table 7 – UAFX ConnectionManager






UAFX ConnectionManager Base

Supports the well-known instance of the ConnectionManagerType. This includes support of ConnectionConfigurationSetType instances, including any optional elements needed to establish the supported connection types and configurations.


UAFX ConnectionManager Capabilities

Supports the Capabilities Object in the ConnectionManager and the related ConnectionManagerCapabilitiesType FolderType


UAFX ConnectionManager Capabilities MaxConnectionConfigurationSets

Includes the MaxConnectionConfigurationSets Variable in the Capabilities Folder and supports the behaviour related to it.


UAFX ConnectionManager AggregatedCurrentState

Supports the AggregatedCurrentState Variable of the ConnectionManagerType.


UAFX ConnectionManager EditConnectionConfigurationSets

Supports the EditConnectionConfigurationSets Method. This includes support of the Edit Variable of the ConnectionConfigurationSetType.


UAFX ConnectionManager ProcessConnectionConfigurationSets

Supports the ProcessConnectionConfigurationSets Method. This includes support of the ActionRemoveConnections, ActionEnableConnections, ActionDisableConnections Actions, and at least one of the following Conformance Units: UAFX ConnectionManager ActionEstablishConnectionsEnabled, UAFX ConnectionManager ActionEstablishConnectionsDisabled, or UAFX ConnectionManager ActionEstablishConnections.


UAFX Auditing Method Calls

Supports AuditEvents for Method calls issued by a Client. Includes exposing the AuditUpdateMethodResultEventType and all its supertypes in the AddressSpace.


UAFX Connection Configuration Set Processing Events

Supports Events for the processing of ConnectionConfigurationSets. Includes exposing the ConnectionConfigurationSetProcessingStartedEventType, ConnectionConfigurationSetProcessingSucceededEventType, and ConnectionConfigurationSetProcessingFailedEventType and all their supertypes in the AddressSpace.


UAFX ConnectionManager ActionEstablishConnectionsEnabled

Supports the ActionEstablishConnectionsEnabled Action of the ProcessConnectionConfigurationSets Method.


UAFX ConnectionManager ActionEstablishConnectionsDisabled

Supports the ActionEstablishConnectionsDisabled Action of the ProcessConnectionConfigurationSets Method.


UAFX ConnectionManager ActionEstablishConnections

Supports the ActionEstablishConnections Action of the ProcessConnectionConfigurationSets Method.


UAFX ConnectionManager ConnectionConfigurationSet SecurityKeyServer

Is capable of supporting an instance of the ConnectionConfigurationSetType, including the SecurityKeyServer Variable.


UAFX ConnectionManager Configuration ExpectedVerificationVariables

Is capable of supporting an instance of the ConnectionConfigurationSetType, including the ExpectedVerificationVariables Variable.


UAFX ConnectionManager Configuration ControlGroups

Is capable of supporting an instance of the ConnectionConfigurationSetType, including the ControlGroups Variable.


UAFX ConnectionManager Configuration ConfigurationData

Is capable of supporting an instance of the ConnectionConfigurationSetType, including the ConfigurationData Variable.


UAFX ConnectionManager PubSubCommunicationFlowConfiguration

Is capable of supporting an instance of the PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType.


UAFX ConnectionManager PubSubCommunicationFlowConfiguration Address

Is capable of supporting an instance of the PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType, including the Address Variable.


UAFX ConnectionManager PubSubCommunicationFlowConfiguration TransportProfileUri

Is capable of supporting an instance of the PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType, including the TransportProfileUri Variable.


UAFX ConnectionManager PubSubCommunicationFlowConfiguration HeaderLayoutUri

Is capable of supporting an instance of the PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType, including the HeaderLayoutUri Variable.


UAFX ConnectionManager PubSubCommunicationFlowConfiguration PublishingInterval

Is capable of supporting an instance of the PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType, including the PublishingInterval Variable.


UAFX ConnectionManager PubSubCommunicationFlowConfiguration Qos

Is capable of supporting an instance of the PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType, including the Qos Variable.


UAFX ConnectionManager PubSubCommunicationFlowConfiguration SecurityMode

Is capable of supporting an instance of the PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType, including the SecurityMode Variable.


UAFX ConnectionManager PubSubCommunicationFlowConfiguration SecurityGroupId

Is capable of supporting an instance of the PubSubCommunicationFlowConfigurationType, including the SecurityGroupId Variable.


UAFX ConnectionManager SubscriberConfiguration

Is capable of supporting an instance of the SubscriberConfigurationType.


UAFX ConnectionManager SubscriberConfiguration Address

Is capable of supporting an instance of the SubscriberConfigurationType, including the Address Variable.


UAFX ConnectionManager SubscriberConfiguration ReceiveQos

Is capable of supporting an instance of the SubscriberConfigurationType, including the ReceiveQos Variable.


UAFX ConnectionManager AutomationComponentConfiguration AssetVerification

Is capable of supporting an instance of the AssetVerificationType.


UAFX ConnectionManager AutomationComponentConfiguration CommunicationModelConfig

Is capable of supporting an instance of the AutomationComponentConfigurationType, including the CommunicationModelConfig Object.


UAFX ConnectionManager File Configuration

Supports the ConnectionManagerConfiguration Object in the ConnectionManager. This includes support for reading and writing the defined File, the CloseAndUpdate Method, including the ElementAdd, ElementRemove and ElementReplace Operations, and all related DataTypes for the File content.


UAFX Client ConnectionManager VerifyAsset

Is capable of issuing the VerifyAssetCmd command of the EstablishConnections Method.


UAFX Client ConnectionManager VerifyFunctionalEntity

Is capable of issuing the VerifyFunctionalEntityCmd command of the EstablishConnections Method.


UAFX Client ConnectionManager CreateConnectionEndpoint

Is capable of issuing the CreateConnectionEndpointCmd command of the EstablishConnections Method.


UAFX Client ConnectionManager EstablishControl

Is capable of issuing the EstablishControlCmd command of the EstablishConnections Method.


UAFX Client ConnectionManager SetConfigurationData

Is capable of issuing the SetConfigurationDataCmd command of the EstablishConnections Method.


UAFX Client ConnectionManager ReassignControl

Is capable of issuing the ReassignControlCmd command of the EstablishConnections Method.


UAFX Client ConnectionManager SetCommunicationConfiguration

Is capable of issuing the SetCommunicationConfigurationCmd command of the EstablishConnections Method.


UAFX Client ConnectionManager EnableCommunication

Is capable of issuing the EnableCommunicationCmd command of the EstablishConnections Method.


UAFX Client ConnectionManager ReserveCommunicationIds

Is capable of issuing the ReserveCommunicationIds command of the EstablishConnections Method.


UAFX Client ConnectionManager Bundled Commands

Is capable of issuing commands in a bundle for AutomationComponents that require a bundle.

This subclause describes UAFX Networking features and quantities ConformanceUnits. The ConformanceGroups included are UAFX Ethernet Networking Features and UAFX Ethernet Networking Quantities.

Table 8 describes UAFX Ethernet Networking Features ConformanceUnits which describe IEEE 802 features of End Station Components, Bridge Components, IA-stations, and UAFX Stations. For additional information about these items, please refer to OPC 1000082.

Table 8 – UAFX Ethernet networking features






UAFX EthernetUAFXStation Default PriorityMappingTable

Support of the Default PriorityMappingEntryType values according to Part 82


UAFX EthernetUAFXStation Physical Interface

Support of the physical network interface Objects IetfBaseNetworkInterfaceType and NetworkInterfaces Folder according to Part 82


UAFX EthernetUAFXStation Default VLAN Interface

Support of the Default VLAN Interface values according to Part 82



UAFX EthernetIAStation ContainsBridge

Contains one or more Bridge Components, each supporting one or more of the following Facets: Base Bridge Component Facet, Advanced Bridge Component Facet, Full Bridge Component Facet

Rules for future changes of this CU:

1) All included facets must be based on a common Base Bridge Component Facet.

2) Facets must not be mutually exclusive.

3) A Full Bridge Component Facet must cover the maximum requirements of all Bridge Component Facets.


UAFX EthernetIAStation Default PCP to TC Mapping

Support of the Default Priority to Traffic Class Mapping according to Part 82



UAFX EthernetEndStation C-VLAN Support

Support of C-VLAN tagging according to the End Station Component feature selection of Part 82



UAFX EthernetBridge C-VLAN Component Support

Support of C-VLAN component features according to the Bridge Component requirements clause of Part 82


UAFX EthernetBridge Strict Priority

Support of the strict priority algorithm according to the Bridge Component feature selection of Part 82


UAFX EthernetBridge Regenerating Priority

Support regenerating priority according to the Bridge Component feature selection of Part 82


UAFX EthernetBridge Frame Filtering

Support frame filtering according to the Bridge Component feature selection of Part 82


UAFX EthernetBridge Per-Stream Filtering And Policing

Support per-stream filtering and policing according to the Bridge Component feature selection of Part 82


UAFX EthernetBridge Enhancements For Scheduled Traffic

Support enhancements for scheduled traffic according to the Bridge Component feature selection of Part 82


UAFX EthernetBridge Frame Preemption

Support frame preemption according to the Bridge Component feature selection of Part 82 for ports operating below 5 Gb/s


UAFX EthernetBridge TE-MSTID

Support TE-MSTID according to the Bridge Component feature selection of Part 82



UAFX EthernetServices Topology Discovery

Implementation of Topology Discovery according to Part 82


UAFX EthernetServices gPTP Time Synchronization

Implementation of Time Synchronization according to Part 82


UAFX EthernetServices Remote Management

Implementation of Remote Management according to Part 82

Table 9 describes UAFX Ethernet Networking Quantities ConformanceUnits which define concrete values or value ranges for UAFX Ethernet Networking Features ConformanceUnits listed in Table 8.

Table 9 – UAFX Ethernet networking quantities






UAFX EthernetEndstationQuantities C-VLAN 1

Support the use of at least 1 Customer VLAN ID.



UAFX EthernetBridgeQuantities C-VLAN 8

Support the use of at least 8 Customer VLAN IDs


UAFX EthernetBridgeQuantities Queue 4

Support at least four queues as specified IEEE 802.1Q2018, 8.6.6


UAFX EthernetBridgeQuantities Queue 8

Support eight queues as specified IEEE 802.1Q2018, 8.6.6


UAFX EthernetBridgeQuantities Preemption Minimum Non-Final Fragment Size 64

Support a minimum size of non-final fragments of at least 64 octets as specified IEEE 802.32022,


UAFX EthernetBridgeQuantities Scheduled Traffic GCL 16/64

Support at least 16 gate control list entries (parameter SupportedListMax according to IEEE Std 802.1Q, clause for enhancements for scheduled traffic for ports operating on 10 Mb/s to 100 Mb/s and at least 64 gate control list entries for ports operating on 1 Gb/s to 10 Gb/s.


UAFX EthernetBridgeQuantities Scheduled Traffic GCL 16/128

Support at least 16 gate control list entries (parameter SupportedListMax according to IEEE Std 802.1Q, clause for enhancements for scheduled traffic for ports operating on 10 Mb/s to 100 Mb/s and at least 128 gate control list entries for ports operating on 1 Gb/s to 10 Gb/s.


UAFX EthernetBridgeQuantities Interference 500/200

Support the ability to buffer frames of sizes 64 B to 2000 B at least for a period of 500 µs of egress traffic for each port when operating on 100 Mb/s.

Support the ability to buffer frames of sizes 64 B to 2000 B at least for a period of 200 µs of egress traffic for each port when operating on 1 Gb/s.


UAFX EthernetBridgeQuantities Scheduled Traffic Cycle Time 800/1000

Support at least admin and oper cycle times (see IEEE 802.1Q, clause 12.29.1) of 800 µs and 1000 µs for the enhancement of scheduled traffic mechanism for ports operating at either 100 Mb/s or 1 Gb/s.

NOTE: Higher and lower application cycle times can be achieved with reduction and sub-cycling (see ConformanceUnit UAFX EthernetBridgeQuantities Scheduled Traffic GCL 16/64).

This subclause describes UAFX OfflineEngineering ConformanceUnits. The ConformanceGroups included are UAFX OfflineEngineering and UAFX OfflineEngineering Security.

Table 10 describes UAFX OfflineEngineering Desriptor ConformanceUnits which describe the structure and syntax of a Descriptor file. For additional information about these items, please refer to OPC 1000083.

Table 10 – UAFX OfflineEngineering Descriptor




UAFX Descriptor


UAFX Descriptor Open Packaging Convention Format

Supports the Open Packaging Convention attachment file name extension and Pack URI syntax.


UAFX Descriptor Open Packaging Convention Common Services

Supports the Open Packaging Convention common services files: [Content_Types].xml, .rels, origin.psdor, and origin.psdor.rels.


UAFX Descriptor AML File Format

Supports the AutomationML container file format.


UAFX Descriptor UAFX Manifest

Supports the Descriptor manifest.


UAFX Descriptor UAFX Information Model

Supports the Root AML file, OPC UA FX AML Libraries, and OPC UA FX AML Core Libraries for defining OPC UA FX information models. The OPC UA FX AML Core Libraries are those libraries that are defined in OPC 10000-83 Annexes.


UAFX Descriptor Relationship References

Supports Descriptor Open Packaging Conventions relationship references.


UAFX Tool AML ExternalDataReferences

Supports AutomationML ExternalDataReferences if a non-AutomationML artifact is included in a Descriptor.


UAFX Tool AML ExternalReferences

Supports AutomationML ExternalReferences if multiple AutomationML files are included in the Descriptor.

UAFX Engineering Tool


UAFX Tool Descriptor Import

Supports the importing of UAFX Descriptors.


UAFX Tool Descriptor Export

Supports the exporting of UAFX Descriptors.


UAFX Tool UAFX AML Libraries

Supports the use of AML constructs and the OPC UA FX AML Libraries.


UAFX Tool Descriptor Lifecycle

Supports the handling of Descriptors with different FxVersions.

UAFX OfflineEngineering Security – General


UAFX Descriptor Digital Signature

Descriptor is signed using a digital signature specified in OPC 1000083 using one of the signing algorithms defined by the UAFX Offline Security Policies.


UAFX Tool Export Digital Signature

Supports exporting a compliant Descriptor.


UAFX Tool Import Digital Signature

Supports importing any compliant Descriptor. All digital signatures in an imported Descriptor are validated as specified in OPC 1000083 using the signing algorithms defined in the UAFX Offline Security Policies.


UAFX Tool Logging

Supports error message logging and display when invalid digital signatures are imported.

Table 11 describes UAFX OfflineEngineering Security ConformanceUnits which describe the security policies for signing Descriptors. For additional information about these items, please refer to OPC 1000083.

Table 11 – OfflineEngineering Descriptor Security

UAFX OfflineEngineering Signing – Limits


UAFX Offline Rsa-Sha256 Limits

-> MinAsymmetricKeyLength: 2048 bits

-> MaxAsymmetricKeyLength: 4096 bits


UAFX Offline Rsa-Sha384 Limits

-> MinAsymmetricKeyLength: 3072 bits

-> MaxAsymmetricKeyLength: 4096 bits


UAFX Offline Rsa-Sha512Limits

-> MinAsymmetricKeyLength: 4096 bits

-> MaxAsymmetricKeyLength: 8192 bits


UAFX Offline ECCnistP256 Limits

-> MinAsymmetricKeyLength: 256 bits (ECC)

-> MaxAsymmetricKeyLength: 384 bits (ECC for CA Only)


UAFX Offline ECCnistP384 Limits

-> MinAsymmetricKeyLength: 384 bits (ECC)

-> MaxAsymmetricKeyLength: 521 bits (ECC for CA Only)


UAFX Offline ECCnistP521 Limits

-> MinAsymmetricKeyLength: 521 bits (ECC)

-> MaxAsymmetricKeyLength: 521 bits (ECC)

UAFX OfflineEngineering Signing - Algorithms


UAFX Offline CertificateSignatureAlgorithm_ RSA-PKCS15-SHA2-256

The RSA signature algorithm which is defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447.

The RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme is used.

The hash algorithm is SHA2 with 256 bits, 384 bits, or 512 bits. It is described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6234.


UAFX Offline AsymmetricSignatureAlgorithm_RSA-PKCS15-SHA2-384

The RSA signature algorithm which is defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447.

The RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme is used.

The hash algorithm is SHA2 with 384 bits and is described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6234.

The URI is http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha384.


UAFX Offline CertificateSignatureAlgorithm_RSA-PKCS15-SHA2-384

The RSA signature algorithm which is defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447.

The RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme is used.

The hash algorithm is SHA2 with 384 bits or 512 bits. It is described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6234.


UAFX Offline AsymmetricSignatureAlgorithm_RSA-PKCS15-SHA2-512

The RSA signature algorithm which is defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447.

The RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme is used.

The hash algorithm is SHA2 with 512 bits and is described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6234.

The URI is http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha512.


UAFX Offline CertificateSignatureAlgorithm_RSA-PKCS15-SHA2-512

The RSA signature algorithm which is defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447.

The RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme is used.

The hash algorithm is SHA2 with 512 bits. It is described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6234.


UAFX Offline AsymmetricSignatureAlgorithm_ECDSA-SHA2-256

The ECC digital signature algorithm described in https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf.

The hash algorithm is SHA2 with 256 bits and is described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6234.

The URI is http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#ecdsa-sha256.


UAFX Offline CertificateKeyAlgorithm_ECC-nistP256

The P-256 or P-384 curve described in http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf.

ECC public key compression is not used.

ECC coordinates are encoded as big-endian integers padded with zeros.

An end entity Certificate shall use P-256.

A CA that issues end entity Certificates shall use P-256.

Other CAs may use P-384.


UAFX Offline CertificateSignatureAlgorithm_ECDSA-SHA2-256

ECC digital signature algorithm described in https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf.

The SHA2 algorithm is described in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6234.

The SHA2 algorithm length depends on the public key.

The length shall be 256 bits if the P-256 curve is used.

The length shall be 384 bits if the P-384 curve is used.


UAFX Offline AsymmetricSignatureAlgorithm_ECDSA-SHA2-384

The ECC digital signature algorithm described in https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf.

The hash algorithm is SHA2 with 384 bits and is described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6234.

The URI is http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#ecdsa-sha384.


UAFX Offline CertificateKeyAlgorithm_ECC-nistP384

The P-384 or P-521 curve described in http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf.

ECC public key compression is not used.

ECC coordinates are encoded as big-endian integers padded with zeros.

An end entity Certificate shall use P-384.

A CA that issues end entity Certificates shall use P-384.

Other CAs may use P-521.


UAFX Offline CertificateSignatureAlgorithm_ECDSA-SHA2-384

ECC digital signature algorithm described in http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf.

The SHA2 algorithm is described in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6234.

The SHA2 algorithm length depends on the public key.

The length shall be 384 bits if the P-384 curve is used.

The length shall be 512 bits if the P-521 curve is used.


UAFX Offline AsymmetricSignatureAlgorithm_ECDSA-SHA2-512

The ECC digital signature algorithm described in https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf.

The hash algorithm is SHA2 with 512 bits and is described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6234.

The URI is http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#ecdsa-sha512.


UAFX Offline CertificateKeyAlgorithm_ECC-nistP521

The P-521 curve described in http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf.

ECC public key compression is not used.

ECC coordinates are encoded as big-endian integers padded with zeros.


UAFX Offline CertificateSignatureAlgorithm_ECDSA-SHA2-512

ECC digital signature algorithm described in http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf.

The hash algorithm is SHA2 with 512 bits and is described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6234.

This subclause describes UAFX Descriptor contents ConformanceUnits. The ConformanceGroups included are UAFX Descriptor Contents – UAFX Information Model, UAFX Descriptor Contents – Networking Information Model, UAFX Descriptor Contents – Core UA Information Model.

Table 12 describes UAFX Descriptor Contents – UAFX Information Model ConformanceUnits which describe the UAFX Information Model contents of a Descriptor. For additional information about these items, please refer to OPC 1000081.

Table 12 – UAFX Descriptor Contents – UAFX Information Model

UAFX Descriptor contents – UAFX IM – AutomationComponent


UAFX Descriptor AcDescriptor DescriptorIdentifier

If the product supports the UAFX AcDescriptor DescriptorIdentifier ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of AutomationComponentType AcDescriptorType DescriptorIdentifier and DescriptorVersion Variables and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor AutomationComponent Base

If the product supports the UAFX AutomationComponent Base ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of AutomationComponentType are included.


UAFX Descriptor AutomationComponent ComponentCapabilities

Includes the AML descriptions of all instances of the AutomationComponentType ComponentCapabilities Folders and their contents.


UAFX Descriptor AutomationComponent ConformanceName

If the product supports the UAFX AutomationComponent ConformanceName ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of AutomationComponentType ConformanceName Variable and its contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor FxRoot

Includes the AML description of the well-known UAFX Information Model instance FxRoot.

UAFX Descriptor contents – UAFX IM – Asset


UAFX Descriptor Asset SoftwareUpdate

If the product supports the UAFX SoftwareUpdate ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of UAFX SoftwareUpdate AddIn are included.


UAFX Descriptor IAssetRevision Version

If the product supports the UAFX IAssetRevision Version ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IAssetRevision Build

If the product supports the UAFX IAssetRevision Build ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IAssetRevision SubBuild

If the product supports the UAFX IAssetRevision SubBuild ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor DI IVendorNameplate ManufacturerUri

If the product supports the DI IVendorNameplate ManufacturerUri ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor DI IVendorNameplate ProductCode

If the product supports the DI IVendorNameplate ProductCode ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor DI IVendorNameplate HardwareRevision

If the product supports the DI IVendorNameplate HardwareRevision ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor DI IVendorNameplate SoftwareRevision

If the product supports the DI IVendorNameplate SoftwareRevision ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor DI IVendorNameplate ProductInstanceUri

If the product supports the DI IVendorNameplate ProductInstanceUri ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor DI IVendorNameplate Manufacturer

If the product supports the DI IVendorNameplate Manufacturer ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor DI IVendorNameplate Model

If the product supports the DI IVendorNameplate Model ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor DI IVendorNameplate DeviceRevision

If the product supports the DI IVendorNameplate DeviceRevision ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor DI IVendorNameplate DeviceManual

If the product supports the DI IVendorNameplate DeviceManual ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor DI IVendorNameplate DeviceClass

If the product supports the DI IVendorNameplate DeviceClass ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor DI IVendorNameplate SerialNumber

If the product supports the DI IVendorNameplate SerialNumber ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor DI ITagNameplate AssetId

If the product supports the DI ITagNameplate AssetId ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit are included.


UAFX Descriptor DI ITagNameplate ComponentName

If the product supports the DI ITagNameplate ComponentName ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit are included.


UAFX Descriptor IAssetExtensions Connectors

If the product supports the UAFX IAssetExtensions Connectors ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of Connectors Folder of the IAssetExtensions Interface and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor AssetConnector Id

If the product supports the UAFX AssetConnector Id ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor AssetConnector Name

If the product supports the UAFX AssetConnector Name ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor AssetConnector Kind

If the product supports the UAFX AssetConnector Kind ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor AssetConnector Slot Base

If the product supports the UAFX AssetConnector Slot Base ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor AssetConnector Slot LogicalId

If the product supports the UAFX AssetConnector Slot LogicalId ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor AssetConnector Socket Base

If the product supports the UAFX AssetConnector Socket Base ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor AssetConnector Clamp Base

If the product supports the UAFX AssetConnector Clamp Base ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor AssetConnector ClampBlock Base

If the product supports the UAFX AssetConnector ClampBlock Base ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor AssetConnector ClampBlock BlockSize

If the product supports the UAFX AssetConnector ClampBlock BlockSize ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor AssetConnector ClampBlock Nested

If the product supports the UAFX AssetConnector ClampBlock Nested ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of nested ClampTypes and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor ConnectionEndpoint PubSub

If the product supports the UAFX ConnectionEndpoint PubSub ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor ControlGroup Methods

If the product supports the UAFX ControlGroup Methods ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IFunctionalEntity Capabilities

If the product supports the UAFX IFunctionalEntity Capabilities ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor ControlGroup Base

If the product supports the UAFX ControlGroup Base ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of ControlGroupType are included.


UAFX Descriptor ConnectionEndpoint Base

If the product supports the UAFX ConnectionEndpoint Base ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of subtypes of ConnectionEndpointType are included.

UAFX Descriptor contents – UAFX IM – FunctionalEntity


UAFX Descriptor FunctionalEntity Base

If the product supports the UAFX FunctionalEntity Base ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of FunctionalEntityType, a subtype of it, or an Object that implements the IFunctionalEntity Interface are included.


UAFX Descriptor IFunctionalEntity ControlGroups

If the product supports the UAFX IFunctionalEntity ControlGroups ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IFunctionalEntity SubscriberCapabilities

If the product supports the UAFX IFunctionalEntity SubscriberCapabilities ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IFunctionalEntity PublisherCapabilities

If the product supports the UAFX IFunctionalEntity PublisherCapabilities ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IFunctionalEntity ConnectionEndpoints

If the product supports the UAFX IFunctionalEntity ConnectionEndpoints ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IFunctionalEntity ConfigurationData

If the product supports the UAFX IFunctionalEntity ConfigurationData ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of ConfigurationDataFolderType and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IFunctionalEntity OutputData

If the product supports the UAFX IFunctionalEntity OutputData ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of OutputsFolderType and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IFunctionalEntity InputData

If the product supports the UAFX IFunctionalEntity IntputData ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of InputsFolderType and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IFunctionalEntity OperationalHealthAlarms

If the product supports the UAFX IFunctionalEntity OperationalHealthAlarms ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IFunctionalEntity ApplicationIdentifier

If the product supports the UAFX IFunctionalEntity ApplicationIdentifie ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IFunctionalEntity AuthorAssignedVersion

If the product supports the UAFX IFunctionalEntity AuthorAssignedVersion ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IFunctionalEntity AuthorAssignedIdentifier

If the product supports the UAFX IFunctionalEntity AuthorAssignedIdentifier ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor IFunctionalEntity AuthorUri

If the product supports the UAFX IFunctionalEntity AuthorUri ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor ConfigurationDataFolder VariableStorage

If the product supports the UAFX ConfigurationDataFolder VariableStorage ConformanceUnit, the AML descriptions of all instances of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.

Table 15 describes UAFX Descriptor Contents – Networking Information Model ConformanceUnits which describe the UAFX Station Information Model contents of a Descriptor. For additional information about these items, please refer to OPC 1000082.

Table 13 – UAFX Descriptor Contents – Networking Information Model


UAFX Descriptor Network Priority Mapping

If the product supports the UAFX EthernetUAFXStation Default PriorityMappingTable ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor Network Physical Interfaces

If the product supports the UAFX EthernetUAFXStation Physical Interface ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.


UAFX Descriptor Network VLAN Interfaces

If the product supports the UAFX EthernetUAFXStation Default VLAN Interface ConformanceUnit, the AML description of the UAFX Information Model Objects required by that ConformanceUnit and their contents are included.

Table 16 describes UAFX Descriptor Contents – Core UA Information Model ConformanceUnits which describe the Core UA Information Model contents of a Descriptor. For additional information about these items, please refer to OPC 100007.

Table 14 – UAFX Descriptor Contents – Networking Information Model


UAFX Descriptor Core VendorServerInfo

Includes the AML description of the VendorServerInfo Variable of the Server Object.


UAFX Descriptor Core ServerRedundancy

Includes the AML description of the ServerRedundancy Variable of the Server Object.


UAFX Descriptor Core Server Capabilities

Includes the AML description of the UA IM Objects required by the Base Info Server Capabilities 2 ConformanceUnit and their contents.


UAFX Descriptor Core MaxMonitoredItemsQueueSize

Includes the AML description of the UA IM Objects required by the Base Info Server Capabilities MaxMonitoredItemsQueueSize ConformanceUnit and their contents.


UAFX Descriptor Core Subscriptions Capabilities

Includes the AML description of the UA IM Objects required by the Base Info Server Capabilities Subscriptions ConformanceUnit and their contents.