This chapter defines the corresponding Conformance Units for the OPC UA Information Model for Industrial Automation (see Table 58).

Table 58 – Conformance Units for Industrial Automation





IA Stacklight

Supports the base functionality defined in the BasicStacklightType.


IA Statistical Data

Supports the base functionality defined in the IStatisticsType.


IA CT Base Elements

Supports the CalibrationTargetType and referenced TypeDefinitions in the AddressSpace and at least one instance of CalibrationTargetType or a subtype having the mandatory Identification and CalibrationTargetFeatures subcomponents.


IA CT Reusable Calibration Target

Supports the ReusableCalibrationTargetCategoryType in the AddressSpace and at least one instance of CalibrationTargetType or a subtype having an instance of ReusableCalibrationTargetCategoryType or a subtype as CalibrationTargetCategory.


IA CT Reusable Device Calibration Target

Supports the ReusableDeviceCalibrationTargetCategoryType in the AddressSpace and at least one instance of CalibrationTargetType or a subtype having an instance of ReusableDeviceCalibrationTargetCategoryType or a subtype as CalibrationTargetCategory.


IA CT One-Time Calibration Target

Supports the OneTimeCalibrationTargetCategoryType in the AddressSpace and at least one instance of CalibrationTargetType or a subtype having an instance of OneTimeCalibrationTargetCategoryType or a subtype as CalibrationTargetCategory.


IA CT Dynamic Calibration Target

Supports the DynamicCalibrationTargetCategoryType in the AddressSpace and at least one instance of CalibrationTargetType or a subtype having an instance of DynamicCalibrationTargetCategoryType or a subtype as CalibrationTargetCategory.


IA CT Manufactured Target

Supports at least one instance of CalibrationTargetType or a subtype having OperationalConditions Object and optionally vendor-specific subcomponents and the Identification Object and at least the Manufacturer, Model, and SerialNumber Properties and optionally the other Properties defined for the Identification Object.


IA CT Quality Controlled Target

Supports at least one instance of CalibrationTargetType or a subtype providing the Quality Property.


IA CT Validated Target

Supports at least one instance of CalibrationTargetType or a subtype providing the LastValidationDate Property and optionally the NextValidationDate and CertificateUri Properties.


IA CT Distinct Quantity Value Target

Supports at least one instance of CalibrationTargetType or a subtype having at least one instance of CalibrationValueType or a subtype in its CalibrationTargetFeatures. The instance of CalibrationValueType or a subtype shall have all mandatory Properties and optionally the optional Properties.


IA CT Quantity Range Target

Supports at least one instance of CalibrationTargetType or a subtype having at least one instance of CapacityRangeType or a subtype in its CalibrationTargetFeatures. The instance of CapacityRangeType or a subtype shall have all mandatory Properties and optionally the optional Properties.


IA CT Custom Featured Target

Supports at least one instance of CalibrationTargetType or a subtype having at least one component in its CalibrationTargetFeatures which is not of TypeDefinition CalibrationValueType or CapacityRangeType or one of their subtypes.


IA CT Client Base

The client can make use of the instances of CalibrationTargetType and its subtypes and can make use of the Manufacturer, Model and SerialNumber and optionally the other Properties of the Identification Object.


IA CT Client CalibrationTargetCategory

The client can make use of the CalibrationTargetCategory Object of instances of CalibrationTargetType and can distinguish the subtypes defined for the BaseCalibrationTargetCategoryType.


IA CT Client CalibrationTargetFeatures

The client can make use of all components provided in the CalibrationTargetFeatures Object of instances of CalibrationTargetType. If the component is of type CalibrationValueType or CapacityRangeType, the client shall be capable to interpret the DataTypes and all mandatory and option Properties. If the component is of another type, the client shall at least at least notice the component and use its base features like DisplayName.


IA CT Client Quality Monitoring

The client can make use of the Properties LastValidationDate, NextValidationDate, Quality, and CertificateUri provided by instances of CalibrationTargetType or a subtype.