This document is based on:

Safety applications and standard applications share the same standard OPC UA communication systems at the same time. The safe transmission function incorporates safety measures to detect faults or hazards that originate in the standard transmission system which have a potential to compromise the safety subsystems. This includes faults such as:

  • Random errors, for example due to electromagnetic interference on the transmission channel;
  • Failures or faults of the standard hardware;
  • Systematic malfunctions of components within the standard hardware and software.

This principle delimits the assessment effort to the “safe transmission functions”. The standard transmission system does not require any additional functional safety assessment.

The basic communication layers of this document are shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2 – Safety layer architecture

Summary of the architecture:

Part: User Layer

The safety applications in the User Layer are either directly connected to the SafetyProvider or SafetyConsumer, or they are connected via a machine-specific or process-specific interface, which is described in companion specifications (e.g. sectoral).

The safety applications are expected to be designed and implemented according to the IEC 61508 series.

The Safety applications in the User Layer are not within the scope of this document.

Part: OPC UA Safety (Safety Communication Layer)

This layer is within the scope of this document. It defines the two services SafetyProvider and SafetyConsumer as basic building blocks. Together, they form the safety communication layer (SCL), implemented in a safety-related way according to the IEC 61508 series.

SafetyData is transmitted using point-to-point communication (unidirectional). Each unidirectional data flow internally communicates in both directions, using a requestand response pattern. This allows for checking the timeliness of messages using a single clock in the SafetyConsumer, thus eliminating the necessity for synchronized clocks.

When SafetyConsumers connect to SafetyProviders, they have prior expectations regarding the pair of SafetyProviderID and SafetyBaseID (e.g. by configuration). If this expectation is not fulfilled by the SafetyProvider, fail-safe substitute values are delivered to the safety application instead of the received process values. In contrast, it is not necessary for a SafetyProvider to know the SafetyConsumerID of the SafetyConsumer and will provide its process values to any SafetyConsumer requesting it.

SafetyProviders can not detect communication errors. All required error detection is performed by the SafetyConsumer.

If it is necessary for a pair of safety applications to exchange SafetyData in both directions, two pairs of SafetyProviders and SafetyConsumers shall be established, one pair for each direction.

The OPC UA Mapper implements the parts of the safety communication layer which are specific for the OPC UA communication Service in use, i.e. PubSub or Client/Server. Therefore, the remaining parts of the safety communication layer can be implemented independent of the OPC UA Service being used.

Part: OPC UA Layer

