CenterOfZero defines if a value is in the vendor-specific tolerance to be zero (e.g. value differs by signal noise).

ActualScaleInterval defines the verified division ("d" as described in OIML R51).

VerificationScaleInterval defines the verified displayed division ("e" as described in OIML R51).

GrossNegative defines if the gross value is negative (e.g. in case of a too high pre load).

HighResolutionValue defines the measured value. It’s the best resolution the scale can provide in the current configuration.

InsideZero defines if the current measured value is within the valid range for the zero setting procedure. If this variable is true, the setZero method can be called successfully if the property does not change.

LegalForTrade defines if the current measured value is legal for trade.

Overload defines if the maximum allowed measured weight value is exceeded.

PrintableValue defines the measured value as 0:String representation without a unit. It is also rounded.

TareMode describes how the tare value is set.

Underload defines if the minimum allowed measured weight value is gone below.

WeightId defines a unique Id that refers to the verified value of a measurement procedure.

WeightStable defines if the weight is stable and not in movement.