Figure D.1 shows a simple single-board computer, in this case, a Raspberry Pi (“Raspberry Pi is a trademark of Raspberry Pi Ltd”), that can be modelled as an asset. This simple single-board computer has multiple items that can be modelled. It has many connector options, including extension boards or external devices and cables. The figure also includes a possible base asset model for the Raspberry Pi. This model does not include all features of a Raspberry Pi, but will be used to illustrate the available ReferenceTypes. This single-board computer could be modelled in many manners, and this illustrates just a possible model. Alternate models could exist and would not be wrong.


Figure D.1 – Raspberry Pi Asset type example

The MyRaspberryPiType is a subtype of FxAssetType. It mandates some of the Optional IVendorNameplateType Properties (all items listed), and it omits other Optional Properties from the interfaces that do not apply to MyRaspberryPiType. The model includes a number of Connectors that are used to add additional peripherals. The MyRaspberryPiType includes a System-On-Chip Object as an illustration of a HasBuiltInAsset. This Object contains information about the CPU and memory. It contains two Variables: one for the CPU Clock rate (can be 1.5 GHz or 1.8 GHz) that is used in the single board computer, and the other is an enumeration of the memory (can be 2, 4, or 8 GB).

The model does not include all the connectors that are available in a Raspberry Pi, but it does show the USB connectors and the external asset that is connected via a cable. See Figure D.2, showing the cable being attached to one of the USB ports. The figure also illustrates the resulting instance model. This figure only includes the instance information related to the ConnectedTo Reference; it does not include all of the other mandatory items that would be in the instance. The USB cable is represented by the ConnectedTo Reference. The Adaptor is its own Asset and might have its own configuration that is omitted here.


Figure D.2 – MyRaspberryPiType Instance with connection

The Raspberry Pi also has a slot for an SD card, which is also modelled (see Figure D.3). The SD card is visible from the outside and can be removed. It is modelled as a HasAttachedComponent. The SD card can also be updated; thus, the SD card model includes the optional SoftwareUpdate component. The SD card is not a top-level Asset, and thus, it does not implement the IDeviceHealthType interface.


Figure D.3 – MyRaspberryPiType Instance with SD card Slot

An alternate manner in which the SD Card could have been modelled is illustrated in Figure D.4. This model does not show the slot since it is assumed that the card is always present. Vendors can generate multiple models, all of which are correct.


Figure D.4 – MyRaspberryPiType Instance with SD Card

The Raspberry Pi might also include extension boards such as the Sense HAT (see for more information) that is illustrated in Figure D.5. This removable type of extension board could be modelled using a HasPart Reference. In the resulting model, the SenseHat is not a top-level Asset but just a child of the GPIO connector that it is attached to. This addition provides a number of sensors – a gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, humidity sensor, barometric sensor, temperature sensor and an LED display.


Figure D.5 – MyRaspberryPiType Instance with a Sensor Hat

The Raspberry Pi can also be enclosed in a case which also contains a fan (see Figure D.6). The fan is wired to the single-board computer. Both the Raspberry Pi and the fan are physically attached to the case. The case is not modelled as an Asset, but it can still make use of the References defined in OPC 10000-23.


Figure D.6 – MyRaspberryPiInstance as part of larger model

Figure D.7 illustrates the entire Information Model for the Raspberry Pi described in this annex.


Figure D.7 – Raspberry Pi complete Asset model