comprise a conformant IA-station,
support middleware modelling of network interfaces and QoS in the UAFX communication and application layer:
- priority mapping configuration representation as defined in OPC 1000022, including the PriorityMappingTableType, MappingTables Folder, and the UsesPriorityMappingTable ReferenceType (see 6.5.4);
- network interface representation as defined in OPC 10000-22, including the IetfBaseNetworkInterfaceType, the IIetfBaseNetworkInterfaceType and IIeeeBaseEthernetPortType Interfaces, and the NetworkInterfaces Folder (see 6.5.3);
- C-VLAN configuration representation as defined in OPC 1000022, including the IVlanIdType Interface and the HasLowerLayerInterface ReferenceType (see 6.5.3).