This section introduces the "OPC UA Information Model for Cutting Tools".

For the Cutting Tools use cases, subtypes of the information models OPC 40501-1 and OPC 40210 are used for the machines and the implementation of the necessary objects are specified and necessary attributes are added.

The ToolManufacturingMachineType (subtype of 8:MachineToolType) is used for the implementation of the tool manufacturing machine, as shown in Figure 6 and the ToolMeasuringMachineType (subtype of 9:GMSType) is used for the measuring machine as shown in Figure 7.

For job management the 7:JobManagementType of OPC 40001-3 is used as inherited from OPC 40501-1 version 1.02.

For data exchange, a standardized 0:FileSystem shall be used.

Result management as defined by OPC 40001-101 is used within the measuring machine to notify the tool manufacturing machine about finished measurements.

The files describing the cutting tools geometry are to be stored in 8:WorkMasters file directory. These files can be stored and retrieved on the machine using the methods of 0:FileDirectoryType defined by OPC 10000-20. These work masters shall be referenced within the 6:WorkMaster of the 7:JobOrderControl and in the structure of the 6:ISA95JobOrderAndStateDataType describing a job in the 6:JobOrderList.

Within the measuring machine, the measurement data of the completed workpieces shall be stored in the Results folder of the 0:FileSystem. To ensure that the processing machine and higher level systems find the appropriate data, reference shall be made to this in the 9:GMSResultManagementType under 5:Results.


Figure 6 – Instance of a tool manufacturing machine


Figure 7 – Instance of a measuring machine