Errata exists for this version of the document.

Serving as a bridge between COM and OPC UA components, the Alarm and Events proxy and wrapper enable existing A&E COM Clients and Servers to connect to UA Alarms and Conditions components.

Simply stated, there are two aspects to the migration strategy. The first aspect enables a UA Alarms and Conditions Client to connect to an existing Alarms and Events COM Server via a UA Server wrapper. This wrapper is notated from this point forward as the A&E COM UA Wrapper. The second aspect enables an existing Alarms and Events COM Client to connect to a UA Alarms and Conditions Server via a COM proxy. This proxy is notated from this point forward as the A&E COM UA Proxy.

An Alarms and Events COM Client is notated from this point forward as A&E COM Client.

A UA Alarms and Conditions Server is notated from this point forward as UA A&C Server.

The mappings describe generic A&E COM interoperability components. It is recommended that vendors use this mapping if they develop their own components, however, some applications may benefit from vendor specific mappings.