This chapter defines the corresponding Conformance Units for the OPC UA Information Model for Machinery – Process Values.

Table 8 – Conformance Units for Machinery – Process Values





Machinery Process Values Base SetpointType

Server exposes the ProcessValueSetpointVariableType and all its supertypes in the AddressSpace.


Machinery Process Values Base Process Value Setpoint

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueSetpointVariableType.


Machinery Process Values Base Types

Server exposes the ProcessValueType and ProcessValueSetpointVariableType and all their supertypes in the AddressSpace.


Machinery Process Values Base EventTypes

Server exposes the ZeroPointAdjustmentEventType and all its supertypes in the AddressSpace.


Machinery Process Values Analog Object Instances

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueType.


Machinery Process Values ZeroPointAdjustment Events

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueType that generates Events of ZeroPointAdjustmentEventType. All instances that support the ZeroPointAdjustment Method generate Events of ZeroPointAdjustmentEventType.


Machinery Process Values Percentage Value

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueType providing the PercentageValue Variable on the AnalogSignal.


Machinery Process Values Deviation Base

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueSetpointVariableType having at least one deviation Variable


Machinery Process Values Monitoring

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueType providing the Status Variable.


Machinery Process Values Deviation AutoAdjustment

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueSetpointVariableType providing the AutoDeviationAdjustment Variable.


Machinery Process Values Deviation Sensitivity

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueSetpointVariableType providing the DeviationSensitivity Variable.


Machinery Process Values Deviation Alarm

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueType providing alarms of the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType.


Machinery Process Values Deviation Alarm Object

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueType providing the DeviationAlarm Object.


Machinery Process Values AlarmSuppression

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueType providing the AlarmSuppression Variable.


Machinery Process Values Limits Base

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueType having at least one limit Variable on the AnalogSignal.


Machinery Process Values Limits Alarm

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueType providing alarms of the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType.


Machinery Process Values Limits Alarm Object

Server is configurable to support at least one instance of ProcessValueType providing the LimitAlarm Object.


Machinery Process Values Device Object

Server is configurable to support at least one Object providing the MachineryComponentIdentificationType AddIn and implementing the ISignalSet referencing an Object of Type ProcessValueType.