The LaserSystemUtilityChangePrognosisType is to be used as an interface indicating upcoming maintenance measures, in which utilities are to be exchanged. One such might be the change of a filter or the refilling of a water coolant system.
Note: The LaserSystemUtilityChangePrognosisType differs from the LaserSystemMaintenancePrognosisType as it always refers to one specific component which is to be serviced.
The LaserSystemUtilityChangePrognosisType is formally defined in Table 29.
Table 29 – LaserSystemUtilityChangePrognosisType Definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
LaserSystemUtilityChangePrognosisType |
IsAbstract |
False |
References |
Node Class |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
Other |
Subtype of the 4:UtilityChangePrognosisType defined in OPC 40501-1 i.e. inheriting the InstanceDeclarations of that Node. |
0:HasComponent |
Variable |
Description |
0:LocalizedText |
0:BaseDataVariableType |
M, RO |
0:HasProperty |
Variable |
Code |
0:String |
0:PropertyType |
O, RO |
Conformance Units |
LaserSystems LaserSystemUtilityChangePrognosisType Basic |
The 4:PredictedTime as defined the 4:PrognosisType is used to indicate the point in time the utility change will become necessary.
The 4:UtilityName as defined in the super type 4:UtilityChangePrognosisType is to be used to indicate the name of the utility to be exchanged. Examples may be "Air filter" or "Coolant water".
The Description indicates in a more elaborate (as compared to 4:UtilityName) and textual form what is to be done for the specific utility change.
The Code may, for example, be used to link a maintenance activity to one specified in a service manual.