Actual Production Time (APT)
The production time results from the times when the variable MachineryItemState/CurrentState has the value Executing and MachineryOperationMode/CurrentState has the value Processing.
If event-based processing is to be used, the production time is the sum of the times between entering and leaving the Running State. For the other, non-productive time categories, the following then applies: When leaving the Running State, the subsequent State and, if applicable, the type of interruption must be evaluated in each case, to assign the accrued time until the next state change to the appropriate category.
Actual Unit Down Time (ADOT)
The value for ADOT is mapped by the times in which the variable MachineryItemState/CurrentState has the value NotExecuting.
Actual Unit Delay Time (ADET)
The value for ADET results from the times in which the variable MachineryItemState/CurrentState has the value OutOfService.
Actual Unit Setup Time (AUST)
Order related setup times are the times in which the following conditions are met:
MachineryOperationMode/CurrentState has the value Setup,
MachineryItemState/CurrentState has the value Executing.
Actual Order Execution Time (AOET)
This value can be determined from the above defined KPI’s as follows:
Here, ADOT represents the sum of ATT (actual transport time) and AQT (actual queuing time), which are not defined individually in this specification.