PackagesRejectedBySystem defines an optional placeholder for additional categories in which rejected packages may be counted in. The StatisticCounter must have set the flag rejected (see flag definition in section 8.20). The Object should be named like TotalPackagesRejectedBy<SYSTEM>. <SYSTEM> can be an additional system or reason why the packages are rejected. Some reasons could be:

  • OpenFlap
  • AskewPackage
  • UpperToleranceLimit1
  • UpperToleranceLimit2
  • Presorting

PackagesRejectedByMetal defines an StatisticCounter for items rejected by a metal detection system.

PackagesRejectedByVision defines an StatisticCounter for items rejected by a machine vision system.

PackagesRejectedByXRay defines an StatisticCounter for items rejected by a x ray detection system.

PackagesRejectedByDistanceFault defines an StatisticCounter for items rejected by a distance fault.

PackagesRejectedByLength defines an StatisticCounter for items that rejected due to the item length.

PackagesRejectedByMeanValueRequirement defines an StatisticCounter for items that rejected due to the required mean value.

PackagesRejectedByLowerToleranceLimit1 defines an StatisticCounter for items that are lower than the ToleranceLimit1

PackagesRejectedByLowerToleranceLimit2 defines an StatisticCounter for items that are lower than the ToleranceLimit2

PackagesAcceptedWithProperty defines an optional placeholder for additional categories in which accepted packages may be counted in. The StatisticCounter must have set the flag accepted (see flag definition in section 8.20). The Object should be named like TotalPackagesAccepted<PROPERTY>. <PROPERTY> can be an additional system or reason why the package is rejected.

PackagesAcceptedWithLowerToleranceLimit1 defines an StatisticCounter for items that are lower than TU1 and upper TU2 but accepted to the “The 3 Packers Rules” of the Welmec 6.4

TotalPackagesRejected defines the totalized number of packages, which were rejected during verification, controlling or weighing processes, that may be upstream or downstream of the weighing process itself.

TotalPackagesAccepted defines the totalized number of packages, which successfully completed all verification, controlling and weighing processes.

GiveAway defines the totalized value of volume deviation from NominalWeight. The giveaway is an indicator of overproduction and is calculated as follows:


PercentageLowerToleranceLimit1 defines the current precentage of accepted items which are lower TU1 and upper TU2 as defined in the CheckweigherType.