This is not, strictly speaking, a use case of the method AddConfiguration, but results are comparable, and therefore the use case is described here.

If a configuration is created locally on the vision system or is loaded onto the vision system by a different interface than the OPC Machine Vision interface, i.e. the configuration is added without using method AddConfiguration, then this configuration shall have a system-wide unique InternalId, just like a configuration added through the method.

If an existing configuration which was uploaded to the vision system through the method AddConfiguration, is locally changed, the ExternalId shall be removed from the changed version and it shall receive a new system-wide unique InternalId so that the two configurations cannot be confused. The vision system may record the history from which configuration it was derived.

If the server exposes configurations in the Address Space and if the locally created or edited configurations match the current filter criteria, then they shall be represented as nodes in the Configurations folder, with their system-wide unique InternalIds, but without ExternalIds.