Arrays of values are represented by DataType, ValueRank, ArrayDimensions, and MaxArrayLength attribute of a VariableType. (See OPC 10000-3). The following examples illustrate the usage of these Attributes:
- A set of values for a single dimension array of integers with 6 values
EBNF: [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6]
OPC UA: DataType =Int32(any), ValueRank =OneDimension(1), ArrayDimensions =6, MaxArrayLength=6.
- A set of values for a two dimension array of size 2x3
EBNF: [ [1 , 2] , [3 , 4] ,[5 , 6]]
OPC UA: DataType=Int32(any), ValueRank= 2, ArrayDimensions=[2,3], MaxArrayLength=6
- A set of values for a four dimension array of size 2x3x4x5
EBNF: omitted for simplicity
OPC UA: DataType=Int32(any), ValueRank= 4, ArrayDimensions=[2,3,4,5], MaxArrayLength=120