The implicit use case means the Client’s Application Certificate and any UserIdentityToken associated with the Session is used to determine whether an Access Token is permitted and what claims are available. This use case is illustrated in Figure 28.


Figure 28 – Implicit Authorization

The Target Server is the Server that the Client wishes to access. It publishes a UserTokenPolicy that indicates that it accepts Access Tokens from an Authorization Server at a URL specified in the policy. The policy also contains the NodeId of the AuthorizationService Object which then is used to request the Access Token.

The Client needs to be trusted by the Authorization Server and this could require the Client to present user credentials. These credentials can be provided to the Client out-of-band (e.g. an administrator specified them in the Client configuration file). The user credentials used can be any type of user credential including X.509 and JWT.

The Session may be created explicitly with a call to CreateSession or it can be implicit via a Session-less Method Call.

After creating the Session, the Client calls the RequestAccessToken Method on the AuthorizationService Object. The Authorization Server determines if the Client is permitted to receive an Access Token and populates it with any claims granted to the Client. This claims may include Roles granted to the Session by applying the mapping rules for the Roles (see OPC 10000-3).

Once the Client has the Access Token, it passes the Access Token to the Target Server which validates the Access Token, as described in OPC 10000-4. The Target Server is configured out-of-band with the Certificate needed to validate the Access Tokens issued by the Authorization Server.