defined message indicating noteworthy information for the operator and for historic dataAn alert can have three subcategories: Error - indicating a state that blocks operation of the process.Warning - indicating a state that requires attention, it can prevent operation in indicated way, however it is generally not blocking operation of the process.Message - display of information the machine tool builder deemed necessary to display, neither blocking or reducing operational capability.
runtime component of the CNC which executes an NC programThis execution may happen in Block Sequence mode (execution of the next NC command starts as soon as the previous has completed), or Single Block Mode (NC channels stops and waits for a NC Start signal to resume executing the next NC program block). A channel contains an assigned set of axes which can be moved in a synchronised interpolated manner. Auxiliary axes may also be assigned to a channel which will usually be commanded in a synchronized uninterpolated manner. An active NC channel runs current NC programs which relate to the workpiece etc. Depending on the machine there may be several active NC channels running simultaneously.
hybrid hardware/software systems that are used for controlling machines
EXAMPLE: Distributed control systems (DCS), programmable logic controllers (PLC), numerical controller (NC), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.
[SOURCE: ISO 16100-1:2009, 3.7]
mechanical device which is fixed (i.e. not mobile) and powered (typically by electricity and compressed air), typically used to process workpieces by selective removal/addition of material or mechanical deformation
[SOURCE: ISO 14955-1:2017, 3.16, modified: Note to entry deleted]
manual action of inserting a tool into the machine as opposed to an Automatic Tool ChangeThere are two common reasons this is done or necessary: 1) tool life of one group of tools has expired and machining cannot continue until a new tool with sufficient tool life for the next operation is inserted (causing a tool change) 2) a tool for a given job is not available (or defined as "hand tool" meaning it needs to be inserted/changed manually at the time it is needed) and shall be provisioned.
unit of different tools, usually used in order to have several tools available in-process without requiring explicit tool-changesTypical applications are in turning, when one indexed position of the tool revolver holds several outer-diameter cutting inserts and boring tools, such that a tool change process can quickly complete by merely readjusting the CNC setpoint position for the tool compensation.
workpiece of the machine which is worked on with the machine’s technologyThis may be for the purpose of machining, measuring or others, depending on the machine type.
list of all job elements a specific machine knows aboutEXAMPLE: All jobs which were transferred to the machine in some way.
also: production job; concrete implementation of one or more programs or recipes by means of a given orderprovides one to many production programs and the instruction to produce one to many parts; offers the possibility to aggregate the manufacturing of multiple parts or the manufacturing of a part through multiple programs
also: production program; list of operations that the controller performs in sequence;usually a machine-readable file, such as an NC program, which is needed for the controller to fulfil the job; NC programs may also carry a hierarchy of further sub-(NC)programs
tool with equivalent (identical) process capabilities (size and functionality) to an existing tool; used by the controller if the designated tool is locked due to wear, done automatically and/or after user interaction
visual machine state indicator; consists of one or more lamps stacked on top of one another, each having a specific, in most cases different colourThe combination of on/off/blinking lights in the stacklight corresponds to a machine state. The ordering of the colours is counted from the base of the stacklight unit.
exchangeable component used in a machine tool to execute the machining processEXAMPLE: May be drills, ball milling heads, cutting inserts, pinching tools and so forth, or even a non-contact tool like a processing laser.
umbrella term for all media (pressurized air, coolant, lubrication, etc.) and consumables (filters, space in chip carts, etc.) necessary for running the machine.Tools as consumables are excluded from this definition as tools are in their own class of complexity and therefore defined separately.