The TighteningSystemType provides the overview of data exposed from a given tightening system and is formally defined in Table 12.
Note: An instance of the TighteningSystemType does not represent a specific asset. It is a container which represents an entry point for the set of various assets available in a given tightening system.
Table 12 - TighteningSystemType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
TighteningSystemType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Subtype of the BaseObjectType defined in OPC 10000-5 i.e. inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
SystemInformation |
-- |
0:FolderType |
M |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
AssetManagement |
-- |
0:FolderType |
M |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
ResultManagement |
-- |
ResultManagementType |
M |
The mandatory SystemInformation Object is an instance of FolderType to group common parameters for the tightening system.
The mandatory AssetManagement Object is an instance of FolderType to group set of assets and related objects in the tightening system.
The mandatory ResultManagement Object is an instance of ResultManagementType which provides mechanism to access results generated by the underlying system.
The components of the TighteningSystemType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 13.
Table 13 - TighteningSystemType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
SystemInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Name |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
M, RO |
SystemInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
IntegratorName |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
SystemInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
SystemId |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
SystemInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Description |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
SystemInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Location |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
AssetManagement |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Assets |
-- |
0:FolderType |
M |
The mandatory Name is the name or model of the tightening system. It can be provided by the system integrator to identify the system.
The optional IntegratorName is the name of the system integrator.
The optional SystemId is the system integrator specific identifier for the system. It represents a reference to the manufacturer ERP system to know determine what is the system.
The optional Description is the description of the system which could be written by the customer to identify the system. It could be the purpose of the system in the assembly line. Examples: Fixtured System, Handheld System, Brake bolt M10 left side, etc.
The optional Location is the location of the given system in the given plant or factory in text format.
The mandatory Assets Object is an instance of FolderType to group set of assets available in the given system.
The components of the TighteningSystemType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 14.
The additional subcomponents are instances of FolderType to group different types of assets available in the given system. Each instance of the FolderType has a respective place holder of type BaseObjectType for each asset.
Table 14 - TighteningSystemType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Controllers |
0:FolderType |
M |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Tools |
0:FolderType |
M |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Servos |
0:FolderType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
MemoryDevices |
0:FolderType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Sensors |
0:FolderType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Cables |
0:FolderType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Batteries |
0:FolderType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
PowerSupplies |
0:FolderType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Feeders |
0:FolderType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Accessories |
0:FolderType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
SubComponents |
0:FolderType |
O |
The components of the TighteningSystemType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 15.
Table 15 - TighteningSystemType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<Controller> |
0:BaseObjectType |
MP |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
IControllerType |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<Tool> |
0:BaseObjectType |
MP |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
IToolType |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<Servo> |
0:BaseObjectType |
OP |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
IServoType |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<MemoryDevice> |
0:BaseObjectType |
OP |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
IMemoryDeviceType |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<Sensor> |
0:BaseObjectType |
OP |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
ISensorType |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<Cable> |
0:BaseObjectType |
OP |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
ICableType |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<Battery> |
0:BaseObjectType |
OP |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
IBatteryType |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<Feeder> |
0:BaseObjectType |
OP |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
IFeederType |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<PowerSupply> |
0:BaseObjectType |
OP |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
IPowerSupplyType |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<Accessory> |
0:BaseObjectType |
OP |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
IAccessoryType |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
<SubComponent> |
0:BaseObjectType |
OP |
0:HasInterface |
ObjectType |
ISubComponentType |
Figure 9 - Overview of the ITighteningSystemAssetType
This is a generic interface common for all assets in a given Tightening System. The purpose of this interface is to provide a standard way of identification and common information for all the assets.
This interface has a standard MachineryItemIdentificationType add-in which can be assigned with MachineIdentificationType or MachineryComponentIdentificationType for a given asset based on the requirement of the system.
Note: In a Tightening System, Controller and Tool instances are generally considered as Machines and other assets can be modelled as components.
To determine if a given asset is classified as Machine or Component is flexible and that is achieved using base add-in from OPC UA for Machinery specification MachineryItemIdentificationType which can be specialized using MachineIdentificationType or MachineryComponentIdentificationType.
The standard set of parameters required for 2:Identification are included from MachineryItemIdentificationType (which can be specialized to MachineIdentificationType or MachineryComponentIdentificationType) defined in OPC 40001-1.
Table 16 - ITighteningSystemAssetType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
ITighteningSystemAssetType |
IsAbstract |
True |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Subtype of the BaseInterfaceType defined in OPC 10001-7. |
0:HasAddIn |
Object |
2:Identification |
-- |
3:MachineryItemIdentificationType |
M |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
GeneralInformation |
-- |
0:FolderType |
O |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
ServiceInformation |
-- |
0:FolderType |
O |
The components of the ITighteningSystemAssetType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 17.
Table 17 - ITighteningSystemAssetType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
GeneralInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ProductInstanceId |
0:Guid |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
GeneralInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
SupplierCode |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
GeneralInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ErrorMessage |
0:LocalizedText |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
GeneralInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ErrorTimestamp |
0:UtcTime |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
GeneralInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ErrorCode |
0:Int32 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
GeneralInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Temperature |
0:Double |
JoiningDataVariableType |
O, RO |
GeneralInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Uptime |
0:Int32 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
GeneralInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Description |
0:LocalizedText |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
ServiceInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ServiceDate |
0:UtcTime |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
M, RO |
ServiceInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ServicePlace |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
M, RO |
ServiceInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
NextServiceDate |
0:UtcTime |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
ServiceInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ServiceCycleSpan |
0:Int32 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
ServiceInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ServiceCycleCount |
0:Int32 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
ServiceInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
NumberOfServices |
0:Int32 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
ServiceInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ServiceReminderDays |
0:Int16 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
ServiceInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
RemainingCycles |
0:Int32 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
The 2:Identification Object, using the standardized name defined in OPC 10000-100, provides identification information about the asset. This is a mandatory place holder and any asset inheriting ITighteningSystemAssetType will replace it with MachineIdentificationType or MachineryComponentIdentificationType.
The GeneralInformation Object is an instance of FolderType to group common parameters for all the assets under TighteningSystemType.
The parameters for GeneralInformation Object are described below.
The optional ProductInstanceId is a system-wide unique identifier as GUID to be consistent with other entities like Result, Programs, etc. for ease of automation.
The optional SupplierCode is the SAP or ERP Supplier Code of the asset.
The optional ErrorMessage is the user readable text of the error reported by the given asset.
The optional ErrorTimestamp is the timestamp when the error occurred in the given asset.
The optional ErrorCode is the system specific code for the error occurred.
The optional Temperature is the measured temperature of the asset.
The optional Uptime is the total number of hours it has been running since its operational date.
The optional Description is the system specific description of the asset.
The optional ServiceInformation Object provides general information on the service operations performed on a given asset.
The mandatory ServiceDate is the date of the last service.
The mandatory ServicePlace is the location where the last service took place.
Note: ServiceDate and ServicePlace should have the initial operation date and the place for new assets.
The optional NextServiceDate is the date of the next planned service.
The optional ServiceCycleSpan is the maximum allowed number of cycles between two services.
The optional ServiceCycleCount is the total cycle counter when the last service took place.
The optional NumberOfServices is the total number of services taken place till date.
The optional ServiceReminderDays is the number of days before a service reminder should be sent.
The optional RemainingCycles is the remaining cycles before the service or maintenance. It can go negative if a service is skipped to indicate overshoot cycles.
Note: The set of interfaces for each type of asset has a mandatory Parameters Object which is an instance of FolderType. It is used to group set of parameters of the given asset.
Table 18 - IControllerType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
IControllerType |
IsAbstract |
True |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Subtype of the ITighteningSystemAssetType, inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Parameters |
-- |
0:FolderType |
M |
The components of the IControllerType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 19.
Table 19 - IControllerType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Type |
0:Byte |
0:MultiStateDiscreteType |
O, RO |
The optional Type is the classification of a Controller. In Table 20, standardized values for the EnumStrings are defined. Each instance of this type shall follow the defined sequence for the entries.
Note: Servers can add additional entries into the EnumStrings array and may provide translations of the texts in different locales.
Table 20 - IControllerType Attribute values for child nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
The descriptions for the EnumStrings values corresponding to Type is given below:
- SUPERVISORY_CONTROLLER is a controller which is not executing the process or moving actuators. It manages other controllers and may be a node or hub to other controllers.
- PLC is a Programmable Logic Controller which is executing sequence operations. Examples would be part handling, providing fasteners, managing bit strokes.
- COMPUTER is an information processing unit such as PC.
- JOINING_PROCESS_CONTROLLER is controller which is handling the joining process. It performs the joining and publishes its results.
- COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER is a controller which is mainly in charge of handling communications.
- FEEDING_CONTROLLER is a controller which performs the fastener flow and is providing the fastening elements.
Table 21 - IToolType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
IToolType |
IsAbstract |
True |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Subtype of the ITighteningSystemAssetType, inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Parameters |
-- |
0:FolderType |
M |
The components of the IToolType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 22.
Table 22 - IToolType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Type |
0:Byte |
0:MultiStateDiscreteType |
M, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
DesignType |
0:Byte |
0:MultiStateDiscreteType |
M, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
DriveMethod |
0:Byte |
0:MultiStateDiscreteType |
M, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
DriveType |
0:Byte |
0:MultiStateDiscreteType |
M, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MaxTorque |
0:Double |
JoiningDataVariableType |
M, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MinTorque |
0:Double |
JoiningDataVariableType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ShutOffMethod |
0:Byte |
0:MultiStateDiscreteType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MaxSpeed |
0:Double |
JoiningDataVariableType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
MotorType |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
TotalNumberOfTighteningsSinceService |
0:Int32 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
TotalNumberOfTightenings |
0:Int32 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
The mandatory Type is the classification of a Tool.
The mandatory DesignType provides information on the design of the Tool.
The mandatory DriveMethod provides information on the drive method of the motor of the Tool.
The mandatory DriveType provides information on the drive type of the Tool.
The optional ShutOffMethod provides information on the shutoff method of the tool.
In Table 23, standardized values for the EnumStrings attribute for the above listed variables is defined. Each instance of the following variables Type, DesignType, DriveMethod, DriveType, ShutOffMethod shall follow the defined sequence for the entries.
Note: Servers can add additional entries into the EnumStrings array and may provide translations of the texts in different locales.
The mandatory MaxTorque is the maximum allowed torque for which the tool may be used for tightening processes. For Click Wrenches, it may not be available.
The optional MinTorque is the minimum allowed torque for which the tool may be used for tightening processes.
The optional MaxSpeed is the maximum rotation speed of the driving shaft.
The optional MotorType is the type of motor in the tool.
The optional TotalNumberOfTighteningsSinceService is the total number of tightenings executed by the tool since the last service of the tool.
The optional TotalNumberOfTightenings is the total number of tightenings executed by the tool. It is incremented by 1 to capture total number of tightenings.
Table 23 - IToolType Attribute values for child nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
Table 24 - IServoType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
IServoType |
IsAbstract |
True |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the ItighteningSystemAssetType, inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Parameters |
-- |
0:FolderType |
M |
The components of the IServoType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 25.
Table 25 - IServoType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
NodeNumber |
0:Int16 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
The optional NodeNumber is the node identifier in multiple configurations, e.g. cabinet with one controller and multiple servo/tightening modules.
Table 26 - IMemoryDeviceType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
IMemoryDeviceType |
IsAbstract |
True |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the ITighteningSystemAssetType, inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Parameters |
-- |
0:FolderType |
M |
The components of the IMemoryDeviceType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 27.
Table 27 - IMemoryDeviceType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Type |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
StorageCapacity |
0:Uint64 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
UsedSpace |
0:Uint64 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
The optional Type is the type of memory device. It may define the form factor, interface, or technology. Examples: Flash, CFAST, USB, etc.
Note: Memory or storage devices can be classified based on various factors. Hence an open string is provided to make it generic.
The optional StorageCapacity is the static information on size of the storage in Bytes.
The optional UsedSpace is the static information on size of the used space in Bytes.
Table 28 - ISensorType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
ISensorType |
IsAbstract |
True |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the ITighteningSystemAssetType, inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Parameters |
-- |
0:FolderType |
M |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
CalibrationInformation |
-- |
0:FolderType |
O |
The components of the ISensorType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 29.
Table 29 - ISensorType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Type |
0:Byte |
0:MultiStateDiscreteType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
OverloadCount |
0:Int32 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
CalibrationInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Value |
0:Double |
JoiningDataVariableType |
O, RO |
CalibrationInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
CalibrationDate |
0:UtcTime |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
M, RO |
CalibrationInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
CalibrationPlace |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
CalibrationInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
NextCalibrationDate |
0:UtcTime |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
CalibrationInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
SensorScale |
0:Double |
JoiningDataVariableType |
O, RO |
CalibrationInformation |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
CertificateUri |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
The optional Type is the classification of a Sensor. In Table 30, standardized values for the EnumStrings are defined. Each instance of this type shall follow the defined sequence for the entries.
Note: Servers can add additional entries into the EnumStrings array and may provide translations of the texts in different locales.
Table 30 - ISensorType Attribute values for child nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
The optional OverloadCount is the number of overloads of the sensor, where the permissible load of the senor was exceeded.
The optional CalibrationInformation Object is the general information about the calibration performed on the given sensor.
The optional Value is the actual measured value of the sensor.
Note: This value may not be exposed in the highest possible sample rate. This value is for information only and should not be used for real time processing.
The mandatory CalibrationDate is the date when the last calibration took place.
The optional CalibrationPlace is the location where the last calibration took place.
The optional NextCalibrationDate is the date of the next planned calibration.
The optional SensorScale is the nominal scale of the sensor. It corresponds also with the measurement range of the sensor.
The optional CertificateUri contains the URI of a certificate of the calibration target in case the calibration target is certified and the information available. Otherwise, the Variable should be omitted. The String shall be a URI as defined by RFC 3986. Example: MCE test document.
Note: An instance of Sensor can be referenced to a respective Calibration Target which was used to calibrate the sensor. The standard models for Calibration Target are defined in OPC 10000-200.
Table 31 - ICableType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
ICableType |
IsAbstract |
True |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the ITighteningSystemAssetType, inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Parameters |
-- |
0:FolderType |
M |
The components of the ICableType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 32.
Table 32 - ICableType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Type |
0:Byte |
0:MultiStateDiscreteType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
CableLength |
0:Double |
JoiningDataVariableType |
O, RO |
The optional Type is the classification of the cable. In Table 33, standardized values for the EnumStrings are defined. Each instance of this type shall follow the defined sequence for the entries.
Note: Servers can add additional entries into the EnumStrings array and may provide translations of the texts in different locales.
Table 33 - ICableType Attribute values for child nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
The optional CableLength is the length of the cable.
Table 34 - IBatteryType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
IBatteryType |
IsAbstract |
True |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the ITighteningSystemAssetType, inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Parameters |
-- |
0:FolderType |
M |
The components of the IBatteryType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 35.
Table 35 - IBatteryType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
NominalVoltage |
0:Double |
JoiningDataVariableType |
M, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Capacity |
0:Double |
JoiningDataVariableType |
M, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ChargeCycleCount |
0:Int32 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
StateOfCharge |
0:Byte |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
StateOfHealth |
0:Byte |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Type |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
NumberOfTightenings |
0:Int32 |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
The mandatory NominalVoltage is the nominal DC voltage of the battery.
The mandatory Capacity is the nominal capacity of the battery.
The optional ChargeCycleCount is the number of times the battery has been charged since the initial operation date.
The optional StateOfCharge is the state of charge (SOC) indicator functions as a sort of fuel gauge that displays the usable amount of energy like battery estimates in cellphones and laptops. This helps determine optimal charging and discharging. It is given in percentage.
The optional StateOfHealth is the State of Health is a measurement that reflects the general condition of a battery and its ability to deliver the specified performance compared with a fresh battery. It considers such factors as charge acceptance, internal resistance, voltage, and self-discharge. It is given in percentage.
The optional Type is a user readable text to determine the type of battery based on technology, chemical composition, etc.
The optional NumberOfTightenings is the total number of operations performed using the battery.
Table 36 - IPowerSupplyType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
IPowerSupplyType |
IsAbstract |
True |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the ITighteningSystemAssetType, inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Parameters |
-- |
0:FolderType |
M |
The components of the IPowerSupplyType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 37.
Table 37 - IPowerSupplyType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
InputSpecification |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
M, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
NominalPower |
0:Double |
JoiningDataVariableType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ActualPower |
0:Double |
JoiningDataVariableType |
O, RO |
The mandatory InputSpecification is the specification of the power supply. Example: 230 V, 50/60 Hz, 10 A.
The optional NominalPower is the maximum output power of the power supply.
The optional ActualPower is the actual load consumption of the power supply.
Note: This value may not be exposed in the highest possible sample rate. This value is for information only and should not be used for real time processing.
Table 38 - IFeederType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
IfeederType |
IsAbstract |
True |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the ITighteningSystemAssetType, inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Parameters |
-- |
0:FolderType |
M |
The components of the IFeederType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 39.
Table 39 - IFeederType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Type |
0:Byte |
0:MultiStateDiscreteType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Material |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
M, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
FillLevel |
0:Byte |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
FeedingSpeed |
0:Double |
JoiningDataVariableType |
O, RO |
The optional Type is the classification of a Feeder. In Table 40, standardized values for the EnumStrings are defined. Each instance of this type shall follow the defined sequence for the entries.
Note: Servers can add additional entries into the EnumStrings array and may provide translations of the texts in different locales.
Table 40 - IFeederType Attribute values for child nodes
BrowsePath |
Value Attribute |
The mandatory Material is the type or name of the part which is supplied by the feeder.
The optional FillLevel is the fill level in the feeder in percentage [%]. (0%=empty, 100% = full).
The optional FeedingSpeed indicates the output in parts per time. Example: fasteners / minute.
Table 41 - IAccessoryType efinition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
IAccessoryType |
IsAbstract |
True |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the ITighteningSystemAssetType, inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Parameters |
-- |
0:FolderType |
M |
The components of the IAccessoryType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 42.
Table 42 - IAccessoryType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Type |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
The optional Type is a user readable open string to describe the type of accessory such as socket selector, operator panel, etc.
Table 43 - ISubComponentType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
ISubComponentType |
IsAbstract |
True |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the ITighteningSystemAssetType, inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasComponent |
Object |
Parameters |
-- |
0:FolderType |
O |
The components of the ISubComponentType have additional subcomponents which are defined in Table 44.
Table 44 - ISubComponentType Additional Subcomponents
Source Path |
Reference |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Others |
Parameters |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Type |
0:String |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
O, RO |
The optional Type is a user readable open string to describe the type of subcomponent such as network module, etc.