Instead of defining the different type of measurements in a large variety of TypeDefinitions or InstanceDeclarations, this specification defines a container for measurement identifiers (MeasurementID) and a list of those standardized identifiers. In Table 15, the format of the table containing the standardized IDs is given. The file, as comma separated value file is published in addition to this document (see Annex A).
Table 15 – Format of Definition of standardized Measurements
MeasurementID |
BrowseName |
Description |
EngineeringUnits |
MeasurementPeriod |
DataType |
HasStatisticComponent |
The MeasurementID is a unique numeric identification. The BrowseName (leaving out the NamespaceIndex, which is always the one of this specification (see Annex A)), is a unique identification that is used as BrowseName for instances of the EnergyMeasurementType. Those BrowseNames are also used for the interfaces (see 6.2.3). The Description (in English) may be used as the Description Attribute for those Nodes.
For all instances of EnergyMeasurementType using the BrowseName as defined in the table, the EngineeringUnits shall be used for the 0:EngineeringUnits Property, the DataType shall be used as DataType (Attributes DataType and ValueRank), and the MeasurementPeriod shall be used for the MeasurementPeriod. If no EngineeringUnits is provided in the table, the 0:EngineeringUnits Property shall not be provided as well. If no MeasurementPeriod is provided in the table, the MeasurementPeriod Property shall not be provided as well. The MeasurementPeriod is the interval of time over which the data is collected and at the end of the period being reported. If the MeasurementPeriod is defined as “user-defined”, the MeasurementPeriod Property shall be provided, but the value is not pre-defined. If it is defined to start in the full hour (see Description), a multiple of the value shall fit into one hour.
The HasStatisticComponent defines, if the 2:HasStatisticComponent ReferenceType shall be used to reference the Variable of EnergyMeasurementType (YES), or the 0:HasComponent ReferenceType shall be used (NO). Using 2:HasStatisticComponent indicates, that the Variable is aggregating values over time and may be reset, potentially using the 2: ResetStatistics Method (see 7.1.1).
Note that the referenced file is part of the specification, and changes in the file are considered as changes in the specification, requiring the normal update process.