If a Private Key is stored on a regular file system it shall be protected from unauthorized access. This is best done by setting operating system permissions on the private key file that deny read/write access to anyone who is not using an account authorized to run the Application.

In some cases, additional protection can be added by protecting the Private Key with a password. Saving Private Key passwords in files should be avoided. This mode may also work in conjunction with “smart cards” that use hardware to protect the Private Key.

In addition to the Private Key, Applications shall be protected from unauthorized updates to their TrustList. This can also be done by setting operating system permissions on the directory where the TrustList is stored that deny write access to anyone who is not using an account authorized to administer the Application.

Finally, Applications may depend on one or more configuration files and/or databases which tell them where their TrustList and Private Key can be found. The source of any security related configuration information shall be protected from unauthorized updates. The exact mechanism used to implement these protections depends on the source of the information.