A modular scale device is represented by a (subtype of) ScaleDeviceType or ScaleSystemType that is composed of a top-device and a set of subdevices (modules). It uses the modular devices concept of OPC UA Companion Specification for Devices (see OPC 10000-100 9.2). The modules (subdevices) of modular scale devices are aggregated in the SubDevices Object. The SupportedTypes folder for SubDevices is used to maintain the set of modules that can be added to the ScaleDevice or scale system (see Figure 11).


Figure 11 − Modular scale devices and scale systems

This Companion Specification defines the following supported types (including the subtypes) for the ScaleDeviceType:

This Companion Specification defines the following supported type (including the subtypes) for the ScaleSystemType:

The SupportedTypes folder may only refer to a subset of all possible subdevices for the modular device. Other vendor-specific modules or modules of other Companion Specifications can be defined. For more details of the concept see OPC 10000-100.