This chapter defines the corresponding Conformance Units for the OPC UA Information Model for Joining System.
Table 237 – Conformance Units for Joining System
Category |
Title |
Description |
Server |
IJT Joining System Base |
Supports the base functionality defined in Joining System Information Model. This includes at least one instance of a JoiningSystemType with the Identification AddIn.
The 2:Identification AddIn shall implement the following InstanceDeclarations: Name, 2:ProductInstanceUri, 2:Manufacturer, 2:ManufacturerUri. It may provide other optional InstanceDeclarations.
The instance of JoiningSystemType shall at least contain the following instances as minimal place holders.
AssetManagement AssetManagement/Assets AssetManagement/Assets/All Sub-Folders AssetManagement/MethodSet of type JoiningSystemAssetMethodSetType ResultManagement of type JoiningSystemResultManagementType ResultManagement/Results
It may include other optional AddIn or Components. |
Server |
IJT Engineering Units |
The instances of ResultValueDataType, TraceContentDataType, ReportedValueDataType, DesignValueDataType, and any variable with TypeDefinition JoiningDataVariableType shall include the EngineeringUnits property. |
Server |
IJT Method Input Argument |
Each method defined in this specification includes 2:ProductInstanceUri as an input argument.
If the 2:ProductInstanceUri input argument is empty or NULL in a method, then the Server shall use the identifier of the asset where it is deployed.
If it is NOT empty, then it shall contain the identifier of the asset.
Examples: In many cases, it can be empty and it is useful when there is an aggregation of joining systems.
It can be applicable for few methods such as EnableAsset, DisconnectAsset, SetCalibration, RebootAsset, etc. |
Server |
IJT Single Result |
The Server shall support Result where Result.ResultMetaData.Classification is SINGLE_RESULT. |
Server |
IJT Basic Result |
A Result instance shall include at least the following properties in Result.ResultMetaData: ResultId, Classification, IsSimulated, IsPartial, ResultEvaluation, JoiningTechnology, ResultState, SequenceNumber, CreationTime.
It may provide other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Result Processing Times |
A Result instance shall include the following properties in Result.ResultMetaData: ProcessingTimes.StartTime and ProcessingTimes.EndTime.
It may provide ProcessingTimes.AcquisitionDuration and ProcessingTimes.ProcessingDuration. |
Server |
IJT Result Event Access |
The Server shall report Results using the instance of following event: JoiningSystemResultReadyEventType. |
Server |
IJT Get Latest Result |
The Server shall support GetLatestResult method which returns the last available result in the output argument. |
Server |
IJT Get Result by Id |
The Server shall support GetResultById method which returns the complete result including Result.ResultMetaData and Result.ResultContent based on the input identifier. |
Server |
IJT Get Result with Filter Criteria |
The Server shall support GetResultIdListFiltered and GetResultById methods to retrieve Results based on Result.ResultMetaData.SequenceNumber.
It may support other types of filter criteria. |
Server |
IJT Result Variable Access |
The Server shall expose results as a ResultVariable in the address space with at least Result.ResultMetaData as per JoiningSystemResultType. |
Server |
IJT Result Internal Identifiers |
A Result instance shall include the identifiers of the following entities in Result.ResultMetaData.AssociatedEntities property. Asset Identifiers: It shall include the identifier of the asset where the OPC UA Server is running. It is primarily a CONTROLLER.
It shall include the identifier of the asset which performed the joining operation. It is primarily a TOOL.
Joining Process Identifiers: It shall include the identifier of the Joining Process based on the JoiningProcess.JoiningProcessMetaData.Classification associated to ResultMetaData.Classification.
Examples: 1. If the Result.ResultMetaData.Classification is SINGLE_RESULT, it shall contain the identifier of the Joining Program. 2. If the Result.ResultMetaData.Classification is JOB_RESULT, it shall contain the identifier of the Joining Job. |
Server |
IJT Joining Result Failure Reason |
When Result.ResultContent is an instance of JoiningResultDataType, then it shall provide FailureReason defined in JoiningResultDataType if Result.ResultMetaData.ResultEvaluation = NotOK. |
Server |
IJT Joining Result Overall Result Values |
The instance of JoiningResultDataType shall contain at least one instance of ResultValueDataType in JoiningResultDataType.OverallResultValues.
The set of result values configured at Joining Program level or any specific result values which are spanning across multiple steps shall be reported as part of JoiningResultDataType.OverallResultValues[]. Examples: Total Time of the joining operation, Max Torque.
Each element of JoiningResultDataType.OverallResultValues[] shall include MeasuredValue, PhysicalQuantity, Name, ResultEvaluation and shall include ViolationType and ViolationConsequence if the ResultEvaluation is NotOK. |
Server |
IJT Joining Result Step Results |
The instance of JoiningResultDataType shall contain at least one instance of StepResultDataType. All the values related to the step shall be part of the StepResult.StepResultValues[].
Each element of JoiningResult.StepResults[].StepResultValues[] shall include MeasuredValue, PhysicalQuantity, Name, ResultEvaluation and shall include ViolationType and ViolationConsequence if the ResultEvaluation is NotOK. |
Server |
IJT Joining Result Errors |
If there is an error occurred during the joining operation which is outside the boundary of the joining process, then the instance of JoiningResultDataType shall contain the error information for each error as an instance of ErrorInformationDataType. |
Server |
IJT Joining Result Trace |
The instance of JoiningResultDataType reported shall include the Trace with StepTraces containing the TraceContent for configured Physical Quantities in the Joining Process. |
Server |
IJT Result Value Trace Point Time Offset |
The respective StepResult.StartTimeOffset and StepResultValue.TracePointOffset shall be included when TracePointIndex cannot point to a sample in TraceContent array. |
Server |
IJT Result Value Trace Point Index |
The respective StepResultValue shall include the TracePointIndex which can point to a specific sample in a TraceContent array. |
Server |
IJT Result External Identifiers |
The Result instance shall include at least one of the following identifiers based on the EntityType: VEHICLE, PRODUCT, PART, JOINT, ORDER, MODEL in Result.ResultMetaData.AssociatedEntities[]. |
Server |
IJT Sync Result |
The joining system shall support the Result with Result.ResultMetaData.Classification as SYNC_RESULT. |
Server |
IJT Sync Result Counters |
If Result.ResultMetaData.Classification is SYNC_RESULT, then Result.ResultMetaData.ResultCounters[] shall contain at least one of the following counters and may contain other counters. CHANNEL_NUMBER SPINDLE_NUMBER |
Server |
IJT Result Extended Meta Data |
The joining system shall use Result.ResultMetaData.ExtendedMetaData to send any additional meta data which cannot be sent using the existing properties. |
Server |
IJT Batch Result |
The joining system shall support the Result with Result.ResultMetaData.Classification as BATCH_RESULT. |
Server |
IJT Intervention Result |
The joining system shall support the Result with Result.ResultMetaData.Classification as INTERVENTION_RESULT and Result.ResultMetaData.InterventionType appropriate value. |
Server |
IJT Batch Result Counters |
If Result.ResultMetaData.Classification is BATCH_RESULT, then Result.ResultMetaData.ResultCounters[] shall contain at least the following counters and may contain other counters. BATCH_SIZE BATCH_COUNT |
Server |
IJT Job Result |
The joining system shall support the Result with Result.ResultMetaData.Classification as JOB_RESULT. |
Server |
IJT Result Value FINAL Tag |
The instance of JoiningResultDataType containing one or more instances of StepResultDataType shall contain at least one Torque and Angle value in StepResults[].StepResultValues[] with a ResultValueDataType.ValueTag = FINAL. |
Server |
IJT Self Contained Consolidated Result |
Pre-requisite: The Server shall at least support Batch Result or Sync Result or Job Result.
If Result.ResultMetaData.Classification = BATCH_RESULT or JOB_RESULT or SYNC_RESULT or STITCHING_RESULT then it is a consolidated/combined result.
The Result.ResultContent shall contain the list of sub-results including both the ResultMetaData and ResultContent of each sub-result is populated.
It is the recommended approach to send a consolidated/combined result. If the outcome is too large, then the Server could choose to send the Result with sub-result references where Result.ResultContent contains the list of sub-results with only Result.ResultMetaData.ResultId. |
Server |
IJT Consolidated Result with references |
Pre-requisite: The Server shall at least support Batch Result or Sync Result or Job Result.
If Result.ResultMetaData.Classification = BATCH_RESULT or JOB_RESULT or SYNC_RESULT or STITCHING_RESULT then it is a consolidated/combined result.
The Result.ResultContent shall contain the list of sub-results where only the ResultMetaData.ResultId is populated. |
Server |
IJT Partial Consolidated Result |
Pre-requisite: The Server shall at least support Batch Result or Sync Result or Job Result.
If Result.ResultMetaData.Classification = BATCH_RESULT or JOB_RESULT or SYNC_RESULT or STITCHING_RESULT then it is a consolidated/combined result.
The Server shall be able to report a Partial Consolidated Result during the processing of the joining operation. The ResultMetaData.IsPartial shall be TRUE and ResultMetaData.ResultState shall be Processing. |
Server |
IJT Result Content |
The Result instance shall include Result.ResultContent based on Result.ResultMetaData.Classification as follows:
If Result.ResultMetaData.Classification = SINGLE_RESULT then, Result.ResultContent = An instance of JoiningResultDataType
If Result.ResultMetaData.Classification = BATCH_RESULT or SYNC_RESULT or JOB_RESULT or STITCHING_RESULT then, Result.ResultContent = One or more instances of ResultDataType where each element in the Result.ResultContent is a sub-result of the parent Result.
If Result.ResultMetaData.Classification = INTERVENTION_RESULT Result.ResultContent = NULL or an instance of JoiningResultDataType if any measurement values are applicable.
If Result.ResultMetaData.Classification = TEXT_RESULT Result.ResultContent = One or more instances of String. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Controller |
The instance of Controllers folder shall include at least one instance of a Controller which implements IControllerType interface and all its mandatory instance declarations.
The 2:Identification AddIn of the asset shall be 4:MachineIdentificationType and shall at least have the following properties: 2:ProductInstanceUri, 2:Manufacturer, 2:ManufacturerUri, 2:Model, 2:DeviceClass, 2:SerialNumber, 2:ProductCode.
It may include other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Tool |
The instance of Tools folder shall include at least one instance of a Tool which implements IToolType and all its mandatory instance declarations.
It shall also implement all the mandatory instance declarations of sub-types of IToolType interface.
The 2:Identification AddIn of the asset shall be 4:MachineIdentificationType and shall at least have the following properties: 2:ProductInstanceUri, 2:Manufacturer, 2:ManufacturerUri, 2:Model, 2:DeviceClass, 2:SerialNumber, 2:ProductCode.
It may include other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Servo |
The instance of Servos folder shall include at least one instance of a Servo which implements IServoType interface and all its mandatory instance declarations.
The Identification AddIn of the asset shall be 4:MachineryComponentIdentificationType and shall at least have the following properties: 2:ProductInstanceUri, 2:Manufacturer, 2:ManufacturerUri, 2:Model, 2:DeviceClass, 2:SerialNumber, 2:ProductCode.
It may include other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Memory Device |
The instance of MemoryDevices folder shall include at least one instance of a MemoryDevice which implements IMemoryDeviceType interface and all its mandatory instance declarations.
The Identification AddIn of the asset shall be 4:MachineryComponentIdentificationType and shall at least have the following properties: 2:ProductInstanceUri, 2:Manufacturer, 2:ManufacturerUri, 2:Model, 2:DeviceClass, 2:SerialNumber, 2:ProductCode.
It may include other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Cable |
The instance of Cables folder shall include at least one instance of a Cable which implements ICableType interface and all its mandatory instance declarations.
The Identification AddIn of the asset shall be MachineryComponentIdentificationType and shall at least have the following properties: ProductInstanceUri, Manufacturer, ManufacturerUri, Model, DeviceClass, SerialNumber, ProductCode.
It may include other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Power Supply |
The instance of PowerSupplies folder shall include at least one instance of a PowerSupply which implements IPowerSupplyType interface and all its mandatory instance declarations.
The Identification AddIn of the asset shall be 4:MachineryComponentIdentificationType and shall at least have the following properties: 2:ProductInstanceUri, 2:Manufacturer, 2:ManufacturerUri, 2:Model, 2:DeviceClass, 2:SerialNumber, 2:ProductCode.
It may include other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Feeder |
The instance of Feeders folder shall include at least one instance of a Feeder which implements IFeederType interface and all its mandatory instance declarations.
The Identification AddIn of the asset shall be 4:MachineryComponentIdentificationType and shall at least have the following properties: 2:ProductInstanceUri, 2:Manufacturer, 2:ManufacturerUri, 2:Model, 2:DeviceClass, 2:SerialNumber, 2:ProductCode.
It may include other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Battery |
The instance of Batteries folder shall include at least one instance of a Battery which implements IBatteryType interface and all its mandatory instance declarations.
The Identification AddIn of the asset shall be 4:MachineryComponentIdentificationType and shall at least have the following properties: 2:ProductInstanceUri, 2:Manufacturer, 2:ManufacturerUri, 2:Model, 2:DeviceClass, 2:SerialNumber, 2:ProductCode.
It may include other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Sensor |
The instance of Sensors folder shall include at least one instance of a Sensor which implements ISensorType interface and all its mandatory instance declarations.
The Identification AddIn of the asset shall be 4:MachineryComponentIdentificationType and shall at least have the following properties: 2:ProductInstanceUri, 2:Manufacturer, 2:ManufacturerUri, 2:Model, 2:DeviceClass, 2:SerialNumber, 2:ProductCode.
It may include other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Accessory |
The instance of Accessories folder shall include at least one instance of a Accessory which implements IAccessoryType interface and all its mandatory instance declarations.
The Identification AddIn of the asset shall be 4:MachineryComponentIdentificationType and shall at least have the following properties: 2:ProductInstanceUri, 2:Manufacturer, 2:ManufacturerUri, 2:Model, 2:DeviceClass, 2:SerialNumber, 2:ProductCode.
It may include other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Software |
The instance of SoftwareComponents folder shall include at least one instance of a Software which implements ISoftwareType interface and all its mandatory instance declarations.
The Identification AddIn of the asset shall be 4:MachineryComponentIdentificationType and shall at least have the following properties: 2:ProductInstanceUri, 2:Manufacturer, 2:ManufacturerUri, 2:Model, 2:DeviceClass, 2:SerialNumber, 2:ProductCode.
It may include other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management SubComponent |
The instance of SubComponents folder shall include at least one instance of a SubComponent which implements ISubComponentType interface and all its mandatory instance declarations.
The Identification AddIn of the asset shall be 4:MachineryComponentIdentificationType and shall at least have the following properties: 2:ProductInstanceUri, 2:Manufacturer, 2:ManufacturerUri, 2:Model, 2:SerialNumber.
It may include other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Virtual Station |
The instance of VirtualStations folder shall include at least one instance of a VirtualStation which implements IVirtualStationType interface and all its mandatory instance declarations.
The Identification AddIn of the asset shall be 4:MachineryComponentIdentificationType and shall at least have the following properties: 2:ProductInstanceUri, 2:ComponentName.
2:SerialNumber can be empty string as it is not applicable for a virtual station.
It may include other optional properties. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Operation Counters |
The Asset instance shall include the 4:OperationCounters object of type 4:MachineryOperationCounterType with all its mandatory InstanceDeclarations and may provide optional InstanceDeclarations. The asset shall include at least one counter. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Tool Operation Cycle Counter |
The Tool instance shall include the 4:OperationCounters object of type 4:MachineryOperationCounterType with all its mandatory InstanceDeclarations and shall at least have 2:OperationCycleCounter property. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Battery Operation Cycle Counter |
The Battery instance shall include the 4:OperationCounters object of type 4:MachineryOperationCounterType with all its mandatory InstanceDeclarations and shall at least have 2:OperationCycleCounter property. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Health |
The Asset instance shall include the Health object with all its mandatory InstanceDeclarations and may provide optional InstanceDeclarations. The asset shall include at least one parameter related to Health. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Service |
The asset shall include the 2:Maintenance/Service object with all its mandatory InstanceDeclarations and may provide optional InstanceDeclarations. The asset shall include at least one parameter related to Service.
Server |
IJT Asset Management Calibration |
The asset shall include the 2:Maintenance/Calibration object with all its mandatory InstanceDeclarations and may provide optional InstanceDeclarations. The asset shall include at least one parameter related to Calibration.
The Calibration data from a Joining System is applicable primarily for Sensor. If a Sensor is not available in the given joining system, then it is allowed to provide the Calibration information as part of the Tool. |
Server |
IJT Asset Management Additional Information |
The asset instance shall implement the IJoiningAdditionalInformationType interface as part of 2:Identification AddIn with the following property JoiningTechnology. It may provide Description, SupplierCode based on the availability. |
Server |
IJT Disconnect Asset |
The Server shall support the DisconnectAsset method. When an asset is Disconnected or Connected using this method, the following shall be done:
1. The Client shall provide the ProductInstanceUri of the asset. 2. Server shall update the respective monitoring variables with the following browse path: Asset/Parameters/Connected. 3. Report an event with ConditionClassId and ConditionSubClassId. |
Server |
IJT Enable Tool |
The Server shall support the EnableAsset method for a Tool. When an asset is Enabled or Disabled, the following shall be done:
1. The Client shall provide the ProductInstanceUri of the asset. 2. Server shall update the respective monitoring variables with the following browse path: Asset/Parameters/Enabled. 3. Report an event with ConditionClassId and ConditionSubClassId. |
Server |
IJT Send Identifiers Methods |
The Server shall support at least one of the following methods to configure the identifiers SendIdentifiers SendTextIdentifiers StartJoiningProcess with associatedEntities in the input argument.
The received set of identifiers shall be included in the Result/ResultMetaData/AssociatedEntities[] based on the configuration.
These identifiers shall be marked with IsExternal = TRUE in the Server. |
Server |
IJT Get Identifiers Method |
The Server shall support GetIdentifiers method which returns the current set of identifiers available for the current joining process in the output argument. It shall report identifiers where IsExternal = TRUE. |
Server |
IJT Reset Identifiers Method |
The Server shall support ResetIdentifiers method which will reset the identifiers of the current joining process. It shall reset the identifiers where IsExternal = TRUE. |
Server |
IJT Event Payload |
The Server shall report any event or condition or alarm from a Joining System shall contain the common payload defined in JoiningSystemEventContentType with at least JoiningTechnology property. |
Server |
IJT Event Condition Classes |
The Server shall include the following properties for classification of any event or condition reported from the joining system. ConditionClassId, ConditionClassName, ConditionSubClassId, ConditionSubClassName.
If the ConditionClassId is already a specific category, it is allowed to omit the ConditionSubClassId and ConditionSubClassName.
The above properties are optional for specific type of events such as 5:ResultReadyEventType and JoiningSystemResultReadyEventType. |
Server |
IJT Asset Connection Event |
The Server shall report an event of type JoiningSystemEventType when any asset is connected or disconnected in a joining system.
The event or condition reported shall indicate the ConditionSubClass as AssetConnectedConditionClassType or AssetDisconnectedConditionClassType. |
Server |
IJT Asset Connection State Event |
The Server shall report an event of type JoiningSystemEventType when an asset is connected or disconnected in a joining system for assets which has connected state variable. The event shall be reported based on the value of Connected state variable.
The event or condition reported shall indicate the ConditionSubClass as AssetConnectedConditionClassType or AssetDisconnectedConditionClassType. |
Server |
IJT Asset Enable State Event |
The Server shall report an event of type JoiningSystemEventType when an asset is enabled or disabled in a joining system for assets which has connected state variable. The event shall be reported based on the value of Enabled state variable.
AssetEnabledConditionClassType or AssetDisabledConditionClassType. |
Server |
IJT Event Payload Associated Entities |
The JoiningSystemEventContent shall contain the list of identifiers associated to the Event as part of JoiningSystemEventContent/AssociatedEntities[].
Examples: If an event or condition is related to Asset Connected, it shall contain the associated identifier of the given asset. If an event of condition is related to Joining Process, it shall contain the associated identifier of the joining process. |
Server |
IJT Event Payload Reported Values |
The JoiningSystemEventContent shall contain the one or more ReportedValues as part of JoiningSystemEventContent/ReportedValues[] corresponding to the respective measurement of properties such as Over Temperature, Over Current, etc.
If the ConditionClass or ConditionSubClass of the event or condition is ThresholdViolationConditionClassType or ThresholdViolationResolvedConditionClassType, then it is required to include the respective ReportedValues. |
Server |
IJT Identifiers Event |
The Server shall report an event of type JoiningSystemEventType when an identifier is sent by SendIdentifiers or SendTextIdentifiers or StartJoiningProcess methods or another interface.
The event reported shall indicate the ConditionClassId as ProcessConditionClassType and ConditionSubClassId as follows:
ReceivedEntityConditionClassType if an identifier is received. AcceptedEntityConditionClassType if an identifier is accepted. RejectedEntityConditionClassType if an identifier is rejected. |
Server |
IJT Joining Process Management |
The instance of JoiningSystemType shall include an instance of JoiningProcessManagementType with the DefaultInstanceBrowseName. |
Server |
IJT Get Joining Process List |
The Server shall support GetJoiningProcessList method which returns the list of joining processes available in the joining system. |
Server |
IJT Abort Joining Process |
The Server shall support AbortJoiningProcess method to abort the joining process under execution if it is applicable. |
Server |
IJT Start Selected Joining |
Pre-requisite: The device shall be pre-configured with remote start option and joining process should be already selected using SelectJoiningProcess or SelectJoint or another interface.
The Server shall support StartSelectedJoining method to start the joining operation remotely.
Note: It is not intended for hard-real time. |
Server |
IJT Select Joining Process |
The Server shall support SelectJoiningProcess method to select the input joining process for the next joining operation. |
Server |
IJT Deselect Joining Process |
The Server shall support DeselectJoiningProcess method to reset the selection of the joining process. |
Server |
IJT Reset Joining Process |
The Server shall support ResetJoiningProcess method which resets the joining process if it is applicable. |
Server |
IJT Increment Joining Process Counter |
The Server shall support IncrementJoiningProcessCounter method to increment the counter of the joining process based on the input. |
Server |
IJT Decrement Joining Process Counter |
The Server shall support DecrementJoiningProcessCounter method to increment the counter of the joining process based on the input. |
Server |
IJT Set Joining Process Size |
The Server shall support SetJoiningProcessSize method to set the size of the joining process based on the input. |
Server |
IJT Start Joining Process |
Pre-requisite: The device shall be pre-configured with remote start option.
The Server shall support StartJoiningProcess method to select and start the execution of the input joining process. |
Server |
IJT Delete Joining Process |
The Server shall support DeleteJoiningProcess method to delete the input joining process. |
Server |
IJT Joint Management |
The instance of JoiningSystemType shall contain an instance of JointManagementType with the DefaultInstanceBrowseName. |
Server |
IJT Send Joint |
The Server shall support SendJoint method which allows a Client to send a joint to the joining system.
If the joint already exists in the joining system, the Server shall overwrite the available instance with the latest instance.
The Server shall have the business logic to validate the received joint. |
Server |
IJT Get Joint List |
The Server shall support GetJointList method which returns the list of joints available in the joining system. |
Server |
IJT Select Joint |
The Server shall support SelectJoint method which selects the corresponding joining process associated to the input joint identifier. |
Server |
IJT Get Joint |
The Server shall support GetJoint method which returns the joint based on the input identifier. |
Server |
IJT Joint Data |
The joint instance used in SendJoint, GetJoint, GetJointList methods, shall at least contain JointId and the corresponding JoiningProcessId in the Joint.AssociatedEntities[] property.
It shall include the Joint.JointDesignId, if JointDesign feature is supported. |
Server |
IJT Send Joint Design |
The Server shall support SendJointDesign method which allows a Client to send a joint design to the joining system.
If the joint design already exists in the joining system, the Server shall overwrite the available instance with the latest instance. |
Server |
IJT Get Joint Design List |
The Server shall support GetJointDesignList method which returns the list of joint designs available in the joining system. |
Server |
IJT Get Joint Design |
The Server shall support GetJointDesign method which returns the joint design based on the input identifier. |
Server |
IJT Joint Design Data |
The joint design instance used in SendJointDesign, GetJointDesign, GetJointDesignList methods, shall at least contain JointDesignId, JointDesignContent.
It shall include JointComponentIdList if JointComponent feature is supported. |
Server |
IJT Send Joint Component |
The Server shall support SendJointComponent method which allows a Client to send a joint component to the joining system.
If the joint component already exists in the joining system, the Server shall overwrite the available instance with the latest instance. |
Server |
IJT Get Joint Component List |
The Server shall support GetJointComponentList method which returns the list of joint components available in the joining system. |
Server |
IJT Get Joint Component |
The Server shall support GetJointComponent method which returns the joint component based on the input identifier. |
Server |
IJT Joint Component Data |
The joint component instance used SendJointComponent, GetJointComponent, GetJointComponentList method, shall at least contain JointComponentId, Manufacturer, ManufacturerUri.
It shall include the JointComponentContent if the application supports the specific definition of JointComponent. Examples: Bolt, Rivet, etc.
Note: The definition of JointComponentContent is application specific. |
Server |
IJT Delete Joint |
The Server shall support DeleteJoint method to delete the input joint. |
Server |
IJT Delete Joint Design |
The Server shall support DeleteJointDesign method to delete the input joint design. |
Server |
IJT Delete Joint Component |
The Server shall support DeleteJointComponent method to delete the input joint component. |