The DisplayAnalogUnitType is a subtype of the AnalogUnitType. It is used to provide an analog signal as well as its display format.
DisplayAnalogUnitType is formally defined in the following table.
Table 186 – DisplayAnalogUnitType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
DisplayAnalogUnitType |
IsAbstract |
False |
ValueRank |
−1 (−1 = Scalar) |
DataType |
0:Number |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the AnalogUnitType defined in OPC 10000-8, which means it inherits the Instance Declarations of that Node. |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
DisplayFormat |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
The components of the DisplayAnalogUnitType are further described below.
BrowseName |
Description |
DisplayFormat |
Display format for visualization of the AnalogUnitType. The same display format shall be used in the HMI. DisplayFormat is a numeric format string as defined by the Microsoft .NET documentation (check link). |
The MaterialQuantityVariableType is a subtype of the DisplayAnalogUnitType. It is used to provide a material quantity.
MaterialQuantityVariableType is formally defined in the following table.
Table 187 – MaterialQuantityVariableType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
MaterialQuantityVariableType |
IsAbstract |
False |
ValueRank |
−1 (−1 = Scalar) |
DataType |
0:Double |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the DisplayAnalogUnitType defined in OPC 10000-8, which means it inherits the Instance Declarations of that Node. |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
EURange |
0:Range |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
ValueInBUoM |
0:Double |
DisplayAnalogUnitType |
M, RO |
The components of the MaterialQuantityVariableType are further described below.
BrowseName |
Description |
EURange |
The range for the material quantity value. |
ValueInBUoM |
The material quantity in base unit of measure. |
The MaterialRateType is a subtype of the MaterialQuantityVariableType. It is used to provide the rate for a material flow rate.
MaterialRateType is formally defined in the following table.
Table 188 – MaterialRateType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
MaterialRateType |
IsAbstract |
False |
ValueRank |
−1 (−1 = Scalar) |
DataType |
0:Double |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the MaterialQuantityVariableType, which means it inherits the Instance Declarations of that Node. |
The MaterialLotVariableType is a subtype of the MaterialQuantityVariableType. It is used to provide the quantity for a material lot.
MaterialLotVariableType is formally defined in the following table.
Table 189 – MaterialLotVariableType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
MaterialLotVariableType |
IsAbstract |
False |
ValueRank |
−1 (−1 = Scalar) |
DataType |
0:Double |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the MaterialQuantityVariableType, which means it inherits the Instance Declarations of that Node. |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
MaterialLot |
MaterialLotType |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
The components of the MaterialLotVariableType are further described below.
BrowseName |
Description |
MaterialLot |
The material definition for the lot. |
The MaterialSublotVariableType is a subtype of the MaterialQuantityVariableType. It is used to provide the quantity for a material sublot.
MaterialSublotVariableType is formally defined in the following table.
Table 190 – MaterialSublotVariableType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
MaterialSublotVariableType |
IsAbstract |
False |
ValueRank |
−1 (−1 = Scalar) |
DataType |
0:Double |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the MaterialQuantityVariableType, which means it inherits the Instance Declarations of that Node. |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
CarrierID |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
ID |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
MaterialLot |
MaterialLotType |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
MaterialStorageLocationID |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
ParentSublotID |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
RelativePositionID |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
Sublots |
MaterialSublotType[] |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
The components of the MaterialSublotVariableType are further described below.
BrowseName |
Description |
CarrierID |
The unique identifier of the carrier containing the material sublot. |
ID |
The unique identifier for the material sublot. |
MaterialLot |
The material lot of the material sublot. |
MaterialStorageLocationID |
The material storage location where the material sublot is located. |
The unique identifier for the material sublot for a higher-level system e.g. MES. |
ParentSublotID |
The unique identified for the parent sublot, if any. |
RelativePositionID |
The relative position of the sublot within the carrier identified by CarrierID. |
Sublots |
The sublots contained in the sublot. |
The BooleanGuardVariableType is a subtype of the GuardVariableType. It is used to provide the conditions to trigger a transition in a state machine. Each Condition component is necessary. When all the Condition components are True, the transition is triggered (sufficient).
BooleanGuardVariableType is formally defined in the following table.
Table 191 – BooleanGuardVariableType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
BooleanGuardVariableType |
IsAbstract |
False |
ValueRank |
−1 (−1 = Scalar) |
DataType |
0:LocalizedText |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the GuardVariableType defined in OPC 10000-16, which means it inherits the Instance Declarations of that Node. |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
<Condition> |
0:Boolean |
0:PropertyType |
MP, RW |
The components of the BooleanGuardVariableType are further described below.
BrowseName |
Description |
Condition |
A condition that is necessary to trigger a transition in a state machine. The description is the human-readable identification of the value of the Condition. The browse name is the human-readable identification subject to naming conventions and browse name limitations. |