The following Objects are defined to extend the DeviceType.

The Property Description describes the rejection trap device.

The Property DisplayName is the identification of the rejection trap device used on displaying systems, e.g. HMI and SCADA.

The Variable MaterialRejectedRatio is the ratio of the total material rejected (MaterialRejectedTotal) over the total good product and is computed by the underlying system.

Remark. The unit of measure of the rejected material is the same as in the MaterialOutput (see MaterialOutputType 6.12) of the same machine module.

The Variable MaterialRejectedTotal totalises the material rejected since the last time the total was reset to zero using the Method ResetRejectionTotals, see below.

The Type MaterialLotType is defined in Table 75.

The Value of the Variable MaterialQuantityRejectedTotal shall be persisted both in the OPC UA Server and in the underlying system so that, if one fails and/or is replaced, the other will allow restoring the Value when the OPC UA Server and underlying system are on separate hardware infrastructure.

The Variable MaterialQuantityRejectedMasterTotal totalises the material rejected and is never reset.

The Type MaterialLotType is defined in Table 75.

The Value of the Variable MaterialQuantityRejectedMasterTotal shall be persisted both in the OPC UA Server and in the underlying system so that, if one fails and/or is replaced, the other will allow restoring the Value when the OPC UA Server and underlying system are on separate hardware infrastructure.

The Variable RejectionCountTotal totalises the number of times a rejection device was triggered to reject since the last time the total was reset to zero using the Method ResetRejectionTotals, see below.

The Value of the Variable RejectionCountTotal shall be persisted both in the OPC UA Server and in the underlying system so that, if one fails and/or is replaced, the other will allow restoring the Value when the OPC UA Server and underlying system are on separate hardware infrastructure.

The Variable RejectionCountMasterTotal totalises the number of times a rejection device was triggered to reject and is never reset.

The Value of the Variable RejectionCountTotal shall be persisted both in the OPC UA Server and in the underlying system so that, if one fails and/or is replaced, the other will allow restoring the Value when the OPC UA Server and underlying system are on separate hardware infrastructure.

The Property RejectionMode is True when the MaterialRejectionTrap is operational and discharges material when triggered.

The Variable RejectionRatio is the ratio between the good product output total and the rejected quantity total.

The Object UIInfo contains information about the User Interface (UI) of the rejection trap. When an Object does not have own UIInfo, then the Object does not require visualisation.

The Method ResetRejectionTotals resets the MaterialQuantityRejectedTotal and RejectionCountTotal to zero.


ResetRejectionTotals (

[out] MethodExecutionFeedbackTypeExecutionFeedback





The extended feedback returning a detailed message in case of execution failure.

Method Result Codes

The Method SetRejectionMode turns the rejection on or off.


ResetRejectionTotals (

[in] Boolean RejectionMode

[out] MethodExecutionFeedbackTypeExecutionFeedback





See table 173 in OPC 10000-4 for the description of these result codes.








When true, the rejection trap rejects. When false, the rejection trap does not reject.


The extended feedback returning a detailed message in case of execution failure.

Method Result Codes

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See table 173 in OPC 10000-4 for the description of these result codes.



