The GsdGenSubmoduleApplicationType is the root container for modelling of the Information Model belonging to one PN Submodule and relates to the PN Submodule Object with a 0:RepresentsSameFunctionalityAs ReferenceType. There shall be as many GsdGenSubmoduleApplicationType Objects as there are PN Submodules found on the Device.

The GsdGenSubmoduleApplicationType Object aggregates the representation of the elements found in the GSDML file. As specified in [OPC RIO], the Information Model is divided into a PROFINET aspect and a functional aspect. The PROFINET aspect offers detailed Telegram information (see [OPC RIO]), the functional aspect contains the generic Information Model by providing GsdGenSubmoduleApplicationType Objects. The Signal Objects (see [OPC RIO]) in the PROFINET aspect relate to components of the GsdGenIoDataType Objects in the functional aspect by dedicated 0:RepresentsSameEntityAs References.

The components of the GsdGenSubmoduleApplicationType are separated into four sub-aspects as shown in Figure 6.

The “IO Data” sub-aspect contains the generic IO Data mapping derived from the GSDML “(Virtual)SubmoduleItem/IOData” element.

The “Parameters” sub-aspect contains the generic Parameter record mapping from the GSDML “(Virtual)SubmoduleItem/RecordDataList” element. The “ParameterRecordDataRef” elements in this list refer to Parameter records described by “ParameterRecordDataItem” elements belonging to an API defined in the GSDML file.

The “Data Objects” sub-aspect contains the generic Data Object mapping from the GSDML “(Virtual)SubmoduleItem/AvailableRecordDataList” element. The “RecordDataRef” elements in this list refer to Data Objects described by “ParameterRecordDataItem” elements belonging to an API defined in the GSDML file. There may also exist a mapping of Parameters obtained using BMP Access.

The “Alarms” sub-aspect contains the generic Alarm data mapping from the various GSDML elements describing Alarms. The Server may generate Events containing Alarm data.


Figure 6 – GsdGenSubmoduleApplicationType Organization

There may exist a “PROFIenergy” element for a Submodule in the GSDML. In this case a “PROFIenergy” sub-aspect containing the PROFIenergy Information Model as specified in [OPC PE is created. The PROFIenergy model directly relates to the Submodule Object in the PROFINET Aspect using a 0:HasAddIn ReferenceType and has no connection with a GsdGenSubmoduleApplicationType Object.