There is no generic DataType defined to represent a SelectionListType Variable. A generic definition would create additional overhead since the values may have different DataTypes.

To simplify the handling of SelectionListType, each Variable that is of SelectionListType is mapped to:

  • A Structure field with the corresponding DataType representing the current value. The field name is constructed from the Variable name (<Variable name>).
  • A Structure field with an array of the corresponding DataType representing the additional selection options (selectable values associated with the selection list – the list may contain only the current value if this selection list currently does not provide for modifications). The field name is constructed from the Variable name with ‘Selection’ suffix (<Variable name>Selection).
  • A Structure field with DataType Boolean indicates if the list of selectable values is enterable by a Client. The field is omitted if the specification requires that RestrictToList is set to TRUE (i.e. no values can be entered; only a selection is possible). The field name is constructed from the Variable name with ‘Modify’ suffix (<Variable name>Modify).