The MachineryOperationMode operates independently of the MachineryItemStateMachine. This means that the operational mode of the device, as represented by MachineryOperationMode, does not directly influence and is not influenced by the state of the machinery item, as represented by MachineryItemStateMachine.
The StatusCode of the FunctionalUnitStateMachineType current state should be set to Bad_StateNotActive if the LADSDeviceStateMachineType is in the "Sleep" state. This ensures that the state of the functional unit accurately reflects the operational status of the overall device.
The DeviceHealth of the LADS Device should be determined by aggregating the DeviceHealth of its components. The specific rules for this aggregation are vendor specific and can vary based on the implementation. For instance, one possible rule could be that if one or more of the components have a state other than "NORMAL", the device is also considered to be in the corresponding state. This approach ensures that the overall health status of the device accurately reflects the health status of its individual components. However, it is important to note that this aggregation approach may have a potential drawback. It could indicate an error or issue with the device even if some components that are currently in a non-"NORMAL" state are not in use or needed.